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  • Earn This (Veterens Day Message)

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Feb 16, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Veterans Day Message

    Earn this…A Veteran’s Day Message Pastor Glenn Newton, November 10, 2013 Life Worthy of the Gospel - Philippians 1:27-30 27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will more

  • A Trip To Heaven Must Be Earned Series

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Mar 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    If you asked people how do you get to heaven they would say by living right. But is that right?

    A Trip to Heaven must be earned Romans 3:10-24 When asked about Christianity, actress Sophia Loren was reported as saying several years ago in the USA Today, “I’m not a practicant, but I pray. I read the Bible. It’s the most beautiful book ever written. I should go to heaven; otherwise it’s not more

  • Money Talks - Earn Me Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of earning money through purposeful work and service to God, rather than relentlessly chasing after it, emphasizing a different pace, pursuit, and heart posture.

    The world’s money says, “Chase Me.” God’s money says, “Earn Me.” Big Idea - God invites you to a better way of working. A way where you earn money through purposeful work, through serving God, rather than chasing money. Both ways—the relentless chase and the purposeful service—involve work, but the more

  • How Much Will You Sacrifice For God?

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Sep 24, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    To serve God or gain something of great value you must fight to earn it, and not everyone is willing to make the sacrifice. But those who do remain respected..

    How Much Will You Sacrifice For God? Kelly Durant Matthew 13:45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls :46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. 2. How many of you have ever wanted something really more

  • Get Out Of The Pew And Earn A Living

    Contributed by Greg Baskerville on May 19, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    The act of playing the game after careful preparation is what the world is all about. Practicing and learning go for nothing if we don’t go out and use our skills. There comes a moment in time when we need to leave the safety of our pews and go out and me

    The words of the Gospel from Matthew 22:16-20 are known as, “The Great Commissioning”. Jesus said “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Listen to the words: Go and make. Jesus gave his disciples a tremendous responsibility—go to the whole world and help people develop a deep and abiding more

  • Enemies - Part 4 - Enemy Earned Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Enemies . . . you have them. You need them. You must be aware of them and handle them correctly. Welcome to the fight!

    Enemies Pt. 4 – Enemy Earned I. Introduction Over the course of this series I have tried to make you aware that you have enemies. There is no way to avoid this truth. I have also tried to share some thoughts with you about how to spot your enemy. I have tried to teach you that you can’t become more

  • Inheriting Vs. Earning Eternal Life

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Oct 18, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    A sermon for Pentecost 19B/Proper 23 preached on 10/11/2009 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon, Iowa. It answers the real question of the text: "What must I do to inherit eternal life."

    How many of you here this morning enjoy shopping? For a lot of us, shopping can be a wonderful experience, especially if you are shopping for stuff you like. When time and money are available for a shopping trip, we often look through the ads either in the newspaper or online to find the best more

  • Earn Your Own Or Receive Another's Series

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    What is your heart’s desire, zeal without knowledge, knowledge without zeal

    ROMANS 10:1-13 (YABS, 26/03/04) What is your heart’s desire? (1) Compare 9:1, 10:1 and 11:1. What do the first two verses tell you about Paul’s attitude towards the Jews, and what does the last one tell you about his hope for them? What is your heart’s desire? Zeal without knowledge, knowledge more

  • Grand Opening Earns Rave Reviews! Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 7, 2011

    Creation work pleased God, it was perfect without any need for anything to be repeated, repaired, or revised.

    Intro: 1. One wrote, "Grand Opening Earns Rave Reviews! What a report! God’s creation was a complete success! All goals were accomplished not just for the initial launching of Creation, but with all systems on "go" for hundreds and thousands of years." 2. God’s creation work pleased God - more

  • Secret #2 - Earn All You Can. Series

    Contributed by Bryan Fink on Feb 2, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    To let Christians know that for someone’s 2009 to be better than their 2008 will require them to increase their giving.

    Would you agree that most people find it challenging to keep a good secret? Can you imagine what it would be like to be the keeper of thousands of juicy secrets? Frank Warren is such a person. There is probably no person in all of history who has been told more secrets than Frank Warren. In more

  • "Can We Ever Earn Enough To Be Happy?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Sep 2, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    A stewardship sermon on tithing.

    Malachi 3:6-10 “Can We Ever Earn Enough to be Happy?” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge UMC, Chattanooga, TN Are these tough economic times or what? Stress. Anxiety. Fear. These words capture well the state of mind of many of us today. We have witnessed dramatic market losses, the more

  • The Significance Of A New Creation-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 12, 2016

    2 of ? Paul clarified the significance of being a new creation in Christ to the Corinthian church. But what is significant about being a new creation in Christ? A new creation is significant in its New...

    The SIGNIFICANCE Of A NEW CREATION-II—2Corinthians 5:9--6:10 Attention: The Old Fire Truck... A fire started inside the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta. Before long it exploded into flames & an alarm went out to fire departments from miles around. After fighting the fire for over an more

  • How To Live For God In A Pagan Culture / Earning Street Cred Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians who consistently demonstrate spiritual integrity earn "Christian cred."

    Title: How to Live for God in a Pagan Culture / “Street Cred” Text: Daniel 1, 2 and 6 Thesis: Christians who consistently demonstrate spiritual integrity earn Christian cred. Series: The Bible in 90 Days Whole Church Challenge Introduction Did you know there is an Urban Dictionary of terms (or more

  • Earning - Where Does Our Money Come From? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 14, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, we establish that God is the owner of everything, that it is He who gives us the ability to earn an income, and that we must keep the money in the proper perspective.

    Introduction: A. Several years ago, a Madison Avenue advertising agency surveyed non-church-going people and asked them their impressions of church. 1. Here is a summary of what the respondents said, “The problem with church is that the people are always sad, or they talk about death, or they more

  • Earning - Where Does Our Money Come From? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 4, 2008

    In the first lesson of this series, we focus on three things: 1 - Everything Belongs to God. 2 - God gives us the Ability to Earn Money. 3 - The Pursuit of Money must be kept in Perspective.

    Introduction: A. A Madison Avenue advertising agency surveyed non-church-going people several years ago and asked them their impressions of church. 1. The respondents said, “The problem with church is that the people are always sad, or they talk about death, or they ask for money.” B. A classic more

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