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  • Get Ready Series

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Feb 18, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    My hope is to challenge each of you towards leadership. But I warn you that my definition of church leadership that I am challenging you with today is a little different from what you might be thinking leadership within the church is all about.

    Let’s pray. Father, Open my eyes so I can see Your truth. Open my ears so I can hear Your voice. Open my mind so I can understand Your Word. And open my heart so I may receive all that You want me to receive. AMEN Today and next Sunday we are going to look at the challenge Jesus issued more

  • Got To Or Get To

    Contributed by Richard Cook on Aug 21, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Teaches listeners to understand that there are some things in life that we GET to do and some things we GOT to do, and that serving God and praising Him is one of those things we GET to do..

    Ps.119:104 “Through thy precepts I get understanding:…” Prov. 4:5.7 Get wisdom, get understanding forget [it] not; neither decline from the words of my mouth…… Wisdom [is] the principal thing; [therefore] get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding Prov. 16:16 How much better [is it] more

  • Getting Fit

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This is an outline of how we should reevaluate our lives and our priorities

    There comes a time in most of our lives that we want to get in better shape. Health - Medical conditions / Weight loss / Baby weight Gym This involves a process • Comitment – Just joining wont get you in shape – Set a schedule • Equipment / Trainers • Fatigue • Progress • Set backs • Days where more

  • Get Energized! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 12, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    We need to allow the Holy Spirit to energize us God’s way! And we need to ask God to launch us into motion for eternity!

    “Get Energized!” Props for illustrations through sermon: Sling Shot – with nerf balls, frozen water bottle –unfrozen water bottle- a ball-a cell phone. Introduction: What is energy? From my research I have discovered that energy changes things: a. Energy makes a ball more

  • Getting Into The Weeds Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 18, 2010

    Why does evil exist in the world and what are we to do about it? Jesus tells a good story and has some sober advice as we look at ourselves - are we weeds or wheat?

    Today we are going to talk about three parables that give us an idea of the effect of the gospel in the world. Last time we looked at the parable of the sower, which describes how the individual is or is not open to the gospel. Now we turn outward to look at how the gospel spreads. First century more

  • Getting On The Boat

    Contributed by Joe Rowland on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Gods Word says that He will be with us and that He is the shelter from the storm. Maybe you fill like everything is going difficult, maybe you fill your starting to sink in your boat. Doubt sees the obsticles but faith sees the way!

    Getting On The Boat John 6:16-21 16 And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea, 17 And entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them. 18 And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew. 19 So when they more

  • Getting Into The Storm Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Where is your faith? how long will you give someone the benefit of the doubt until you have to question them? how close are you willing to get?

    Getting Into The Storm: Breaking Boundaries Lent #1, Mar 1 2009, Luke 8:22-25 Intro: It is dark, and you are on the water. It was fine when you set out, but out of nowhere the storm comes. The boat begins to fill with water, and although you are all bailing as fast as you can, you can’t keep more

  • Getting It Wrong Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 29, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    This passage is hard on the disciples, no getting around it. They fail, repeatedly. But when I step back and look at me, and at today’s church, I refuse to condemn the disciples because I see these very same failures in me and in today’s church. We’ve

    Getting it Wrong: Breaking Boundaries Luke 9:37-50 May 17, 2009 Intro: What we usually do when we study Scripture is good – we break it down into smaller pieces so we can really get into the stories and try to understand them, see Jesus in them, and reflect on what they mean for who we are and more

  • Get A Life!

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jun 6, 2009

    The new birth is an invisible reality with visible outworkings.

    Title: Get A Life! Text: John 3:1-17 Thesis: The new birth is an invisible reality with visible out workings. Introduction Let me begin by defining a couple of terms I am about to use. 1. “First Life” refers to your real life or the life you are living. 2. “Second Life” refers to an more

  • Getting Started Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Apr 17, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    Finding Wholeness in a Broken World Pt 2 - this message about the woman at the well helps people understand that to be whole we have to confront and respond to our brokenness.

    Finding Wholeness in a Broken World Pt 2 – Getting Started John 4:7-26; 39-45 “I just want someone to help me.” Those were the words that started this series in my heart – as the words of a young man echoed the words of so many others. Into the brokenness of this world the more

  • Getting It Right Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 27, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 13th sermon in the series "Royalty". This is also an Easter Sermon.

    Sunday Morning April 4, 2010 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: “Royalty” [#13] GETTING IT RIGHT 2 Chronicles 34:1-35:19 Introduction: I often think about days like today and wonder why we make them more important than others. I wonder why we dress differently, do more

  • Get Smart Series

    Contributed by Matthew Sullivan on Feb 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Challanges that lay ahead for the believer who wants to reform his mind.

    Get Smart Ephesians 5:13-20 Great Expectations Matthew Sullivan Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” We have been looking at the expectations that the Lord has for us as individuals and as a Church. We have learned we need to Grow up, Be more

  • Getting It Right Series

    Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    As we begin our journey to the cross it is important to start off on the right foot.

    Series: Journey to the Cross Text: Matthew 16:13-23 Title: “Getting It Right” Introduction • As we begin our journey to the cross, it’s important that we start off on the right foot. o How we start sets the tone for how the rest of the trip is going to play out. o Kind of like going on vacation; more

  • This Is Getting Serious Series

    Contributed by Alan Kraft on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    The first of six sermons from Jeremiah about the temptation and ramifications of sexual sin and how to begin to break free from temptation. This message focuses on adultery.

    For several weeks, I have been seeking the Lord about what our focus is to be for the next teaching series. I had several ideas rolling around in my head but none seemed to be ’right’. 1. Then out of the blue, during a prayer time, I felt led to turn to the book of Jeremiah, which hadn’t even more

  • Get Uncomfortable Series

    Contributed by Jerry Mckee on Feb 5, 2009

    This series is based on the book, "Do Hard Things" by Brett and Alex Harris. It is a 7 week series that challenges teenagers to step up from the low expectations that our culture has placed on them.

    The Rebelution Get Uncomfortable How to do Hard things that take you out of your comfort zone For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7 Illustration – I. Life is full of scary things A. Can you remember something in your own more

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