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Sermons on Daniel 1:6:

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  • The Development Of A Man/Woman Of God

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 22, 2019

    Daniel, a normal believer, was transformed into a person of such insight and faith, that he was promoted to serve 5 kings from three different conquering nations. What steps did he take that caused such a transformation?

    THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MAN/WOMAN OF GOD Dan. 1:3-17 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: FREE HAIRCUTS 1. One day a Barber cut a minister’s hair. When the minister reached for his wallet, the barber said, “No Reverend, it’s on me.” Next morning, as if by magic, there were 10 silver coins on his doorstep. 2. more

  • Resoolutions That Lead To Revival Series

    Contributed by Charles La Porte on May 30, 2016

    How can your resolution help you thru times of adversity and put you on a path toward revival? Daniel was caught in a world system and culture that forgot God. God repeatedly sent prophets to warn the people of but they continued to rebel and live in sin.

    Rev It Up (New Year pt. 1) Resolutions That Lead to Revival Daniel 1:1-14 Resolution = 1) a firm decision to do or not to do something. 2) the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem etc. Resolute = admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering. Resolved = firmly more

  • Propelled Into Destiny

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 26, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    In every life, there are pivotal moments when destiny is defined for that person. The decisions made at those crucial times usually set the course for the rest of our lives. Message explores this dynamic in Daniel's life and makes application for today.

    Daniel 2:1-19, 47-49 4/12/15 In every life, there are pivotal moments when destiny is defined for that person. The decisions made at those crucial times usually set the course for the rest of our lives. I was watching a documentary a few days ago about the life of Martin Luther. In his early 20’s more

  • You Are What You Eat Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 6, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    Daniel and his friends were strangers in a strange land and were surrounded by paganism. How did they deal with standing up for God in that setting, and how can we stand up for God in an increasingly offensive world?

    I read the true story about a wife who liked to make sure she had meals ready to cook. She made “freezer meals” ahead of time and carefully noted what they were in large clear letters. There was "Meatloaf", "Pot Roast", "Steak and Vegetables”, "Chicken and Dumplings" or "Beef Pot Pie." But whenever more

  • Daniel 1: Don't Compromise Your Anointing Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Aug 20, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    A series studying through Daniel

    Title: Don't Compromise Your Anointing Theme: To show that we don’t have to compromise even in the midst of evil. Text: Daniel 1 Introduction Overview of The Book of Daniel is not about Daniel. Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, Daniel was God's vessel, a tool in his hands to accomplish his more

  • When Daniel's World Changed Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Apr 7, 2016

    By studying Daniel, we will get a glimpse of a man who lived and thrived in a pagan culture. Daniel instructs us how we should live in our culture today.

    Think with me to the year 1996. That was 20 years ago. Much has changed in 29 years! Do you remember your cell phone from 1996? Not everyone had a cell phone back then. They were fairly large, and they looked like, well, a telephone, with a receiver for your ear, a mouth piece, and.... an more

  • As The World Turns Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    It seems we live in constant flux -- the world is changing and usually away from God. This lesson takes a look at how Daniel and his friends dealt with their world as it changed from Israel to Babylon.

    1. War of the Worlds was written by HG Wells in 1897. It is one of the earliest stories of conflict between mankind and an extraterrestrial race. It was performed as a Halloween episode on radio by Orson Welles on OCT 30, 1938. It allegedly caused mass panic. It was presented as a series of News more

  • A Whole New World

    Contributed by Emily Jache on Aug 19, 2020

    Everyone knows about Daniel in the lions den. Although do you know how he actually ended up where he was in the first place?

    Introduction: A whole new world. A new fantastic point of view. Song lyrics from a song from the Disney movie Aladdin, in which the thought of things changing suddenly around you would be wonderful and exciting. Imagine looking down on a city or town and experiencing the excitement and happiness. more

  • Daniel 1: Living In A Strange Land Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Sep 3, 2020

    How can we thrive in an ungodly environment? 1) Stand up for who we are, 2) Excel in what we do. In exile, Daniel was excelled, without losing his identity.

    LIVING IN A STRANGE LAND—Daniel 1, 1 Peter 2:9-12 Read Daniel 1:1-20. ***My first days in a college dorm were a rude awakening, for a guy who had led a pretty sheltered life. Bob Dylan was blasting out, “Lay, Lady, Lay” on the stereo down the hall. (Yes, I am ancient!) The Beatles were singing more

  • Not Of This World

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jul 9, 2015

    Daniel 1

    NOT OF THIS WORLD (DANIEL 1) Avram Grant is known as the manager who succeeded Jose Mourinho at Chelsea Football Club when the latter left in 2007. Grant was unaware of his father's full story as a Holocaust survivor until he was a teenager when he heard his father screaming in his sleep. His more

  • Living For God In A Secular World

    Contributed by Buddy Cook on Jul 16, 2015

    Daniel and his three Hebrew friends were thrust into the pagan environment of Babylon. How they served God in this pagan land is an example of how we can serve God in our secular culture.

    LIVING FOR GOD IN A SECULAR WORLD Daniel 1:1-21 Introduction: Recent Supreme Court Rulings • List of Supreme Court Rulings • We live in a world driven by public opinion and public opinion does not always line up with what God’s word to us. Question: How do we hold biblical more

  • Unshakeable Hope Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jan 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The number one thing people are looking for, hungry for, begging for, thirsting for, living for, even dying for is HOPE! Hope is not only one of the most powerful words in the English language, it truly is one of the most powerful forces in the world.

    Most of us go about our daily routines without giving much thought to HOW the devices we use were constructed. Many of the items you use for work, play, and education rely on what are known as rare earth elements. There are seventeen rare earth elements in the periodic table, and all of these are more

  • Nobody Will See Your Sine If You Are No Different Than The World Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jan 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God tells us in both the Old and New Testament to let our light shine. That will not happen if we are no different than the world.

    ILLUSTRATION In Daniel chapter 12, there is a verse that every Christian should memorize. And it is: Daniel 12:3 (NKJV) 3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. In the first part of the verse, more

  • The Great Need For Bible Convictions

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 2, 2022

    In the modern church today, you do not hear many sermons on Bible convictions. In fact, in the modern church, the word “Conviction” is rarely mentioned.

    Illus: Years ago, it was not unusual to hear Christians in the church saying such things as, “I do not do this, or that, because it is a Bible conviction I have.” But today, you rarely hear professing Christians talk about Bible convictions they have. Why? Because, Bible convictions are based on more

  • Daniel: Man Of Purity Series

    Contributed by Lanny Carpenter on Sep 19, 2021

    6th in the series Unlikely Heroes. Portrays Daniel's great heroic attribute of purity.

    INTRODUCTION Years ago, when I was a teenager, a terrible storm surged through our area one night in southern Louisiana. Power went out that night, and we awoke the next morning to find the culprit. A large stately oak tree had fallen upon the powerlines. This tree was probably 10-12 feet around more

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