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  • "Disappointed With God"

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 77 ratings

    Dealing with despair...moving from fear to faith

    "Disappointed With God" Rev Dr Robert G Leroe We see quite a contrast between chapters 18 & 19! Elijah moves from exhilaration and intense excitement to dejection, discouragement and depression after his miraculous contest against the prophets of Baal. From his mountain top experience he more

  • Disappointment With God Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Dec 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Disappointments will come and we have the choice to let them bury us or buoy us.

    Christmas is a season not only of joy, but, if we’re honest, also of disappointment. Sometimes we’re disappointed with gifts. When Laura’s brother, Grayson, was in Middle School he received one such gift. To appreciate this you have to get the image in your mind of the entire family gathered more

  • Disappointed By God?

    Contributed by Chris Cuthbertson on Jun 6, 2024

    What about when God does disappoint us, at least from our perspective? How do we manage that? How do we deal with that? How do we own up to the reality of our disappointment with God?

    DISAPPOINTED BY GOD? JOB 36-40 "You have to be present to win," was a sign at a raffle at a retirement center in Florida. I like that sign because that is how more

  • The Storm Of Disappointment Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 20, 2025

    Heman is in the storm which comes when we are disappointed with God. Through Psalm 88 we see how this storm is broken by continuing to come before God.

    Psalm 88:1-18 “The Storm of Disappointment There is a phrase that we can use sometimes. It is a phrase which brings with it a high level of emotional response – and can create real questions and real hurt. The phrase is I am so disappointed. It may be a disappointment with others We thought a more

  • Disappointments Are God's Best Appointments

    Contributed by Selvan John on Feb 3, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    This sermon deals with Disappointments from the exemplary life of Simon Peter...Disappointments are God’s best appointments.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact, that in life many times we are disappointed. There is a passage in the Bible in the book of Luke, chapter 5 verses 1 to 11, here we see Peter being disappointed, since toiling all night he had not caught even one fish. For a better understanding it more

  • Will We Be Blessed By God Or Be A Disappointment To God Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Looking at who God blesses and why

    Will we be blessed by God or be a disappointment to God? – Luke 6:17-26 Gladstone Baptist Church – 28/11/04 am "Most people who call themselves Christian would not follow Jesus if he returned today. His teachings were, after all, very radical - love your enemies, turn the other cheek, shelter the more

  • Doubting God Series

    Contributed by Greg Hanson on Feb 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at five things that cause people to become disillusioned with God. Part 3 of a series inspired by Philip Yancey’s book "Disappointment with God."

    Is God real? Does He care? Is He even there? Is He there for me? All questions sincere people ask all the time. Why? Because they’ve experienced heartache. They’ve been disappointed. They’ve been disillusioned. What do I mean when I say disillusioned? I’m talking about you having certain negative more

  • Disappointment: Crop Failure Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jun 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jonah knows God, but he is unpracticed in God. This righteous man ends up disappointed with God. How did that come about?

    Here we are in chapter four of the book of Jonah, the end of the story, things haven’t turned out the way Jonah expected, have they? He has seen nothing but disappointment. He was told by God to go to a place he didn’t want to go to and deliver a message he didn’t want to deliver to a people who more

  • Is God Unfair? Series

    Contributed by Greg Hanson on Feb 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    How do you respond to the unfairness of life? This message looks at seven possible responses. Part 1 of a series inspired by Philip Yancey’s book "Disappointment with God."

    Innocent children are dying of starvation in Third World countries. Four Canadian soldiers died when a bomb was dropped on them from the sky during a training exercise. Missionary Martin Burnham was held captive by terrorists for 376 days until he was killed in a rescue attempt. Two weeks ago, more

  • Disappointment With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 1, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Does following Jesus Christ faithfully mean we do not doubt Him, that we rarely feel the sting of disappointment?

    Disappointment With Jesus (Luke 7:1-35) Intro 1. I have often been disappointed in the Christian life and ministry. 2. New believer: faith could move mountains, family would be saved 3. I’d live a nearly perfect life filled with joy and spiritual victories¡K 4. Ministry: I’d put the principles more

  • Dealing With Disappointment Series

    Contributed by Eldon Reich on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Helps people to deal with the many disappointments they face in life.

    When Your Brook Dries Up” Elijah at Cherith I Kings 17:1-16 Last week we talked about desperate times. This week we want to talk about disappointing times. If you open the paper, turn on the TV, attend a family reunion Go to church or just go home. Life is filled with disappointment. I’m not more

  • The Heartbreak Of Disappointment Series

    Contributed by Stephen Colaw on Nov 29, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Part 1 of 3 part series. God will never waste a hurt. He uses the broken heart of disappointment to make us more like Christ and to minister to our world through us

    The Heartbreak of Disappointment Scripture: I Corinthians 6:19 Exodus 2 & 3 Theme: Sometimes God allows us to be disappointed so that he can shape us and prepare us for the tasks to which he has called us. Seed: Devotional by Oswald Chambers Purpose: To help the congregation realize that more

  • When God's Doings Disappoint Us

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 100 ratings

    Responding in angry disappointment when God doesn’t perform in a given situation the way we anticipated, only reveals our lack of surrender, as well as our obvious rebellion.

    When God’s Doings Disappoint Us Text: Jonah 3: 10-4:1 Intro: If I were to tell you that people have disappointed me numerous times throughout my life, you wouldn’t likely be surprised. As a matter of fact, you could probably match me, account for account, with like incidents of more

  • Summer Disappointments

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    When we feel disappointment in life, we blame our own expectations, we blame those who love us, and ultimately we blame God. Repentance and acceptance of grace takes us away from self and toward contentment.

    Those of you who attempt to grow gardens know that it takes infinite patience and infinite hope to be a gardener. It takes infinite patience because it can be a great deal of work and a lot of expense and much waiting to get any kind of results. Incidentally, I dispute the notion that you can more

  • Disappointed But Not Discouraged

    Contributed by J Bernard Taylor on Dec 15, 2019

    Disappointment refers to sadness or displeasure from failure to fulfill ones hopes or expectations. Discouragement means loss of hope or enthusiasm as a result. It is possible to be disappointed without being discouraged.

    DISAPPOINTED BUT NOT DISCOURAGED Introduction Frequently, employers will ask prospective employees what their biggest disappointment in life has been. The question probably gives employers a hint about how these prospective employees handle times of stress and hardships in life. We more

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