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  • Where You Put Your Foot Series

    Contributed by Todd Martin on Dec 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is part 1 of a verse by verse study of Joshua.

    Where you put your foot Do you ever get the feeling that God has more in store for you? That there is something ahead, that he has for you, but you’ve never been there before. I don’t know if it’s at work, school or home. I don’t know if it’s with your emotional, physical or spiritual health. I more

  • The Marks Of True Revival Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Dec 26, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    How does revival happen? And how do we know that it is truly revival?

    The Marks of True Revival Acts 2:42-47 It has been a long time since America has seen a widespread revival. In fact, any of the researchers are lamenting the decline of Christianity in America. This decline is especially severe in what used to be called the “mainline churches.” Many remedies have more

  • Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Vii: Faithfulness Epitomized By Philip Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 15, 2020

    In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians are called upon to be faithful by continuing the work that Jesus began both to teach and to do - willing to cross all kinds of barriers to carry the gospel to any and every one.

    PHILIP EPITOMIZED FAITHFULNESS . . . (Acts 8) Stephen was dead. He had been stoned to death due to his boldness in telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the sin of rejection and the absolute necessity for more

  • Unity Among The People Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 6, 2017

    One evidence of conversion is a desire to be instructed in the doctrines and duties of the Christian religion, and a willingness to attend the preaching of the gospel. These young converts had embraced this doctrine gladly, and were not only believers....

    September 2, 2013 By: Tom Lowe Series: The Early Church Title: Unity Among the People Acts 2.42-47 (KJV) 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 And fear came upon every soul: more

  • Thirsty Hearts: Finding Fulfillment At The Well

    Contributed by Christian Jones on Jun 4, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Today, I invite you to journey with me to the ancient wells of Scripture, where we will explore the theme of thirsty hearts and the fulfillment we can find at the well. Just as physical thirst drives us to seek water, our souls also long for something to quench their thirst.

    Sermon Points: The Thirst of the Soul Scripture Reference: Psalm 42:1-2 (KJV) "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?" Explanation: Our souls possess an more

  • Posada De Jesús Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Mar 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jueves Santo

    Posada de Jesús Sagrada Escritura Éxodo 12:1-8, Éxodo 12:11-14, 1 Corintios 11:23-26, Juan 13:1-15. Reflexión Queridos hermanos y hermanas, La vida es difícil para todos, incluido Jesús, que vivió en Palestina. Anhelamos que alguien nos masajee los pies y more

  • Inn Ni Hesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Mar 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Huwebes Santo

    Inn ni Hesus Banal na Kasulatan Exodo 12:1-8, Exodo 12:11-14, 1 Corinto 11:23-26, Juan 13:1-15. Pagninilay Mahal na mga kapatid, Mahirap ang buhay para sa lahat kabilang si Hesus na nanirahan sa Palestine. Hinahangad namin na may magmamasahe sa aming mga paa at makapagpahinga sa amin na more

  • What Is In Your Hand? (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    What will it really take for God to use what is in our hands? The Spirit of God wants be break all bondages in our life, empower us to use the unconventional, discarded and stuff that is given up for being useless. Finally our genuine thirst for God ...

    Opening illustration: In 1996, a young marine corporal named Joey Mora was standing on a platform of an aircraft carrier patrolling the Iranian Sea. Incredibly, he fell overboard. His absence was not known for 36 hours. A search and rescue mission began, but was given up after another 24 hours. No more

  • The Church: Purpose, Profile & Priorities: Talk #'2: ‘the Wife Every Church Should Marry!’ Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 24, 2024

    The Church: Purpose, Profile & Priorities: Talk #'2: '‘The WIFE Every Church should Marry!’ (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: WIFE Acrostic for... Worship. Instruction. Fellowship. Evangelism. "Making sense of the ministry", by Warren Wiersbe, Statement #1: The foundation of ministry is character. statement #2: The nature of ministry is service. statement #3: The motive for ministry is more

  • Routines, Ruts, & Revolutions

    Contributed by Joshua Blackmon on Jul 7, 2024

    Ancient Israel's wilderness wanderings have lessons for us. I gave ChatGPT detailed prompts and it helped me organize my thoughts for this sermon. I'm not completely satisfied with it, but I will rework it and preach it again.

    Title: Routines, Ruts, & Revolutions Opening: This quote is often attributed to the genius of Albert Einstein. Before him, art critics and psychological theorists had recognized the idea. However, it seems that the true origin of the saying in its most often quoted form is from a person at an more

  • The People Of The Covenant Lord: The Church Is The People, Not The Steeple Series

    Contributed by Gregg Strawbridge on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    This sermon as part of the series on the covenant relationship of God and His people, explains the form and function of the church as the people, not the steeple.

    INTRODUCTION: C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, writing, of course, as an elder devil to a younger devil, "One of our great allies at present is the Church itself. Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean the Church as we see her spread out through all time and space and rooted in eternity, terrible as more

  • Marriage: God's Showcase Of Covenant-Keeping Grace Series

    Contributed by John Piper on Mar 29, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    The most foundational thing you can say about marriage is that it is the doing of God, and the most ultimate thing you can say about marriage is that it is for the display of God.

    What we have seen in the last two weeks is that the most foundational thing you can say about marriage is that it is the doing of God, and the most ultimate thing you can say about marriage is that it is for the display of God. These two points are made by Moses in Genesis 2. But they are made even more

  • The Old Covenant Emphasis In The Revelation Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A brief overview of the Old Covenant emphasis in the Revelation

    The Old Covenant Emphasis in the Revelation of Jesus Christ Chapter one provides the introduction in (v.1-7) as the Lord Jesus Christ’s work of redemption and His Second Coming are emphasized in (v.5-7). He speaks and appears to John as the Lord of Glory in the remaining verses giving John more

  • We Keep The Word Not For Salvation But For Covenant Power.

    Contributed by H. Junior Beasley on Oct 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Entering into the Covenant Through, “The Fear of the Lord”

    We Keep the Word Not for Salvation but For Covenant Power. Entering into the Covenant Through, “The Fear of the Lord” We are Going to be Examining a Very Old Covenant, with You this Morning About a Covenant that provides Longevity, Prosperity, Good Health, and Un measurable more

  • How Is The New Covenant Better Than The Old? Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 19, 2018

    In what ways is the new covenant better than what Moses shared?

    What Should We Do? Embrace the better new. - Sometimes Christians seem to pine for the Old Testament way of doing things. A couple examples: a. Getting to see God show up physically with smoke and lightning fireworks. b. Having a list of rules to follow. - A larger problem than that, though, more

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