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  • You've Got A Friend In Me PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 10, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the importance of cultivating deep, intentional friendships as a crucial part of our spiritual journey and growth as Christians.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. We gather here today, not as mere individuals, but as a collective body of believers, united by the love of Christ and the fellowship we share in Him. It is a beautiful day to celebrate the bonds that tie us together, the friendships that sustain us on more

  • Selfish Motives PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 12, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores our internal battles with greed and pride, encouraging us to seek God's guidance in cultivating humility and generosity.

    Welcome, beloved family of God, to this sacred gathering where we come together in unity and love, drawn by the magnetic pull of His grace, to seek wisdom and understanding from His holy Word. We are a community, a family, bound by a shared faith in a God who loves us, a Savior who redeems us, and more

  • Spiritual Infants PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 13, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages spiritual growth, identifying hindrances to maturity and providing guidance on cultivating habits for deeper faith in Christ.

    Good morning, beloved congregation. I trust that God's grace has been sufficient for you this week. We are gathered here today to peel back the layers of a passage from the book of Hebrews, a passage that calls us to grow, to mature, and to deepen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's take a more

  • Temples Under Construction

    Contributed by Jerry Vargo on Jan 16, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    God’s calling on every Christian is to ensure that our "temples," Body, Soul, and Spirit are cultivated and ready for the Lord to use.

    If you use any or all of this message--would you be willing to fire off a quick email I would like to have an idea of how often my sermons are actually being preached to strengthen the Body of Christ. Thanks! "Temples Under Construction" Pastor Jerry C. more

  • The Blessing Of A Bad Reputation

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Jul 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The early Church had a bad reputation which helped it grow and we should cultivate such a bad repputation in our time.

    The Blessing of a Bad Reputation Acts 28:22 INTRO.:Paul is in Rome facing trial for preaching Christ. While waiting for his hearing before Caesar, he is permitted to have guests and to communicate with others. He calls the leaders of the local synagogue to explain his side of the issues before the more

  • The Transforming Power Of God's Word Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The Word of God transforms. It brings conviction and joy. Do not undermine the intake of God's Word. Cultivate a respect for His Word.

    RECAP last week's message – Rebuilding the People of God (1) Watch Your Character. Nehemiah chose people who are faithful and fear God. Your greatest ability is dependability. (2) Remember Your Identity. Nehemiah organised the people and reinstated the worship of God among the people. more

  • On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 28, 2009

    Growth can come by pruning, cultivating, or simply letting it happen. God wants the church to grow, and all these methods are used.

    Growth takes place in one of three ways. Things grow because one of three things happens. First, some things grow just because it is in the very nature of those things to grow. You don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to feed them or nourish them or encourage them. Some things just grow. more

  • The Meek Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    What is biblical meekness? When and how is the reward of meekness experienced? How do we cultivate this quality in our lives?

    Intro Our text today is Matthew 5:5: “Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”i This is the third beatitude that introduces Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. In this series, we have already considered the first two: “Blessed are the poor in spirit” and “Blessed are those who mourn.” more

  • A Culture Of Mercy Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Aug 1, 2020

    I believe Jesus is wanting us to constantly be a person who shows mercy and cultivates a bubble of mercy around us.

    BEATITUDES SERIES: A CULTURE OF MERCY MATTHEW 5:7 #Beatitudes READ MATTHEW 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” MERCY STORY 1 (p) Mercy is like two farmers who had two fields next to each other. Each farmer came out on the same morning to prepare their fields and to more

  • #5 Farmer, Seeds And Soil Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Jul 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We must be will to cultivate our lives for Christ if we long to be His tools bringing about the advance of the kingdom of God

    This sermon was written and given by the leader of ministries on Sunday July 28, 2021 at The Center. Let me start off by saying I’m the type of person who tells it like it is, so parables drive me crazy!! Just speak in a straight line, Jesus. Cut to the chase and get to the point! more

  • Maturity Equals Thankfulness PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores maturing in Christ, understanding faith's strengthening role, and cultivating a life of continual thankfulness as guided by Paul's letter to the Colossians.

    Good morning, dear family in Christ. What a joy it is to gather together in this sacred place, united in our love for the Lord and our desire to grow deeper in our understanding of His word. Today, we stand on the precipice of a profound truth, a truth that will guide us, shape us, and ultimately more

  • Watchnight PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 22, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages cultivating spiritual sensitivity to recognize and respond to God's leading, as exemplified by Simeon and Anna in the Gospel of Luke. Key

    Good morning, beloved family of Christ. How wonderful it is to gather together in His name, to seek His wisdom, and to bask in His love. We are here, not by accident, but by divine appointment. Our Father, in His infinite wisdom, has drawn us together today to delve into His Word, to seek His more

  • We Walk By Faith PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 20, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the importance of faith in our Christian journey, its role in salvation, and ways to cultivate a deeper, stronger faith.

    Good morning, beloved. There is a warmth in the room today, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that fills my heart with joy. We are here, together, to celebrate the word of God and to find comfort, guidance, and inspiration in its timeless wisdom. Today, we focus our hearts on the beautiful more

  • The Fruit Called Goodness PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 23, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores harnessing the Holy Spirit's power to cultivate a character reflecting God's virtues and honoring Him through our goodness.

    Welcome, beloved, to this blessed gathering where we seek to draw nearer to our Creator, to understand His word, and to align ourselves with His divine will. As we gather today under the canopy of His grace, we are reminded of the profound words of Charles Spurgeon, who once said, "A Bible that's more

  • Parable Of Faith PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to cultivate their faith, seek God's favor, and face the future with hope, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Scriptures.

    Good morning, beloved in Christ. It is a joy to be with you today, to share in the fellowship of our faith, and to gather in the warmth of God's abiding love. We are here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. Today, we are going to immerse ourselves in the richness of God's word, drawing from more

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