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  • The Eucharist And Faith Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 25, 2014

    The sacrament of Holy Eucharist nourishes our faith and gives us a context in which to express that faith.

    Thursday of 2nd Week of Easter 2014 Lumen Fidei Where did He get all this? Isn’t He just a carpenter’s son? There’s a reality in human life that is not animated by the Holy Spirit. Any tree that is taller than the trees around it attracts attention and is likely to get cut more

  • What Is Faith

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 6, 2014

    Defining our Faith

    Hebrews 11:1-3 What is Faith There once was a tourist who came too close to the edge of the Grand Canyon, lost his footing and plunged over the side, clawing and scratching to save himself. After he disappeared out of sight; and, just before he fell into open space, he stumbled upon a scrubby more

  • The Journey Of Faith

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 7, 2014

    Have you truly encountered God’s grace? Has he revealed to you the depth of your sin? Has he awakened you to the miracle of his mercy? Has he offered you a new and fuller life? And are you will to take Him up on his offer.

    The Journey of Faith Acts 9:1-22 Background Story • The church is flourishing in Jerusalem, • But resistance is intensifying, • It’s all starting to come to a head following the death of Stephen, • Stephen can be viewed as the church’s first martyr. more

  • Faithful Servant

    Contributed by Jason Duhon on Mar 11, 2016

    Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane

    Faithful Servant Matthew 26:36-46 Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, "Sit here, while I go over there and pray." And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, "My soul is very more

  • Unstaggering Faith

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Mar 12, 2016

    In this chapter Abraham is given as an illustration of salvation by grace. There are seven great steps in the faith of Abraham given here. In verse 12, we are admonished to walk in those steps. Abraham had a faith that staggered not at the promises of God. We need more men with this kind of faith.

    UNSTAGGERING FAITH Romans 4:20-21 In this chapter Abraham is given as an illustration of salvation by grace. There are seven great steps in the faith of Abraham given here. In verse 12, we are admonished to walk in those steps. Abraham had a faith that staggered not at the promises of God. We need more

  • Foolishness Or Faith

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Mar 14, 2016

    I would like for us to look at one of the most fascinating and central themes of the word of God. The Lamb. And I hope as we go through this that we will see how God's ways and thoughts are higher than our own.

    Foolishness or Faith Isaiah 55:8-9 I Corinthians 1: 18 I would like for us to look at one of the most fascinating and central themes of the word of God. The Lamb. And I hope as we go through this that we will see how God's ways and thoughts are higher than our own. Events which take place in our more

  • The Triumph Of Faith

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015

    The Triumph of Faith

    Joshua 5:13 - Ch 6:5 The Triumph of Faith Jericho was a very formidable city, a great city Great in Antiquity, oldest cities. Great in Iniquity Great in Hostility an impregnable fortress There’s a Jericho standing between us and :- God's Person, God's Plan, God's Purpose, God's Power, and more

  • Joshua's Faith

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015

    Joshua's Faith

    JOSHUA 24:14-21 Joshua 1. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FAITH A. THE ROOT OF FAITH. 14 Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: There are two components of faith found in v14: Fear. "Fear the LORD". Psalm 4:4—“Stand in awe and sin more

  • The Prayer Of Faith

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015

    The Prayer Of Faith

    1 Kings 18 v 41 - 46 James 5:16-18 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. 17 Elias was a man more

  • The Fight Of Faith

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The Fight of Faith

    Psalm 20 The Fight of Faith 1. The Intercession of Faith - 20:1-4 (a) God Will Shield You in the Battle 1 The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee; (b) God Will more

  • "Scandalous Faith"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Mark 9:23 MSG. Says...Jesus said, “If? There are no ‘ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen.”

    Scandalous Faith As we approach fall and the weather gets cooler... It seems as though we're always wanting to know what the winter weather holds for us, *Will the Willy Worms be dark or light? *Will El Niño or la Niña affect us the way the weatherman say they will? *Will the farmers almanac more

  • The Arena Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Daniel De Bruin on Nov 5, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    To me the greatest shortfall that we as believers have, is our lack of faith. And it is not that we need a whole of it. We actually need just a little bit of faith, according to Jesus, as small as a mustard seed to move mountains.

    To me the greatest shortfall that we as believers have, is our lack of faith. And it is not that we need a whole of it. We actually need just a little bit of faith, according to Jesus, as small as a mustard seed to move mountains. According to Hebrews 11:2 we receive our testimonies by faith. So more

  • Faith In Action Series

    Contributed by Daniel De Bruin on Nov 5, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    If there were ever a time in the history of the church where believers needs to start practice what they preach; then that time is now. People are not easily convinced by our words, but they are drawn by our actions.

    If there were ever a time in the history of the church where believers needs to start practice what they preach; then that time is now. People are not easily convinced by our words, but they are drawn by our actions. Even Jesus instructed the people by saying, do not believe me unless I do the more

  • A Praying Faith

    Contributed by Richard White on Jun 6, 2013

    We ask but we do not receive, why? Is it our faith? What did that centurion know that we don't

    A praying Faith Matt 8:5-13 Comparing our faith, is it solid like a barrel cactus, it grows in the most extreme circumstances or is fragile like the African Violet which even the slightest change causes it to wilt? What affects our prayer life? 1. We do not ask (James 4:2) 2. We ask with more

  • Faith In God

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 7, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have real faith in GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show what real faith is. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:22-24 (Amplified Bible) And Jesus, replying, said to them, Have faith in God [constantly].

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have real faith in GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show what real faith is. IV. TEXT: Mark 11:22-24 (Amplified Bible) And Jesus, replying, said to them, Have faith in God [constantly]. Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted more

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