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  • Do You Have Your Ears On?

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Oct 25, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Our day is filled with voices that clamor to be heard. This sermon deals with becoming discriminate listeners.

    If ever there was “a word from the Lord” that relates to the subject at hand, it would be that found in John 10:27. Jesus is speaking, or rather, teaching, and He says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Beepers and pagers are everywhere! From physicians to more

  • Wise Or Unwise

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Feb 19, 2001
    based on 161 ratings

    Wisdom is demonstrated often at Church business meetings. Not by the decisions made but in the way they are made. Are our meeting marked by strife or unity?

    James 3:13-18 The Hebrews who clearly understood that true wisdom was not intellectual, but behavioral. Thus, the biggest fool was one who knew truth and failed to apply it. A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were the only passengers on a small plane. The pilot came back to the more

  • Words Of Importance Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Expository message on passage

    SERIES: “LESSONS FROM THE EARLY CHURCH” TEXT: ACTS 18:12-23 TITLE: “WORDS OF IMPORTANCE” INTRODUCTION: A. We live in a society where what we say is not intended to be what we mean 1. Several years ago, this phenomenon was given the title the more

  • I Pity The Fool Series

    Contributed by Bob Lentz on Sep 19, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Knowing the importance of hearing and obeying God’s Word

    I Pity The Fool 5-7-06 “Stop Foolin’ Yourself” Series James 1:21-27 Intro. At age 36 Erik Weihenmayer (WINE-mayor) is known as a world-class athlete. He’s a skydiver, a paraglider and a marathon runner. He’s been more

  • Encourage Me

    Contributed by Armando Massi on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    I hope you will be patient and receptive as I describe to you my greatest need. “To be encouraged.”

    ENCOURAGE ME Hebrews 10:19-25 One night, during Bible study, Bill Sayre interjected that people have needs and that when we, as a congregation meet those needs, it causes lasting relations to form, especially during times of grieving. Later in jest, he added, "Even ministers have needs." At more

  • Liar Liar Series

    Contributed by Kevin Maloney on Feb 4, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    Jesus calls us to tell the truth in a way that goes far beyond being legally accurate.

    Liar Liar – Matthew 5:33-37 Amish buggies probably don’t have speedometers. How do they know if they’re breaking the law? They just know they’re not because you can’t speed in a buggy – you’ve got a two horse power vehicle. You always know you’re going far beyond the demands of the law, even in more

  • Get Up And Go Series

    Contributed by Bob Lentz on Sep 13, 2006

    Using Abraham’s call to learn how to hear God’s voice in our own lives.

    Get Up And Go! 7-30-06 Series: Can You Hear Me Now? Gen. 12:1-10 Intro. Walking from the back saying – “Can you hear me now?” I love cell phones. They’re convenient, inexpensive and practical. But as we all know, they do have a few little quirks. Do you know what drives more

  • What It Means To Become Real Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on May 29, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Using the Velveteen Rabbit as a moral this message examines the importance of merging old and young generations together in the Body of Christ to reach the greatest effectiveness.

    ¡§Happily Ever After¡K¡¨ ¡V Part Two - The Velveteen Rabbit Something Old/Something New Introduction: Read from, ¡§The Velveteen Rabbit - How a Toy Becomes Real¡¨ ¡§The Skin Horse had lived longer in the nursery than any of the others. He was so old that his brown coat was bald in patches and more

  • "Experiencing Our Shine"

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Feb 19, 2004
    based on 65 ratings

    What takes place when we spend time in the presence of God that will help us to more effectively communicate to those still in darkness.

    Iliff and Saltillo UM Churches February 22, 2004 "Experiencing Our Shine" Exodus 34:29-35 INTRODUCTION: Today is Transfiguration Sunday. Usually when we speak of the Transfiguration we are referring to the scripture in Luke 9:28-36 that tells about Jesus going up in the mountain with Peter, James, more

  • Never A Discouraging Word

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 121 ratings

    Questions to ask yourself when you are tempted to criticize.

    According to the old western ballad, "Home on the Range", the range was a place, "where never is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day." Fanciful thought. Never hearing a discouraging word would be pleasant. But that really wasn’t true in the old west and it’s certainly more

  • Go Forth And Preach - Is For All Of You

    Contributed by Dennis Casanova on Mar 18, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    I admonish you as Paul admonishes Timothy to go forth and Preach.

    Paul the Apostle wrote this to his faithful helper Timothy and I pass it on to you all as it is such good advice to everyone who considers themselves or is trying to be a good Christian. In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his more

  • The First Inning Miracle

    Contributed by Joe Rowland on Mar 27, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Nothing is impossible when God gets involved.

    1. Life, in reality, is a course in which we run. 2. It’s something we have to do. 3. We don’t have a choice in it. 1. As we get older, we make decisions. 2. We make choices in life. 3. The question is, "What choices will we make?" 4. What decisions will we make in life? 1. Am I going to accept more

  • Why Are You Talking About Having No Bread? Series

    Contributed by Kevin Cummins on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    The disciples had allowed themselves to become so distracted that they missed the message Jesus was trying to give to them. Sometimes we allow the same thing to happen in our lives.

    According to the president of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 1.2 million crashes a year are caused by driver distractions. Of course we all know that with the way cell phones have taken over in our society that cell phones are definitely a distraction for many drivers. But to my surprise more

  • Words That Help Your Family "Talk The Walk" Series

    Contributed by Mark Atherton on Mar 9, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    A look at Ephesiains 4:25-32

    Words that help your family “Talk the Walk” Ephesians 4:25-32 1) Words that are Good--verse 29a Words that are Authentic-- verse 25 Words that are Tactiful--verse 15a Words that deal with Conflict--verse 26 2) Words that Benefit-- verse 29c Words that Build up--verse 29b kind, more

  • Improving Your Social Life: Three Essential Communications Skills

    Contributed by Cary Paulk on Mar 14, 2002
    based on 318 ratings

    A Sermon that gives practical helps on being better communicators.

    Improving Your Social Life: Three Essential Communications Skills James 1:19-20 Introduction: [A young man once approached Socrates to ask if the philosopher would teach him the gift of oratory. His request was then followed by an incessant stream of words until, finally, Socrates placed his hand more

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