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  • Hate Your Family Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    There is no such thing as an instant disciple. Look at the word for a minute in your mind, to be a disciple it takes discipline.

    If you didn’t bring a Bible with you, you’ll need one today. And we’ve provided you with one if you didn’t bring it. Turn with me to Luke 14:25-35 or page 1111 in the black books in front of you, there in your pews. If I asked you who Mary Lucy Phalen is, would you immediately recognize that name? more

  • A Foot In Both Crowds

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Apr 12, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Palm Sunday: We have a foot in both crowds - the one the praised Jesus on Palm Sunday and also the one that shouted, "Crucify Him." But Jesus willingly took on the Cross for our double-mindedness and hypocrisy. We are forgiven!!

    [Note: This is an original sermon. It is partially based on an outline provided in "Concordia Pulpit Resources" from CPH.] Our worship today started with the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. There was a huge crowd there to receive Him. They shouted hosanna, hosanna – more

  • Draw Near To God

    Contributed by Jeremiah Parker on Mar 17, 2008

    It is good for us to draw near to God.

    Drawing Near to God Text: Psalm 73:23-28 Rich and famous not normally Christians I. Reasons for Drawing Near to God a. Blessings resulting from a relationship with Him i. He is continually with me ii. He holds my right hand iii. He guides me iv. He will receive me into glory v. He is my only more

  • Class: Healing Damaged Emotions Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 3, 2022

    The healing of damaged emotions is connected to the soul and spirit of a person. Healing can be hindered by the choices that we make in life.

    Pursue Class: Topic: Healing Damaged Emotions PP#1: Pursue Kingdom Ministry PP#2: Summary of Ken Fish and Putty’s Integrated model of healing: See chart! PP#3: Resources for this message! PP#4: My Story of having damaged emotions and how God healed me! (It was a process) PP#5: Class: Pursue – more

  • #17~fourteen Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Feb 12, 2012

    FOURTEEN is the number that represents DELIVERANCE or SALVATION. It is used 26 times in our KJ Bible. FOURTEEN, is 2 x 7 which implies a double measure of spiritual perfection and completion. 1. Jesus’ ministry in the flesh was completed

    #17~FOURTEEN BIBLE NUMBER MEANINGS 2-14-12 FOURTEEN is the number that represents DELIVERANCE or SALVATION. It is used 26 times in our KJ Bible. FOURTEEN, is 2 x 7 which implies a double measure of spiritual perfection and completion. 1. Jesus’ more

  • Doubt

    Contributed by Izak Shipman on Feb 7, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    What is doubt? Can we have victory over it and how?

    Doubt We all know it! The Latin word for doubt - dubitare – it comes from Aryan meaning two. They figured the term “to believe” means to be in “one mind” That’s why you are in “two minds” when you doubt. We know the Bible talk about such a state of doubting in James 1:6 6But let him ask in more

  • Godly Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Feb 19, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    From the series Faith that works. Godly wisdom can only come from God, and substituting earthly wisdom only creates a life of chaos.

    Godly Wisdom James chapter 3:13-18 Introduction James 3:13-18 As we continue to look at practical teachings of James, we see today James is talking about wisdom. That there is two kinds of wisdom. There is wisdom that comes from heaven and there more

  • Love In The Family

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Feb 3, 2017

    Each of us should re-double our efforts to ensure that our families are all that they should be. Husbands and wives have a God-given obligation to love one another and to submit to one another for the glory of God.

    LOVE IN THE FAMILY Study Text: 1 John 3: 10 - 12 Introduction: - Families generally begin in love. A man and woman fall in love, they get married, and out of their love come children. . In the beginning, God established the family as the first of all human relationships. - From that family, God more

  • 316 – Paradise, The Prize Of The Pure

    Contributed by Joel Vicente on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Who is Pure? Five signs of purity. What is the prize of the Pure?

    Sermon Study #316 – PARADISE, THE PRIZE OF THE PURE Key Scripture: Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure (clean, clear) in heart, for they will see God. NLT 8 God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. MSG 8"You’re blessed when you get your inside world--your mind and heart--put more

  • Clean Hands – Clean Heart

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jun 12, 2012

    We must have clean hands and pure hearts to come before God.

    Clean Hands – Clean Heart June 28, 2009 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must have clean hands and pure hearts to come before God. Focus Passage: Psalm 24:1-6 Supplemental Passage: Jas 4:8b “Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, more

  • Overcoming Life's Delays SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon explores the reasons behind delays in life's journey and offers biblical solutions to overcome them.

    Destiny is closely tied to time, and it is the primary target of the devil. Satan doesn't attack you because of your past; he troubles you because of your future. His goal is to delay you, as prolonged delay can lead to destruction. However, it will not be too late for you to overcome this delay more

  • Christ The Lord Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Nov 14, 2018

    Jesus is the Messiah Lord who has double power and authority. He could use this power and authority completely for himself, yet he uses his power and authority completely for us. To give us Shalom.

    Note that this message was preached at a Christmas service ... so is shorter than the rest in the series. Message Luke 2:11 Name Above All Names - Christ the Lord Today on this Christmas day we are continuing to look at the names of Jesus in the early. We have been looking at these names through more

  • God's Grace Series

    Contributed by James May on Dec 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    If we would only learn about God’s grace, we wouldn’t try to lift ourselves on a pedestal, neither would we be swift to judge another.

    God’s Grace #15 in the Book of James Series By Pastor Jim May James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Last week we learned that whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. We also learned more

  • Enemy Of God - Proud Series

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 25, 2023

    Third in our series on the spiritual states of mankind apart from God. This portion deals with being an enemy of god through pridefulness.

    21 States of Man without God (Third in series) In the continuation of our series about the 21 states of man without God we will look at further states of our condition of life apart from God. So far, we have gone thru an alphabetical list of states of man without God, and we find ourselves in the more

  • God's Warning And Will For Believers Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 11 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch6

    GOD’S WARNING AND GOD’S WILL FOR BELIEVERS Matthew 6 v. 19 - 34 God’s warning to believers.v 19 - 32 God’s will for believers. v. 33 - 34 v. 33 "seek ye first the kingdom of God." God’s warning against:- 1. Trust in riches v. 19 "lay not up" or heap not up treasures upon earth. (a) negatively more

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