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Sermons on Ecclesiastes 3:2:

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  • The Christian's Duty In Times Of War

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 21, 2003
    based on 203 ratings

    We live in a world that bears the effects of sin. In this sin-stained world there will be times of peace and times of war. When war does come what should be the Christian’s response? How should he react and what should he do?

    THE CHRISTIAN’S DUTY IN TIMES OF WAR ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8 INTRODUCTION: We live in a world that bears the effects of sin. Ecclesiastes tells us that in the reality of this sin-stained world there will be times of peace and times of war. When war does come as it has to our country both in our war on more

  • Can One Have Peace With War Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Mar 22, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    We will look at the prospect of peace as our troops are engaged in a battle in Iraq. At these times people wonder what the situation is and whether we are in "end times". We will look throughout the Bible for insight and peace.

    Can One have Peace with War Will there be war What not to place trust in What to trust in DBF Sunday Sermon, Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, various, 3/23/03 I am always amazed during times like this with the questions by people at times like these, who are squandering there lives and times upon themselves more

  • "'tis The Season"

    Contributed by Mark Cooney on Nov 30, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the first of this year’s Advent series. It is an introduction of sorts that encourages God’s people not to miss the significance of the Christmas season.

    Introduction: You know it’s Christmas when… 1. You catch yourself checking your “to-do” list twice. 2. You’re ready to offer a cash reward to anyone who can find the Sears wishbook. 3. You’re willing to eat Christmas baking right out of the freezer. 4. You find yourself randomly humming Christmas more

  • Living With Certainty In An Uncertain Time

    Contributed by Wayne Searls on Jan 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    PROPOSITION: To motivate the hearer to embrace the possibilities that God places before them no matter the circumstances of their lives.

    No Matter What The Future Brings Your Way … I. REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL HAVE AN OUTCOME v9. What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? Galatians 6:7-8 (NKJV) Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8For he who sows to his more

  • In Moments Like These

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Nov 9, 2013

    A moment is such a small amount of time, but it can make such an impact on each of our lives, both for now and for eternity.

    In Moments Like These -A chorus- In moments like these we lift up our hands, we lift up our hands, unto Jesus Eccl. 3:1-4 Great Moments in our lives. A moment is a small amount of time, usually measured in seconds or minutes. Amazing things take place in just moments. We all have weak more

  • Dying Well

    Contributed by Clement Okusi on Nov 11, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    My father died recently in his sleep. People commented that's a nice way to die. Made we think about dying well.

    Sermon 1563 ‘Dying Well’. 15th Jan 2012 Overview: Introduction: A). As many of you know my Father passed away 2 weeks ago & last Thursday was his funeral in Colchester where he lived / very powerful time & we honoured him. 1). Seems like he passed away in his sleep / many more

  • The Season Of Grief Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Aug 30, 2014

    There is a time for everything, it is time to grieve but we will not stay there.

    Reading: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11 Lesson: The passage of scripture from the book of Ecclesiastes; the Teacher, is well known thanks to a song that the Byrd’s released in the sixties called “Turn, turn, turn." The original words are thought to be written by King Solomon the second king more

  • It's My Life Series

    Contributed by Brian Stevenson Athisayaraj on Mar 17, 2015

    Life, it is a fragile thing that is GOD-GIVEN! It takes time to bring about a new life, and yet one can lose it with or without any reason (time is not in our grasp).

    IT'S MY LIFE!!© What is life? Life, it is a fragile thing that is GOD-GIVEN! It takes time to bring about a new life, and yet one can lose it with or without any reason (time is not in our grasp). Life, it is not the day u were born or the day u die, it is the simply the "DASH" in-between those more

  • Proper Timing Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jul 28, 2015

    Through the ebb and flow of life God is with us.

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-17 “Proper Timing” INTRODUCTION Video Clip Ecclesiastes 3, especially verses 1-8, is one of the best known passages of scripture. This probably due, in part, to the popularity of the 1965 release of the song, “Turn, Turn, Turn,” by the Byrds. Most of more

  • Stepping Into A New Season

    Contributed by Rainer Reddy on Sep 4, 2015

    As the seasons change in the natural, so to does it in the spiritual. God wants to take us into a new, better, more abundant season.

    It’s a new season Text: Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – 8 “There’s a season for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens: a time for giving birth and a time for dying, a time for planting and a time for uprooting what was planted, a time for killing and a time for more

  • Sowing And Reaping

    Contributed by Dr. David Wesner on May 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We have no choice but to sow. All of our life is spent planting. In the end: We reap what we sow, more than we sow, and later than we sow.

    There are many basic, viewable laws in life. Here is one: A person’s life is created by choices. Here is another: Every one of those choices has a consequence. Choices are like seeds. Consequences are what we harvest from those seeds. If we choose to lie – we become a liar. If more

  • Principios De La Siembra Y La Cosecha

    Contributed by Dr. David Wesner on May 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    No tenemos más remedio que siembre. Toda nuestra vida se gasta siembra. En el extremo, cosechamos lo que sembramos, más de lo que siembra, y más tarde de lo que siembra.

    There are many basic, viewable laws in life. Hay muchas leyes básicas, visible en la vida. Here is one: A person’s life is created by choices. Aquí es una sola: la vida de una persona es creada por las opciones. Here is another: Every one of those choices has a consequence. Aquí hay otra: more

  • Times And Season Series

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Dec 30, 2013
    based on 16 ratings

    We must often be stripped of one season before we can enter another. Putting the past behind us. Comparing your season to someone else's can lead to great disappointment, don't do it!

    Times and Seasons PPT 1 Series Title Text Ecc. 3:1-11 Today we are beginning a new series on Times and Seasons. in todays message we will look at 3 important truths about "seasons," in your life. 1. In order to enter a new season we must often be stripped of the last season. 2. Comparison of more

  • Be An Agent Of Change, Not A Victim-Part -1 Series

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Jan 9, 2014
    based on 14 ratings

    “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Bible says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)

    A Time for Change- Ecclesiastes 3:1-17 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2) Today, we live in a world of rapid change. The evidence of more

  • What Time Is It?

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jan 14, 2014

    How we understand God affects how we see time.

    What Time is It? Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 Many of us “baby boomers” can still remember the song sung by the Byrd’s, “To Everything, Turn, Turn, Turn written in the 1960’s in which the poem the Preacher writes here is the prominent text. Pete Seeger, who adopted the words for the lyrics for the song was more

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