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  • How To Keep Going When You Feel Quitting Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jun 30, 2004
    based on 68 ratings

    In this message Jeremiah will tell us the 3 keys that kept him going when he was surrounded by many reasons for quitting. (The Faith Factor - part 4)

    How To Keep Going, When You Feel Like Quitting Faith Factor – part four Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Gal 6:9 QUESTION – how you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever felt like quitting, like throwing up your more

  • Fasting: Why Don't I Hunger More For God?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This message examines some of the reasons we should fast as well as a beginner’s guide to fasting.

    - Many feel that way when it comes to fasting - “I can’t go without food!” But you can and it can have tremendous spiritual benefits. BIG IDEA: “Physical hunger can bring spiritual satisfaction.” - Interest: sometimes we feel so close to God and want more and more of Him; other times we seem more

  • Must One Believe In Hell To Avoid Going There?

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Sep 17, 2013

    Must One Believe In Hell To Avoid Going There?

    A gaggle of social media theologians went at it on Facebook as to whether or not a minimalist sort of Christian could profess a belief in Jesus but deny the existence of Hell as a literal place of torment. Granted, such a doctrinal combination is a less than Biblically comprehensive and optimal more

  • "Getting Past, The Worrying"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jan 16, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    When you stop trying to do it on your own and rely on Gods ability to take care of the situation, No matter what it is, that’s when the stress stops and the resting in God’s ability starts, that’s when the peace of God takes over the situation.

    “Getting past the worrying” Matthew 6:25-27 NIV. 25. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing? 26. Look at the birds in the sky: They do not sow, more

  • "Don't Give Up, Hold On To Your Confidence”/ "It's

    Contributed by Ronnie Mcneill on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 39 ratings

    Sometimes in life we have to pray for confidence in God. He will give you just what you need because He’s just a whisper away!

    Introduction For the few moments that are mine and as the Lord shall guide, I would like to use as a sermonic theme, “Don’t Give Up, Hold On To Your Confidence, Because It’s Only A Test.” After looking at the theme several times, the Holy Spirit kept leading me to the trials and the tribulations more

  • Why Should The Work Stop? Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    For Lent and for Black History Month: Those who are threatened by progress will always ask us not to go too far. But this church must not stop reaching all people, serving all needs, touching all children and youth.

    In the fall of 1955 I sat in the auditorium of the Speed Scientific School at the University of Louisville, one of about 300 newly admitted engineering students. The dean welcomed us, and yet also warned us. He instructed us, “Look at the person on your right. Now look at the person on your more

  • Get Ready Series

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Feb 18, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    My hope is to challenge each of you towards leadership. But I warn you that my definition of church leadership that I am challenging you with today is a little different from what you might be thinking leadership within the church is all about.

    Let’s pray. Father, Open my eyes so I can see Your truth. Open my ears so I can hear Your voice. Open my mind so I can understand Your Word. And open my heart so I may receive all that You want me to receive. AMEN Today and next Sunday we are going to look at the challenge Jesus issued more

  • Go To Your Room - Matthew 6:5-6 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Aug 28, 2024

    Why does God promise reward for private prayer? And how can you make your daily prayer time the most enjoyable part of your day, instead of a drudgery or chore that is dry and boring? This message will help you actually look forward to your prayer time each day and come away closer to God.

    Matthew 6:5-16 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your more

  • The Power Of Faith On Display Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Mar 15, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Faith lived out has far reaching effects.

    A new survey came out last week which reveals that Christian are losing their influence in the United States. “The nation has grown less religious in the last two decades … with a 10 percent drop in the number of people who call themselves Christians and increases in all 50 states among those more

  • You Can't Win If You Don't Finish Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Mar 12, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Second of Three Sermons on Ministry. General theme is built around "March Madness" - NACC basketball. Our Theme is "March Ministry Madness". This sermon encourages Christians to have a good "spiritual diet" and to exercise their faith in ministry.

    Get in the Game 3/11/01 …You Can’t Win if You Don’t Finish Basketball is a great game It is a simple game with many subtleties. The objective is simple - One team tries to score the most points by getting the ball through the hoop while the other team tries to stop you from doing it. Simple! more

  • Worth The Wait Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 26, 2007
    based on 111 ratings

    Those who faithfully wait before the Lord will exchange their strength for His and be enabled to perform the tasks of life all the way to its end.

    Isaiah 40: 27-31 "WORTH THE WAIT" [Isaiah 55:8-9] Universally it is complained that God is unjust, and usually the person making the complaint believes that God is unjust toward him personally. Is it an accurate statement that God is unjust? If so, why more

  • Where Have All The Fathers Gone

    Contributed by David Parks on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Fathers are far more important than many think.

    WHERE HAVE ALL THE FATHERS GONE? TEXT: MATTHEW 19:3-7 INTRODUCTION: 1. Remember the hootnany. One of the more memorable song to arise from that surrounding was the song "Where Have all the Flowers Gone." 2. The Song ended with the words, When will they ever learn, when will they ever more

  • Just A Spoonful Of Sugar Makes The Medicine Go Down Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 17, 2016

    A study of the book of Job 34: 1 – 37

    Job 34: 1 – 37 Just A Spoonful Of Sugar Makes The Medicine Go Down 1 Elihu further answered and said: 2 “Hear my words, you wise men; Give ear to me, you who have knowledge. 3 For the ear tests words as the palate tastes food. 4 Let us choose justice for ourselves; Let us know among more

  • The Happiness Of Being Peacemakers

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Oct 4, 2010

    It is the believer's responsibility to live at peace with others as far as is possible.

    The Importance of Peacemakers Matthew 5:9 INTRODUCTION Though America is a peace-loving nation, our nation and world have known little peace. The terrorist attack on New York and Washington, D. C. in September of 2001-and the long war on terror that resulted, is evidence of how quickly peace can more

  • Do Not Let Materialism Overtake Spirituality

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 6, 2022

    Developing spirituality is far more important than materialism

    Do not let Materialism overtake Spirituality Mark 6:7-13 7 And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits; 8 and He instructed them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff-- no bread, no bag, no money in more

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