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  • Commitment To Witness

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 19, 2005
    based on 244 ratings

    We all need to be committed to witnessing for Christ.

    INTRO.- ILL.- You have perhaps heard the old story told about a pig and a chicken walking down the road together. As they walked along they read a sign advertising a breakfast to benefit the poor. The chicken said to the pig, “You and I should donate a ham and egg breakfast.” The pig replied, more

  • Are You Committed? Series

    Contributed by Neil Partington on Oct 19, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    For the Apostles, they believed that their journey with Christ was over. The really was, their journey with Christ was just beginning. When the Holy Spirit came to them, they became committed to Christ and the Church.

    Last week I shared with you that one of my favorite things to do is to go canoeing. I have looked at Rock Lake, and I am looking forward to going out next spring. This morning, I would like to talk to you about another one of things that I love to do, and that is backpacking. My love of more

  • Commitment To Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 15, 2005
    based on 1,066 ratings

    We have it so good. We enjoy it so much. We express it so little.

    INTRO.- ILL.- One man wrote, “The day before Christmas became a thanksgiving day for my family. The station wagon was packed with kids and travel stuff for the 400-mile trip to Grandma’s. As is our custom, before leaving we asked God to protect us on the road. He did, but in an unusual way. more

  • Commitment To The Truth

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 23, 2005
    based on 314 ratings

    Commitment to the truth of the gospel is needed in this messed up world.

    INTRO.- ILL.- Two elderly women were out driving in a large car and both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself "I must be losing it, I more

  • Committed To The Spirit

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 4, 2006
    based on 170 ratings

    1- Committed to acquiring His help 2- Committed to allowing His transformation

    INTRO.- ILL.- AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked "intellectual leadership". He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it’s not Walter who was lacking intelligence. ILL.- A man walked in to a Topeka, Kansas Kwik Shop, and asked for all the money in the more

  • The Cost Of Commitment

    Contributed by Jeff Davenport on Mar 5, 2006
    based on 125 ratings

    What is the true cost of commitment? Are you willing to pay it?

    The Cost of Your Commitment Luke14:25-35 Commitment is not found in the location of your body, but instead the location of your heart. (ie. Athlete, student) Illus: In 1947, a professor at the University of Chicago was scheduled to teach an advanced seminar in astrophysics. At the time he was more

  • Commited To The Cause

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Fourth of July message

    Committed to the cause Text: Heb. 11:32-33, 37-40 Opening: 1. In two days, we will celebrate, Independence day, July 4th and it is indeed honorable to honor those who sacrificed so much to se this nation through 2. I want to look at what it was that literally made these men, and not only more

  • Cupped And Committed

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Sep 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for duck-hunting season when we had several hunters visiting us, most Christian, some not.

    Cupped & Committed April 9, 2006 Scripture: Mark 8:34 He called the crowd and his disciples to himself and said to them, ‘If anyone wants to follow me, let them deny themselves, and take up their cross, and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their more

  • Committed To The Cause

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Sep 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians must be committed to declaring the Gospel to the lost

    I. The Mission of the Saved - vs. 1-9 A. We must Glorify - vs. 1-2 - We will sing a different; a new song. 1. New Facts for our Singing 2. New Feelings for our Singing 3. New Friendship and that is why I am singing! B. We must Go - vs. 3-6 1. The Declaration a. His Glory b. His more

  • Commitment Or Compromise?

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Nov 23, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Are we living Christian lives or just fooling ourselves? Is there a comfortable cross for us? Let’s consider the Lord’s own life and calling as we reflect on the prisoner Paul.

    Paul took prison ministry seriously. In fact, the last 8 chapters (21-28) of Acts record Paul’s imprisonment and mission work as a prisoner. While the messenger is a prisoner, the message continues to go forth and impact the world! This is another confirmation that the cause of Christ is of God more

  • Commitment On Trial

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 25, 2009
    based on 12 ratings

    If you were pressed to compromise your convictions or the commitments you have made to God would you have the courage to stand by those commitments and your convictions? The Rechabites provide an example for us to follow.

    COMMITMENT ON TRIAL JEREMIAH 35:1-11 Introduction: If you were pressed to compromise your convictions or the commitments you have made to God would you have the courage to stand by those commitments and your convictions? Dan Yeary in “Proclaim” speaks of those who make commitments that are only more

  • Wholehearted Commitment Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 31, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon examines the priorities of wholehearted commitment.

    Scripture For the next four Sundays I plan to preach a new series of sermons, which I have titled, Wholehearted Generosity. Now, what is “wholehearted generosity”? Wholehearted is defined as “completely and sincerely devoted, determined, or enthusiastic; marked by complete earnest commitment; more

  • Make A Commitment Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jul 19, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    Make a Commitment to the Lord’s work

    Make a Commitment Making a Commitment is Good. It helps us focus It shows our love Make a commitment to Submit to God’s Word Make a commitment to Stay Pure in our relationships Make a commitment to Sabbath rest Make a commitment to Support the Lord’s work Support it systematically Support it more

  • Fellowship - Commitment Series

    Contributed by Don Jones on Apr 1, 2009
    based on 37 ratings

    The believers were committed to 1. Grace 2. Personal Growth 3. Gathering, 4. Giving, and 5. Growing the Church

    Fellowship - Commitment Acts 2:42-47 Introduction The past few Sundays we have been exploring fellowship in the New Testament. Fellowship is union with God through Jesus Christ. We have access to God Almighty and His desire is to love us as a perfect Father. Fellowship is Christ centered. more

  • "Make The Commitment” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    What should motivate us to have a burden to see people come to faith in Christ?

    When you search the Scriptures for a model of individual commitment to reaching others for Christ, you need look no further than the Apostle Paul. Paul’s passion is heard loud and clear when he says: “Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of more

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