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  • Heaven- A Place Like No Other Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 25, 2019

    2 things: 1) Talk more about our eternal home- the actual place 2) Who will be in heaven Material adapted from Chauncey Crandall, MD, book entitled, "Touching Heaven"

    HoHum: Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace, I wanna see my Savior’s face, cause heaven is a wonderful place, I wanna go there! WBTU: Like an exciting move trailer, God’s Word previews this place and our future, whetting our desire for the real thing. And though what we are more

  • Meeting Your Family's Needs

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 6, 2001
    based on 33 ratings

    A description of Jesus’ responsibility for those under His watchcare. A call to our own responsibilities in regard to the same.

    Meeting Your Family’s Needs—John 19:23-28 Jesus ensured that His mother had adequate provision. We must provide for those under our watchcare. How are we to meet our family’s needs? Keys to Meeting Family Needs 26 When Jesus therefore saw His mother, & the disciple whom He loved standing more

  • Accepting The Cup

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Communion message based on Ray Vander Laan’s description of the acceptance of the "bride price" by the prospective bride.

    Accepting the Cup Matthew 26:17-29 February 11, 2007 This last week Debra and I were at our annual Pastors Retreat in Rapid City with the other pastors of our district. It’s always a great time of refreshment and fellowship, not to mention listening to some great teaching from guest speakers and more

  • A Unity Community

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jun 2, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    Psalm 133 gives a beautiful description of the kind of unity which only comes as a gift from God.

    A Unity Community Psalm 133 SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 133 INTRODUCTION: A few years back I took an introductory class to learn Hebrew. My most impressive accomplishment is that I can now quote Psalm 133:1 in Hebrew. I think the reason I remember it is that we learned it as a song: more

  • Setting The Stage Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jul 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus represents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount.

    Sermon on the Mount- Part 1 Introduction Stuart’s word last week- very thought provoking. Stuart talked about 100-fold obedience … Mtt 5:48 "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. NASU Equated perfection w/spiritual maturity, not w/sinless perfectionism (perfect- more

  • From Poverty To Spiritual Satisfaction Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 3, 2008

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount.

    Sermon on the Mount- Pt 2 From Poverty to Spiritual Satisfaction Introduction Last week started a series on the SOTM- Mtt 5-7. SOTM- teaching/sermon spoken by Jesus Christ. It gives us- clear picture- mature Christian looks like. Best known of Christ teachings- least understood. Jesus establishes a more

  • Called To Suffer Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Sep 2, 2008

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount

    Continue series on SOTM- Mtt 5-7- Called to Suffer. SOTM begins w/beatitudes-last time-looked at 1st four Lets review the beatitudes (slide for each one) Clarify something I said about the 3rd beatitude- Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. V5 Talked about- individually, we more

  • Surpassing Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Sep 7, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount.

    Sermon on the Mount- Pt 4 Surpassing Righteousness In studying the SOTM, or the Bible in general, never think that if you do not understand it, it is of no use What is important is that we expose/read/study it so it becomes available to us when we need it. Mind has two compartments- more

  • Abba Father Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Nov 16, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount

    Play God-Co Prayer Video Article- PC World- filled w/truth- unlike spurious gospel- Mac World- listed 10 highly over-rated high-tech products and 10 that received little publicity- are greatly underrated. In the same vein- relying on- strength/wisdom of man is highly overrated and the significance more

  • Alternate Life Styles Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Nov 23, 2008

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount

    Early 20th Century- medical missionary to China- Dr. Claude Barlow. There was- strange disease- no remedy for- killing many people. He treated hundreds of cases- took voluminous notes from his observations. After watching so many die- took his notes/vial w/germs from the disease- returned to US. more

  • Self-Correction Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Dec 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount

    There was a small town that had been “dry.” A local businessman decided to build a tavern. A group of Christians from a local church were concerned and planned an all-night prayer meeting to ask God to intervene. It was not long afterwards that lightning struck the bar and it burned to the ground. more

  • Extra Baggage Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount

    This morning- complete our SOTM series. SOTM- more than an ideal we have to live up to. Picture of Jesus- taking His disposition and supernaturally working it into our lives. Throughout SOTM- confronted w/alternatives- two kinds of righteousness two treasures two masters Jesus died for us so we more

  • The Indescribable Gift Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In this lesson I want us to see several ways in which God's gift of Jesus is beyond description.

    Scripture For the next few weeks of advent and Christmas, I plan to share a series of messages on “The People of Christmas.” The substance for this series comes from a book that was authored by the late James Montgomery Boice titled The Christ of Christmas. Christmas is a time of more

  • Phebe A Christian Example Series

    Contributed by James Parker on Mar 13, 2011

    In these two short verses we see a description of Phebe as well as what every christian should be.

    Women of The New Testamanent Phebe "An Example" We have been looking at women of The New Testament over the past several weeks. Last week we considered two sisters, Martha & Mary. We learned from both sisters some important lessons. Martha was a worker, we need Martha’s in the church. We need to more

  • You Good For Nothing Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Sep 23, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    "Jesus presents a clear description of what it is followers are to be like internally and how they are to live outwardly in the Sermon on the Mount."

    Review SOTM- Mtt 5-7 … You Good for Nothing. We learned (5:17) Jesus did not come to abolish- Law Jesus made Himself the pivotal point in History. The entirety of the OT points towards His coming, and when He came, He introduced His Kingdom. Mtt 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and say, more

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