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  • The Dictionary Of God's Word Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 23, 2015
    based on 65 ratings

    More wisdom from God’s dictionary. 1- Hatred stirs up trouble 2- Words can bless or blister 3- God’s way is a refuge

    INTRO.- Words of wisdom can come from many different sources. The better words of wisdom come from above or from God’s people on earth. Here are some words of wisdom from signs at churches: - "Fight truth decay - study the Bible daily." - "How will you spend eternity - Smoking or more

  • True Worship

    Contributed by Margaret Olubiyi on Oct 10, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Worship, according to the New Illustrated Webster's Dictionary is defined as

    But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship HIm must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:23-24 ESV Define "Worship" Worship, more

  • Sermon On Enigma Or Contradiction?

    Contributed by William Meakin on Nov 3, 2022

    According to the dictionary, the words Enigma and Contradiction are said to be semantically related.

    Andrea Louise Riseborough, an English actress and producer once remarked: “People are fascinating. They're so unique and I think what's more fascinating is the reason behind the physical characteristic, the enigma, that's where the gold dust is.” Proverbs 1:2-7 reminds us: “To know more

  • Destroying The Shame

    Contributed by Allister Smiley on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    INTRODUCTION: The dictionary defines “shame as a person or thing that brings disgrace; a feeling of distress caused by consciousness of guilt. The Pastoral Dictionary defines “shame” as a feeling which follows when a person realizes that there has been a

    SUBJECT: DESTROYING THE SHAME Text: 11 Samuel 9:1-13 INTRODUCTION: The dictionary defines “shame as a person or thing that brings disgrace; a feeling of distress caused by consciousness of guilt. The Pastoral Dictionary defines “shame” as a feeling which follows when a person realizes that there more

  • Sermon For A Funeral: The Heroes Of Life & Death

    Contributed by William Meakin on Aug 16, 2024

    A hero is defined in the dictionary as a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

    What is a hero? Joseph Campbell an American writer once remarked: “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Romans 15:1-2 reminds us: “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us more

  • Why The Church Should Never Stop Giving Hope

    Contributed by Ronald Amaya on Jul 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible has a very different perspective on hope – it is not the kind of hope we see in the dictionary. While the dictionary definition of hope makes it sound like leaving things to fate, the hope of the Bible is a powerful force and a raw material for faith.

    You can never give people too much hope. Hope is what gives people the faith to push through hard times. Hope is what makes people hold on when they are on the verge of throwing in the towel. Hope for a better tomorrow is what makes a teen push away those lingering suicidal thoughts. Hope is a more

  • I Hope So!

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jan 21, 2014

    Hope is described in the dictionary as a "feeling" that all will be well. But the hope found in the Bible is an "assurance" that all will be well.

    This past Monday marked the one year anniversary of my Mom’s passing. She had some very unique sayings such as, “Raise the window down. You have your shirt ront-serd- outers. (wron side out).” Although a simple woman, she loved drama. She always had her ears perked to catch the more

  • Generational Legacy Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Sep 8, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A legacy as defined by Webster’s dictionary is any thing that has been handed down from an ancestor.

    PRAYER Father, open my eyes to see Your Word. Open my ears to hear. Open my mind to understand. And open my heart so I may receive Your Word today. AMEN A legacy as defined by Webster’s dictionary is anything that has been handed down from an ancestor. Last week I shared with you the story of more

  • Condemnation? I Don't Want To Hear It.

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Jul 28, 2011

    The dictionary defines condemnation - the condition of being strongly disapproved of; "he deserved nothing but con-demnation"

    John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, be-cause their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh more

  • Jesus And The Sycophants Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 9, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    You might want to look up the word 'sycophant' in a dictionary. It well describes Jesus' opponents in this passage

    Jesus and the Sycophants John 5:31-47 Introduction Last week we talked about the heated discussion that erupted between The Jews who were angry that Jesus had healed and done other work on the Sabbath and Jesus. The Jews got further enraged when Jesus answered them in a way in which He had more

  • Generational Legacy Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Jun 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A legacy as defined by Webster’s dictionary is any thing that has been handed down from an ancestor.

    PRAYER Father, open my eyes to see Your Word. Open my ears to hear. Open my mind to understand. And open my heart so I may receive Your Word today. AMEN A legacy as defined by Webster’s dictionary is anything that has been handed down from an ancestor. Most often when you think of something more

  • What Does It Mean To Be Successful?

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Dec 25, 2019

    The dictionary has definitions of success and successful. Being successful in this life is no guarantee one will be successful in the next life!

    Preface: The dictionary has a few definitions of success, mostly with the idea of accomplishing something or acquiring something (you either do something or get something you want to do). Jesus has been engaged in teaching and conversation with others (see chapter 11 and 12:1-12) but some of the more

  • Sermon On The Distinction Of Joy & Happiness

    Contributed by William Meakin on Mar 21, 2025

    Joy is defined in the dictionary as a feeling of great pleasure and exultation, whereas happiness is regarded as a state of elation or cheerfulness.

    Adela Rogers St. Johns, a female American journalist and novelist once remarked: “Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness - happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in sometimes when you're lucky. Joy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love." John 15:11 reminds us: more

  • An Everlasting Love

    Contributed by John Newton on Dec 19, 2022

    About a third of the way through the letter “J” in my dictionary you will come across the word “jeremiad”..

    About a third of the way through the letter “J” in my dictionary you will come across the word “jeremiad”. And what, you ask, is a jeremiad? Well, a jeremiad is defined as (and I quote) “a long literary work, in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone more

  • Sermon On True Power

    Contributed by William Meakin on Oct 15, 2022

    One of the many definitions of power stated in the dictionary is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.

    “You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic; true power is restraint. If words control you, that means everyone else can control you; breathe and allow things to pass.” These words more