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  • The Resource Of Obligation-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 18, 2010

    Part 3 of a 3-part sermon. Paul saw his spiritual obligation as a resource for Titus’ ministry. Thus my Spiritual obligation is a resource for the ministry of others. But when? My Obligation becomes a resource/asset for others when it aligns/correlate

    The RESOURCE of OBLIGATION-II—Titus 1:1-4 His request approved, the CNN News photographer quickly used a cell phone to call the local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin-engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport. Arriving at the airfield, he spotted a plane warming up more

  • On The Death Of Usama Bin Laden

    Contributed by Michael Stark on May 7, 2011

    Meditations on how Christians should respond to the death of a wicked man.

    “As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die?” Following a busy day last Sunday, I relaxed with Lynda by watching television in the evening. I was more

  • Riches Of A Fool

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 12, 2017

    To show that riches in this world are nothing if they are gained by unjust means.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a rich fool? No. I'm rich because of CHRIST. 2 Corinthians 8:9 For you are becoming progressively acquainted with {and} recognizing more strongly {and} clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 24, 2018

    Last weekend we focused on the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and learned that it was a place of support, sorrow, solitude, struggle, submission, and finally, strength. Today we have front-row seats to the arrest and most infamous trial in history.

    Play a clip from Billy Graham’s last message to America…and the world. God loves you and is willing to forgive you for all your sins! This clip is from Billy Graham’s last message to America, delivered when he was 95 years old. Billy Graham preached the gospel live to nearly 215 million people more

  • Disabling Jesus-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 13, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    4 of 4. The congregation at Nazareth would not believe Jesus’ ability to fulfill Scripture’s mandate for the Messiah. Religiosity thinks it absurd that Jesus can save, &/or is Messiah. But what results from such a stance? Disabling Jesus produces...

    DISABLING JESUS-IV—Luke 4:22-30 Attention: CASE IN POINT—UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISM: From: Our Unitarian Universalist Principles: There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm & promote: The inherent worth more

  • What Happens On Mission With God?[*]

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Oct 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God yearns for His people to be on mission with Him. And when we are revived, we will enter into mission with Him. The study of the great revival during the early day of Hezekiah's reign serves as a model of what happens when we are on mission with God.

    “On mission with God.” The phrase is often heard among evangelical Christians! Or if it isn’t heard, it should be heard. But, what does it mean for a Christian to be on mission with God? Were I to state that every Christian is expected to be on mission with God, each listener would no doubt more

  • A Church Of Maximum Impact Series

    Contributed by Troy Walliser on Nov 10, 2020

    Christian missions at its most basic level is one BEGGAR telling another BEGGAR where to find BREAD.

    A Church Of Maximum Impact Acts 11:19-30 Several years ago Time magazine carried a story about a controversy that once raged in a Waterloo, Iowa courthouse over a perplexing question. The question at hand was this: “What is a Christian?” It all started when a local doctor who had been very wealthy more

  • Covenant Concerns Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 13, 2024

    God is thoroughly and completely committed to you, so commit yourself to Him, commit yourself to justice, and commit yourself to compassion.

    Several years ago, a national magazine assigned a photographer to take pictures of a forest fire. They told him a small plane would be waiting at the airport to fly him over the fire. The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown. Sure enough, a small Cessna airplane stood more

  • Three Areas Of Historical, Prophetic, And Personal Evidence That Prove Jesus Existed - Part One Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Aug 12, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    In this study, we will look at three areas of evidence; Historical, Prophetic, and Personal, and conclude with how to share your testimony.

    Just a short time after my 11th birthday, my Mom died suddenly. The pain, anguish, and anger I felt made me question everything I had been taught about God, my experience with Him, and even if He existed. About two years later, I was at a YMCA camp on Catalina Island, just off the California more

  • The God Of Circumstances Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Trust in the providence of God when you can't feel the presence of God.

    Recently, someone posted a picture of me and my second-grade classmates. In case you’re wondering, I’m the burly and buff looking guy on the top left (next to the star). I noticed I’m not smiling which goes along with my thug-life, tough-guy image. This picture reminded me of an alarm system my more

  • Colossians Chapter 4 Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Feb 23, 2022

    A detailed study on each verse in the book of Colossians.

    Colossians Chapter 4 v. 1 Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven. v. 1 Masters, [on your part] deal with your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. A. Masters, give unto your servants: 1. more

  • The Perils Of Procrastination Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 7, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    To decide to delay is to decide to deny.

    When I was around 10 years old, my grandma gave me a bunch of unused stamps and told me to hang on to them because they’d be worth a lot of money in the future. For the past 50 years I’ve known I had them in a file but never got around to checking on their value. Thinking this would make for a more

  • When God Became King Pt 1 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 2, 2023

    Jesus proved He was the King of Kings through His birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. Many just refused to see it!

    Sermon: Palm Sunday - How Jesus (God) became King! Thesis: Jesus proved He was the King of Kings through His birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. Many just refused to see it! Scripture Texts: John 12: 1-19 Jesus Anointed at Bethany 1 Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to more

  • David Referred To His Enemies As A Pack Of Snarling Dogs!!!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 31, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    David Referred To His Enemies “AS A Pack Of Snarling Dogs!!! Did you know…Dogs are mentioned more than a dozen times in the Bible.

    • Did you know…Thirty-nine percent of American households own at least one dog. • Did you know…Over $99 billion will be spent on pets this year in the United States alone. • Did you know…According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 74 percent of dog owners consider their pet as a more

  • The Faith Of A Methodist Series

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Sep 11, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    The first of A 50th Anniversary Preaching Series

    (Inspired by a series of sermons by Rev. Adam Hamilton, UM Church of the Resurrection). SLIDE 1 I want to remind you about the 50th Anniversary event tonight—the Ice Cream Social—dinner starts at 6 but come early for fun and social time. You don’t get any ice cream until you eat your dinner. SLIDE more

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