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  • Finding A Deeper Life Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Sep 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Pt 5 of the series deals with finding a deeper spiritual life. Success as a Christian cannot be found in superficial sprituality.

    The Secrets to Successful Living Pt 5 – Finding a Deeper Life Ephesians 3:14 – 4:3 We started several weeks ago talking about this idea of success and the Christian. We’ve talked about idea’s of changing our measure of success, keeping Christ central to life, Boundaries and Balance and last we more

  • For You Have Not Passed This Way Before.

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on May 19, 2018

    Discovering God in a deeper way

    “for you have not passed this way before.” Joshua 3:1 Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and they set out from Acacia Grove and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they crossed over. 2 So it was, after three days, that the officers went through the more

  • John The Baptist: Challenge For A Deeper Life

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Apr 22, 2020

    John the Baptist didn't follow in his father's footsteps as a priest in the temple. He challenged people to break out of normality and live radically new lives.

    (John, entering from the back, in costume, down the center aisle.) Wake up, everybody! God’s Messiah is coming! That’s really good news! Get ready! Things have got to change around here! God’s blessings are coming for you! But you have to be ready! Clean it up, folks! (John standing in more

  • Three Invitations

    Contributed by Brian Gordon on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' encounter with his disciples on their journey to Emmaus is a beautiful example of the invitation into a deeper relationship with Christ. I brought this message before a Communion Service.

    I. Introduction A. Have you ever been driving down the road with your radio on, and a song comes on that you just have to groove to? a. Either it reminds you of days gone by, reminds you of a special moment in your life, or you identify with the message. b. So your head starts bobbing and your more

  • What Does A Deeper Life Look Like Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Oct 24, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    This is the first in a series of sermons looking at developing a deeper walk with Christ. It addresses the issue of shallow Christianity and what a deeper life really looks like.

    Going Deeper Pt 1 Of all the things that I became convinced of during my time away perhaps the most important is that God is calling me and us to a deeper walk with Him. We live in a time that is marked with shallow Christianity. The world around us screams at us that it’s true. The Church of more

  • Diving Deeper Into Life Series

    Contributed by Samuel Wilder on Oct 18, 2011

    We need to start living life as the precious gift from God it truly is. Deeper living from a deeper understanding!

    This past Wednesday, Scott Evans Dekraai, got out of his car in Seal Beach (CA) shot a man who was sitting in his SUV talking on his cell phone then entered a beauty salon where his ex-wife worked and opened fire, shooting at point blank his ex-wife and eight other people. Six died immediately, two more

  • Dig Deeper Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    True wisdom is not easily found or bought, but comes from a deep relationship with God.

    Today, we're trying to figure out what wisdom is, where to find it, and how to use it. Imagine playing Minecraft. You're searching for diamonds, right? You can't find them just by wandering around. You have to dig deep, explore caves, and sometimes fight off some creepers. Just like finding more

  • A Deeper Faith Series

    Contributed by Ian Johnson on Jun 3, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    A steadfast spirit will hold us through the changing situations of life! How the life of David is an example of faith to us.

    GOD’S DEEPER WORK Faith series Pt 4 Pastor Ian Johnson Papatoetoe Elim Church. We have seen that walking by faith brings us into the supernatural power of God. The Spirit works in us to accomplish things that are impossible to our understanding. Our expectations are sometimes misdirected we look more

  • Deeper Thinking Series

    Contributed by Michael West on Dec 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s time to stop looking at your life in the natural, with carnality, that kind of thinking doesn’t give the Lord and credit or praise for what He can do for you and through you..

    Sunday January 16th, 2005 Series: Raising the level of Expectation part 4 Sermon: Deeper Thinking Scripture: Philippians 4:6-8 The grace of God is the favor of God. It is the supernatural power of God coming through our faith to do what we cannot do on our own. Once you believe God for more

  • Deeper And Deeper Into Commitment To God's Kingdom

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Jan 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Based on Ezekiel's vision we are asked to prayerfully consider how 'deep' we are into the ways and service of God and His kingdom.

    OT reading: Ezekiel 47: 1-6 (especially v.6) SERMON – Deeper and deeper; (the level of our commitment). Chapters 40 to 48 of the Book of Ezekiel contain accounts of visions God showed the Prophet in the 25th year of Israel's exile in Babylon. Some of the visions were to remind the Jews of more

  • The Trouble Lies Deeper Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Sep 27, 2011

    We give glory to God by living a life that is consistent with the heart of the law and not just the letter of the law.

    The great preacher of many years ago, Henry Ward Beecher, had a clock in this church that didn't keep good time. It was always too fast or too slow. And he fiddled with it month after month after month trying to get it right and it became kind of a standard topic of conversation in the church. more

  • A Deeper Well

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Oct 23, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    When the woman of Samaria met Jesus she received something deeper than water from Jacob’s well; she received a deeper relationship with God.

    A Deeper Well Prairie Baptist Church – 10/25/09 A.M. Service Text: John 4:1-29 Key verse: John 4:23 - But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. Premise: When the woman of Samaria more

  • A Deeper Relationship Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 9, 2012

    In this great exchange we gain some insight into the depth of the relationship Jesus has with Peter and we see the depth of relationship Peter THINKS he has with Jesus. Jesus knows Peter’s potential.

    INTRODUCTION • DVD CLIP 29:50-31:05 • SLIDE #1 • How do you know if you have a strong relationship? Many times we can gauge the strength of a relationship by how we deal with adversity. • In our text this morning we will get the opportunity to watch an amazing conversation unfold as Jesus and more

  • Go Deeper PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourage believers to trust and obey Jesus' call to go deeper in their faith, surrendering their own control and allowing God's transformative work in their lives.

    Good morning, Church family! Our message today is going to dive deep – literally and figuratively. We’re going to take a look at Luke 5:1-14 where Jesus calls His first disciples and challenges them to go deeper in their faith. It’s a powerful story of obedience, trust, and transformation that more

  • Wade Deeper Series

    Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    To show that we must never give up in spiritual matters for the Lord will be there to guide us into the deep things of our spiritual lives and greater success than we could ever imagine on our own.

    INTRODUCTION -There is an old saying that says, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” -There is a great deal of truth in that statement -It is impossible to win when you quit -Boxer throwing in the towel -Runner stopping mid-race -Tennis player walking off the court -Basketball player more

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