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  • Donkeys, Detours & Divine Direction

    Contributed by Wayde Wilson on Feb 13, 2002
    based on 295 ratings

    Most of us have good intentions about serving God. But when it comes to sin and the subject of obedience, good intentions don’t cut it.

    TEXT: Numbers 22:1-38 (READ) INTRO: How many of you would agree with me that God’s ways are best? OK…How many of you that agree God’s ways are best can also say with me that knowing God’s ways are best hasn’t always meant you chose God’s way over your own way? (Even tho you would admit God’s way more

  • Love: God's Divine Initiative

    Contributed by David Simmons on Feb 22, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    What does it really mean to love? Jesus’ own incarnation gives us the answer.

    BEING IN LOVE I had been dating Tara (now my wife) for some time before I finally got the nerve to say it – you know – those big three words that mark the point of no return in a relationship. We had been out on a date, and I had pulled up to her dorm and was about to let her out when I said to more

  • You're A Divine Masterpiece!

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Oct 31, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    You’re A Divine Masterpiece! 1) Formed in love; 2) Deformed by sin; 3) Reformed by grace

    What’s the most beautiful sculpture you’ve seen? If you’ve been to Florence, Italy, you may have inspected Michelangelo’s David, considered by many to be the world’s best sculpture. I, for one, am partial to the pottery work of Japan. Not far from my parent’s home three hours north of Tokyo is a more

  • Experiencing Divine Power And Purpose

    Contributed by Tim Parsons on Feb 12, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon deals with the move of God, and what the chuch can do.

    Experiencing Divine power and purpose. John 16:7-11 Introduction God is doing great things in the earth today in preparation for the coming of the lord Jesus. The planof God is working though the believer by the power of the spirit to more

  • Divine Petitions, Part One Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Aug 19, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    A sure way to learn about anything is to study about it and observe the life of someone who does what you want to learn to do. Learning about the powerful ministry of prayer, necessitates taking note of what the Bible teaches about the prayer life of Chr

    Turn your Bibles to Hebrews 5:7 Title: Divine Petitions Theme: Examining the Prayer Life of Christ / Part # 1 Series: Grasping the Foundational Truths of Prayer Introduction: more

  • Divine Petitions, Part # 2 Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Aug 19, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    During the days of Jesus’ life on this earth, He prayed “Divine Petitions” that were for the honor of God, His Father. Christians are to look to Him and say, “Lord teach me to pray.” (Luke 11:1)

    Turn your Bibles to Hebrews 5:7 Title: Divine Petitions, Part # 2 Theme: Examining the Prayer Life of Christ Series: Grasping the Foundational Truths of Prayer Listen as I read more

  • To Err Is Human; To Forgive Divine Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 45 ratings

    When you hold onto the sins and shortcomings of others, it hurts you. Forgiveness can release you of that pain. To err IS human; but to forgive FEELS divine!

    INTRODUCTION In the series entitled “No, that’s NOT in the Bible” we discover some of these pseudo-scriptures actually contradict the Bible. For instance, believing the adage “God helps those who help themselves” can hinder a person from seeking God’s help. The aphorism “God won’t put more on you more

  • Soulically Satisfied - Divinely Dissastisfied

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    As Christians, should we be satisfied or dissatisfied? The answer is both. This sounds like a bit of a paradox – and it is

    Soulically Satisfied & Divinely Dissastisfied  As Christians, should we be satisfied or dissatisfied?  The answer is both  This sounds like a bit of a paradox – and it is  We are to be soulically satisfied yet divinely dissatisfied Phil 4:11-14 11 Not that I speak more

  • Divine Healing And Church Growth

    Contributed by Joe Durai on Oct 29, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    A Brief sermon on the present day Healing Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ in the context of Church Growth

    HEALING MINISTRY & CHURCH GROWTH Healing constituted one-third of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. It was also an integral part of the apostles ministry. However, in today’s church, divine healing is a much neglected or disputed aspect of Christian ministry. Most churches do not have any more

  • Article #14 - Divine Healing Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    The Church of the Nazarene recognizes the role of science and medicine, but affirms the miraculous power of God to intervene and offer divine healing.

    Article of Faith #14 - Divine Healing Date: Sunday, September 12, 2004 Author: Rev. Jonathan K. Twitchell If you turned on the television last night, you were probably confronted again with images of the terrorist attacks from three years ago. You may have watched some of the coverage, more

  • The Divine Purpose For The Storms Of Life

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 13 ratings

    The Secret Place Of Intimacy

    Throughout the years of my life as a Christian I have experienced an ever deepening holy dissatisfaction with spiritual mediocrity and have continued in desire to draw closer to God’s majesty - yearning for more of His glory. But it hasn’t exactly been a ‘walk in the park’! Along with every other more

  • The Divine Fire Of The Holy Lord

    Contributed by David Heflin on Feb 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In this sermon, we look to one of the greatest texts in the Scripture and discover how Isaiah’s encounter with a holy God must become ours.

    The Divine Fire of the Holy Lord Is. 6:1-8 PSCOC 2/11/07 Introduction: The perils of idealistic youth. When I was a young preaching student I was full of zeal for serving the Lord. The problem was is that I was also full of pride. I remember a particular song that I really identified with by more

  • Divine Immunity In Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by William Barber, Sr. on Mar 21, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This message sets forth the textual truths regarding our immunity from charges against us, whether human or satanic.

    Introduction: I read this past week about diplomatic immunity and how it shield perpetrators of crimes from prosecution, from almost any law on the books. Reports of sexual abuse, slavery, extortion, and every imaginable crime. That is not to mention 150,000 parking tickets in N.Y. City in a 5 more

  • Peacemaking: The Sign Of Divine Parentage Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jun 10, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Peacemakers are blessed because they accurately reflect the Father’s heart. Making peace with God, with others, and for others.

    Living in the Father’s Favor Peacemaking: The Sign of Divine Parentage Intro: The 1st 3 Beatitudes dealt w/ how we ENTER the kingdom of God: v. 3 Humbleness [poor in spirit]; v. 4 Brokenness [mourn]; v. 5 Meekness [meek] -The next 3 dealt w/ how we EXPRESS the kingdom of God: v. 6 A New attitude more

  • Medically Impaired, Divinely Perfect!

    Contributed by Nora A. Jackson on Jun 14, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Though the world may want to reject us, or we may want to reject ourselves, the love of God always welcomes us.

    Medically Impaired, Divinely Perfect! Rom 5: 6-10, Heb 10:14 My Doctor, Sylvia, had me go in for a number of tests including several scans. Then from the results of all these tests, she diagnosed the cause of the problem: ‘this and that are a bit different from the normal…’. Now, several years more

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