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Sermons on demons sent to hell:

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  • Get The Hell Out

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 19, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus Christ specializes in bringing order out of chaos when demonic activity seeks to prevail in His house

    Against the backdrop of this story is a very familiar scene where Jesus has taken the inner circle of His disciples up to the mountain in what has now been termed by theological scholars ‘The Mount of Transfiguration’; because in a real sense Jesus is transfigured before their very more

  • Angels And Demons Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Nov 20, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Teaching what the bible says about created spiritual beings

    Angels and Demons (AKA Created Spiritual Beings) Christianity 101 CCCAG November 14th, 2019 Intro: When I got saved in 1993 I was considered to be one of those people that was a true trophy of grace. What I mean by that is I was probably the least likely person to ever come into a relationship with more

  • Invasion From Hell [end Times / Tribulation] Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Sep 2, 2006
    based on 79 ratings

    The worst demons of all time have been incarcerated for thousands of years in the pit of the abyss...but hell goes on holiday in our text during the tribulation. Link included to formatted MS Word text and PowerPoint Presentation.

    Invasion from Hell Rev. 8:13-9:12 Do you believe in the existence of angels? Surveys show that most people do…but did you know that those same surveys also show that most people do not believe in the existence of demons?! If you believe in angels you MUST also believe in FALLEN ANGELS!…aka more

  • Sent Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Feb 1, 2016

    Jesus is rejected at Nazareth, sends out the twelve and hears about the death of John the Baptist.

    Mark 6:1-29 “Sent” INTRODUCTION We continue to work with the central point of Mark’s gospel as it is stated in Mark 1:15, “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is upon us, Repent (change your mind and perspective) and believe (trust and live in the truth). An more

  • Sent

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 1, 2019

    The term Apostle can refer to the twelve disciples of Christ. Broadly it means anyone sent on a mission with a message. Let’s look at 70 or 72 others who were “apostled” by Jesus and what their mission was in Luke 10:1-11, 16-20.

    The term Apostle can refer to the twelve disciples of Christ. Broadly it means anyone sent on a mission with a message. Let’s look at 70 or 72 others who were “apostled” by Jesus and what their mission was in Luke 10:1-11, 16-20. 70 Apostled? (vs 1-2) Luke 10:1 The Lord now chose seventy-two more

  • Sent

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 7, 2022

    What is the church’s mission? Studying the church’s mission is called missiology. Let’s discuss a mission trip from Luke 10:1-20.

    What is the church’s mission? Studying the church’s mission is called missiology. Let’s discuss a mission trip from Luke 10:1-20. 70 Apostled Short term mission trips are as old as when Jesus sent the 70. They were 1) “sent” or “apostled” as the Greek says. The eastern churches call these the 70 more

  • Demons Never Beat On Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Aug 21, 2021

    Bad theology is still bad even if it makes "great evangelistic" preaching.

    Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. I do not know where this heresy about Jesus going to Hell started, but it is clearly wrong. No demons beat on Jesus, He did not wear ours sins as a disguise to enter Hell. He did not become the more

  • Sent Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Oct 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 27th sermon in the Action Series. This series began during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Series: Action [#27] SENT Acts 13:1-12 Introduction: One of the main themes of the Book of Acts is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Early Church did not grow because of their hard work. They grew because of the work of the Holy Spirit. I want you to notice today, that as a Child of God, you more

  • Demons

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jul 10, 2018

    The weakness of the average Christian in opposing demon powers is caused largely by his/her failure to recognize the source of trouble. Most Christians are so lacking in a true understanding concerning this matter until they are helpless and confused in

    DEMONIC ACTIVITY INTRODUCTION: The weakness of the average Christian in opposing demon powers is caused largely by his/her failure to recognize the source of trouble. Most Christians are so lacking in a true understanding concerning this matter until they are helpless and confused in their more

  • Demons

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Mar 14, 2013

    Why ‘ghost stories’ and ghost games have such mass appeal remain opaque to me!

    They are no comical chaps! Mark 6:7”And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits.” Why ‘ghost stories’ and ghost games have such mass appeal remain opaque to me! May be because of the fun they get out more

  • What Is The Abyss? Where Do We Cast Demons To?

    Contributed by Odon Bulamba on Dec 30, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    In Luke 8:31 it says the demons begged Jesus not to send them into the Abyss. Is this the same as the grave, Sheoul/Hades?

    In Luke 8:31 it says the demons begged Jesus not to send them into the Abyss. Is this the same as the grave, Sheoul/Hades? They went into the swine and the swine were drowned in the sea. I've heard that the sea is equivalent to the Abyss? Therefore Jesus sent them to the Abyss? Were they somehow more

  • Demons

    Contributed by Andy Almendarez on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible not only teaches that the existence of the devil and demons are real. But, that they were once holy.

    Demonic Possession The Bible not only teaches that the existence of the devil and demons are real. But, that they were once holy. However, they allowed their leader, Satan to lead them away from God. Their ultimate end will be eternal damnation when God judges the demons and Satan at the Great more

  • demons Series

    Contributed by Scott Ridout on Feb 9, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Can people really be possessed? Should I be afraid? What do Demons do?

    Demons Sun Valley Statement of Faith: The devil and his demons are real and the enemy of God and all people. 1. Demons are fallen angels. (Mt. 25:41, Luke 11:15, Rev. 12:4,9) 2. Demons are intelligent and organized. Intelligent (Mt. 8, Mk. Luke 4:41, 8:26-31, James 2:19) Organized (Col 1:13,16, more

  • The Concept Of Hell! Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 3, 2022

    Hell, in many religious traditions, refers to the domicile, usually beneath the earth, of the unredeemed deceased or the spirits of the damned. From the underworld come dreams, ghosts, and demons, and in its most terrible areas malefactors (reprobates)

    Tom Lowe 2/3/2012 The Concept of Hell! There is no mention of hell in the Old Testament. The Old Testament talks about Sheol, which is a watery underworld where everyone went, whether they were Jew or Gentile, good or bad. In its archaic sense, the term hell refers to the underworld, a deep pit or more

  • Sent Out

    Contributed by Barney Hudson on Oct 12, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    A reminder that even though we are not perfect God loves us and has work for us to do.

    “Sent Out” Luke 9:1-6 October 14, 2001 Are we living in the End Times? Is the final battle between God and Satan spoken of in the book of Revelation about to begin? That question is on the minds of many Christians. Was the fiery end of the twin towers and the death of so many thousands just the more

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