Strong Faith
Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I want to turn to the subject of Faith and how to develop strong faith. We look at Abraham our father of faith as we study this. Our aim will be to develop strong faith that will cause us to be successful in life.
We have been talking about signs of faith and being filled with the Holy Spirit for these signs to accompany us. Today I want to turn to the subject of Faith and how to develop strong faith. We look at Abraham our father of faith as we study this. Our aim will be to develop strong faith that will cause us to be successful in life.
Strong Faith…
I Is in a Miraculous God, v 17
i) Abraham is our Father: he is our father in the sight of God … God sees it this way. Jesus descended from Abraham in the natural. As we come into the Lord Jesus Christ we become the spiritual children of Abraham. As children we share the characteristics: his great faith.
ii) In whom he believed: Abraham had faith in God. Not faith in his faith or faith in the results. His faith was in a personal and miraculous God; not a formula.
iii) What kind of God? …the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. A) God of the resurrection (Abraham demonstrated that faith when he offered Isaac on the altar) B) God of faith creation – brings the unseen into the seen by calling it into being through words.
II Is connected to Supernatural Hope, vv 18,19
i) Natural Hope vs Supernatural Hope: Natural hope is an extrapolation of present conditions. Supernatural hope is often contrary to natural hope and is based solely on God’s Word.
ii) True faith is based on this Hope: Abraham believed in a naturally hopeless situation. His faith was based on a supernatural hope that God’s Word would come to pass. This hope was an anchor to his soul in the storms of his life. His faith is the chain that holds on the anchor and makes his faith sure.
III Is based on a Powerful Promise, v 20,21
i) Abraham had a promise from God: His faith was based on a revelation, a spoken word from God (Rom 10:17)
ii) He did not waver through unbelief: His faith was not one day yes and another no. He was not double minded (Jam 1:6-8)
iii) He strengthened his Faith by Praise: He gave glory to God.
iv) He was assured: (all doubts gone) that God had power to do what He had promised: God was ABLE and God was WILLING.
IV Results in an Eternal Reward, v 22
i) He got a son Isaac: He received the promise and through Isaac and his generations came the Lord Jesus Christ – the Saviour of the World.
ii) He was credited righteousness: He got right standing with God & therefore forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Faith pleases God (Heb 11:6).
iii) His faith blesses us all: Abraham’s faith blesses us and the entire world today. Our faith has far reaching impact.
o Do you have faith in a personal God?
o Is your faith connected to a sure hope?
o Have you received a specific Word from God?
o Your faith will be rewarded!