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  • Faith Versus Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jan 19, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When it comes to the area of tithing, the issue often boils down to faith in God’s promises versus unbelief in His promises. This sermon, sermon 2 in the Prove God Stewardship Series, helps us trust God and step out by faith in the area of giving.

    Faith Versus Unbelief Series: Prove God Stewardship Series, Sermon #2 of 3) Chuck Sligh January 19, 2014 A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available by emailing a request to me at Also available is a copy of the 100% Money Back Guarantee commitment referenced in more

  • "Are We Crazy Enough?"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 8, 2015

    Sermon shares feelings about Jesus, people thought he was crazy and I wonder of we are crazy enough to believe in His Incarnation, His Cross, His salvation, and The Resurrection.

    Are we Crazy Enough? Mark 3:21-22 1. Jesus’s popularity keeps growing 20Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat • He performs great miracles, like cleansing lepers, restoring withered hands • He also says some more

  • Dare To Believe...

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Dec 29, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    No matter what your need is... there's no length that God is not willing to go not only meet, but exceed far beyond your wildest expectations if you are willing to dare to believe He can do what He says He can do....

    Dare to Believe Illus. By John Raulerson A guy sees a sign in front of a house: "Talking Dog for Sale." He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a black mutt just sitting there. "You talk?" he asks. "Yep," the mutt replies. more

  • I Am The Resurrection

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Feb 15, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A message on Jesus' statement, I Am the Resurrection, from the perspective of the dead stuff in our lives.

    I Am the Resurrection Scripture: John 11:17-43 We are continuing our series on the “I Am” statements that Jesus makes in the gospel of John. If I were to retitle the message this morning, I would likely have called it, “What stinks?!!” Because we’re going to more

  • Go To The Tomb

    Contributed by Drew Mills on Apr 3, 2015

    Do our trials soften, harden or transform us for Him? A look at 3 witnesses of the empty tomb.

    Lou Holtz, the famous coach of Notre Dame football fame, said, “life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond.” A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give more

  • 1 John 5:13 Believing With Assurance Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 20, 2015

    If you want to be certain that you have nothing to fear from death, then put your confidence in Jesus Christ. Accept his claim to be the only begotten Son of God. Admit your disobedience to God and ask him for forgiveness.

    Believing with Assurance Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Mind you, he probably hadn’t imagined the industry that’s sprung up around tax avoidance these days. But he was certainly correct more

  • Beware Of An Unbelieving Heart

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 7, 2013

    To show that we need to guard our heart from unbelief.

    I. EXORDIUM: Take care of your heart. Proverbs 4:23 (Amplified Bible) 4:23 Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we need to guard our heart from more

  • Those Who Believed Entered That Rest

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 12, 2013

    To show that we are at REST with JESUS, JESUS works in us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you believe you have rest? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we are at REST with JESUS, JESUS works in us. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 4:3 (Amplified Bible) 4:3 For we who have believed (adhered to and trusted in and relied on God) do enter that rest, in more

  • Because He Lives, I Can Face Today Series

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Apr 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    You are not defined by your house, your car, your job, your education, or your credit score! You are defined by how you invested moments in the lives of others! How will someone define you because of your investment of today?

    Because He Lives I Can Face Today! John 20:29 John 20:29 29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Living Easter Everyday, living each day like Jesus is alive, changes everything! Easter can even change how more

  • Spiritual Battle Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 16, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    id we not read in the Bible that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour? (1 Peter 5:8) Get ready to read the next attack that the enemy plans on Abraham.

    Sodom deal! – Abraham – Part 4 Genesis 4:17”And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale.” Did we not read in the Bible that the more

  • The Kind Of Priest We Have

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Nov 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Hebrews is a book about Christ. The writer wants the people to know and believe in Him, but they already knew a lot, and they already professed publicly that they did believe. A lot of pressure and persecution was on some of the believers. They need

    The Kind of Priest We Have Hebrews 7:11-28 Related Readings: Genesis 14:17-24; Psalm 110; Psalm 27:7-14; Luke 22:24-34; Romans 8:31-39 A Little Review of Where We Are Hebrews is a book about Christ. The writer wants the people to know and believe in Him, but they already knew a lot, and more

  • The Rest Of The Story

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Mar 28, 2013

    An Easter Sunday sermon about trusting in the eyewitness accounts of Jesus' resurrection and believing in the power of Christ's resurrection to change our lives.

    Today, Christians around the world celebrate the greatest event of the Christian faith and we believe the history of the human race; the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Now, this isn’t just about the resurrection of one man from the grave. What this event means is what is profound more

  • Faith Speaks Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on May 14, 2013

    THE Word of Faith is the power of God by the Word of Christ, infused by the Spirit, in which HE brings dead men and women to spiritual life.

    5 12 13 “Faith Speaks” Romans 10:5-10 In the world today, there is, what seems to be, a lot of competition among religions. Many say that every religion has some validity, suggesting (pluralism), but yet some HAVE TO BE wrong, or even worse, ALL have to be wrong, except for one; more

  • A New Take On The "Doubting Thomas” Story.

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Apr 25, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    However you look at this story, the emphasis always appears to Thomas or us doubting, suggesting that we lack faith. It is not all to do with us; God has a role in our faith and we must let him work through us. We just cannot carry that burden alone.

    This sermon was delivered to the congregation in Holy Trinity, in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 23rd April 2017: by Gordon McCulloch (A Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). Our reading this morning are: Acts 2:14a,22-32 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31 Psalm more

  • The High Calling Of God In Christ Jesus Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 25, 2016
    based on 12 ratings

    There are two sides to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    I. THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. Philippians 3:14. When we are converted, we have a change of mind, a change of heart. Yet this is not only a once-for-all experience, but also an on-going process which will not be completed this side of eternity. We have been changed, we are being more

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