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  • Easter Sermon

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Sep 27, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    He's Alive, come and see!

    Four friends were talking about death. One of them asked the other three, "When you are in your casket and people are mourning you, what would you like to hear them say about you?" The first man said, "I’d like to hear them say that I was a fine physician in my time and a great family man." more

  • An Easter Sermon

    Contributed by Martin Ellgar on Dec 12, 2014

    A perspective on Easter. When one is spiritually exhausted and even physically exhausted from wrestling with God in prayer, then there is only one way to go. That is, to surrender to the will of God and say, “Not my will, but your will be done”.

    (Luke 19: 28-40, Matthew 21: 1-11, Mark 11: 1-11, John 12: 12-19) An Easter Sermon Upon a white donkey, Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem. It was a practice for a ruler of a city to ride his white donkey. It allowed the lord to reveal himself in a particular way to the people of the city. The more

  • Easter Sermon

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Apr 28, 2020

    A sermon I had intended to give on Easter Sunday 2020 but was prevented by stay-at-home order from the Governor because of the COVID19 pandemic. It addresses Jesus' resurrection in connection with the "first resurrection" of Revelation 20 and the universal resurrection.

    Note: I have developed a set of PowerPoint slides for use with this sermon. If you are interested in the slides I will send them to you by Email. Email your request to me at and be sure to enter "Easter Slides" in the subject line (otherwise I am likely to overlook more

  • "Remember" An Easter Sermon

    Contributed by Robert Brent on Jul 28, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    Oh how quickly we forget. Even as beleievers we can quickly forget the promises of God in the midst of testing.

    “Remember” [Luke 24:6] “He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee...” (Luke 24:6) The old adage states, “Oh how quickly we forget.” I was relieved to find out that I’m not the only one who forgets things. Everyone does at one time or another, more

  • Easter Sermon On Leviticus

    Contributed by Warren Bird on Dec 15, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    Christ jumps out at us from almost every page of Leviticus - and when Christ jumps out at you it will change your life! This sermon provides an overview of the sacrifical system in Leviticus and its meaning for Christians in the light of Easter.

    One of the most famous Christians in the world would have to be Billy Graham. He is a great preacher who has spoken about Jesus to many millions of people all over the world during the past 50 years or so; he has been a personal adviser and pastor to Presidents; a rarity among American evangelists more

  • Easter Sermon 2023

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Apr 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    After responding to various theories that doubt the resurrection of Jesus Christ and showing the evidence of Jesus' resurrection, today we will discuss the impact of Jesus' resurrection on us.

    Jesus has risen! He is risen indeed! Let's read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8,19-23,51-58. In the past Easter services, I have responded to some theories that deny Jesus's resurrection, like the Fainting Theory, which states that actually, Jesus was not dead yet, but they thought he did; the more

  • Easter

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Oct 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Easter sermon

    First Baptist Church The Reality of Jesus March 23, 2008 Luke 21:1-12 Let me start out with a riddle ~~ A man lives on the 10th floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator down to the ground floor in order to leave the building. When he returns home he takes the elevator to the 6th more

  • Easter Sermon With Surprise Ending

    Contributed by Spencer Homan on Nov 19, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon has a little fun with the "short" ending of Mark. We stand at the empty tomb... and it is up to us to finish the story.

    The Lady or the Lion By Frank Stockton (edited and revised) In the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king, whose ideas were indeed semi-barbaric. The king had a daughter, beautiful and fair… the envy of every woman in the nation. She could have any man in the kingdom… but her heart more

  • Live Fearlessly: An Easter Sermon

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Apr 6, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    As believers, we can fearlessly “practice the resurrection.”

    LIVING FEARLESSLY! REV. 1:12-18 Sermon Objective: As believers, we can fearlessly “practice the resurrection.” INTRO: Good Morning. CHRIST HAS RISEN! HE HAS RISEN INDEED!!!! May I ask you to read the Apostle’s Creed with me? It will not be on the screens. I would ask you more

  • Easter Sermon - Pierced For A Purpose

    Contributed by Pastor Dre on Apr 14, 2014
    based on 9 ratings

    Here is a Good Friday sermon that I preached and would like to share with you all. You can also use it as a great Resurrection Sunday Sermon.

    Pierced for a Purpose Isaiah 53:1-6 John 19:16-18 This morning I would like to ask you to get a hold of your Bibles and open them up to the book of Isaiah chapter 53 lets read at verse 1 We are going to read 6 verses: 1 - Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been more

  • Balancing The Books - An Easter Sermon Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 16, 2017
    based on 8 ratings

    Easter is all about "accounting". When most people think about going to heaven, they count their good deeds... but God doesn't do it that way. How do we prepare ourselves for standing before the one to Whom we must give an accounting?

    OPEN: There’s been a story in the news recently about the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, otherwise known as HUD. Apparently HUD has had a problem balancing their books. It seems their books were off about (PAUSE) $516 BILLION dollars. Now that’s not an error of a few 100,000 dollars… or more

  • Seeing And Believing - An Easter Sermon

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Apr 11, 2020

    A message about the experience of Mary, John and Peter on the morning of the resurrection

    Easter Sunday Online Sermon April 12, 2020 - Seeing and Believing It is Resurrection Sunday. It is a day that we Remember Jesus’ triumph over death Renew our commitment to the One in Whom we believe Proclaim that light is greater than darkness That God is stronger than Satan That we are more

  • Easter Sermon Jesus Reassures Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Apr 27, 2020

    Is there something troubling you lately? Are you anxious, afraid, doubtful or sad? No matter what you face now, Jesus is just the encourager you need today.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: This Easter sermon speaks on how Jesus reassured his disciples and brought them more

  • Preparing Your Easter Sermons

    Contributed by Ivy Drafor Amenyah on Mar 15, 2023

    Sharing the Gospel during Easter needs to help people know who Jesus is

    INTRODUCTION We preach about the passion of Christ year after year. And we read the same passages year after year. Each year is expected to be unique and different. Yes, and the emphasis is usually different when a lot of time is spend in the presence of the Lord, to seek His guidance and strength more

  • Easter 2006

    Contributed by James Powell on Dec 25, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    Easter Sermon

    A story is told in which an accountant answered an advertisement for a top job with a large firm. At the end of the interview, the chairman asked, “One last question—what is three times seven?” The accountant thought for a moment and replied, “Twenty-two.” Outside he checked himself on his more