Sermon Series
  • 1. Money Matters

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In this message we will look at the topic of money and why it is important to have some guardrails in place. Otherwise you might go over a cliff.

    Money Matters Matthew 6:24-31 As a seminary student part of my course study was in pastoral counseling. I remember one of my professors who told us this one day: he said one day you will be out there in a church doing marriage counseling and you are going to see couples who will come in more

  • 2. Why Can't We Be Friends?

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Solomon and David both remind us that one of the best investments we will ever make in life is an investment in people…making friends. When he says two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor-the word reward can also be transl

    “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 and Proverbs 13:20 One of the most popular topics in song writing today has been the subject of friendship. The Beatles sang I get by with a little help from my friends. James Taylor and Carole King sang a song titled more

  • 3. Why Can't We Be Friends?

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Today I want us to talk about one specific area. I want to talk about friendship. At some point in life all of us find ourselves close to people, those we work with, those we go to school with, those we socialize with-we find that spending time with peo

    Why Can’t We Be Friends?” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 and Proverbs 13:20 One of the most popular topics in song writing today has been the subject of friendship. The Beatles sang I get by with a little help from my friends. James Taylor and Carole King sang a song titled more

  • 4. It's About Time

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We’re not always ready for what God is about to do. We can usually think of a thousand reasons why we’re not ready to do what God wants us to do but when I look at these verses one of the things that jumps off the page at me is that our God is a very cre

    “It’s About Time” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; 14-15 The scripture we read this morning was used in a song some years ago by the Byrds called Turn, Turn, turn. To everything there is a season. The writer is Solomon, considered to be one of the wisest of men to ever live. In fact God more

  • 5. "It's About Time"

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The scripture we will look at now was used in a song some years ago by the Byrds called Turn, Turn, turn. To everything there is a season. The writer is Solomon, considered to be one of the wisest of men to ever live. In fact God came to him in a dream

    “It’s About Time” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; 14-15 The scripture we read this morning was used in a song some years ago by the Byrds called Turn, Turn, turn. To everything there is a season. The writer is Solomon, considered to be one of the wisest of men to ever live. In fact God more