Sermon Series
  • 1. How To Know God's Will In Minstry Or Establish A Ministry

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    As we seek to do the Lord’s will as a church we need to be sure we are doing His will. God gives us the directions we need in our passage this morning.

    HOW TO KNOW GOD’S WILL IN MINISTRY OR ESTABLISH A MINISTRY Acts 1:12-14 INTRODUCTION: A. Today we have so many programs to “establish” ministries 1. In Evangelism: GROW, Faith, Share Jesus Without Fear 2. Sunday School: The Winning Spirit 3. Stewardship: Encouraging the more

  • 2. Filling The Gaps

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2005
    based on 60 ratings

    This message is intended to encourage the members of the body of Christ, His Church, to get busy in the service ministries of the local body.

    FILLING THE GAPS Acts 1:15-26 INTRODUCTION: A. How many of you can remember seeing a revolutionary war movie? 1. One of the most recent is the Patriot with Mel Gibson 2. I’m not a fan about the way they used to do battle 3. Line upon line of red coats on one side of the field more

  • 3. The Preeminence Of Preaching Within The Church

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    To encourage a full proclimation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Church by preaching and then by the church in the streets by personal testimony.

    THE PREEMINENCE OF PREACHING WITHIN THE CHURCH Acts 2:14-47 INTRODUCTION: A. In 1996 Thom Rainer published a book entitled Effective Evangelistic Churches 1. Surveys were sent out to 1400 Southern Baptist Churches which were considered “Evangelistic” this meant a. They had at more

  • 4. The God Pleasing Life

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Each of us need do be shown and encouraged how to live the God Pleasing Life thereby finding favor with men and seeing many saved.

    THE GOD PLEASING LIFE Acts 2:42-47 INTRODUCTION: A. One of the best known phrases in Christendom is from the Westminster Catechism “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever!” 1. What a wonderful thought, isn’t it 2. It is a thought John Piper really brings to light more

  • 5. Church, Do You Know God?

    Contributed on Nov 6, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    With so many problems within the church today we need to ask: Church, Do You Know God? This message is entended to open our minds and enlighten our hearts to the saving message of the gospel and see the church truly believe in Jesus Christ.

    CHURCH, DO YOU KNOW GOD? Acts 3:11-21 INTRODUCTION: A. If you had to build a defense (in a court of law) for knowing God, what would you do? 1. Who would you call on as a character witness? 2. What fruit of the Spirit could you show evidence of? 3. What acts of selflessness and more

  • 6. Commitment To The Gospel

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    This message will help us to examine our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and affirm our intent to stand committed to it.

    COMMITMENT TO THE GOSPEL Acts 5:17-32 INTRODUCTION: A. Have you ever thought about commitment? 1. We make commitments on a regular basis – some are informal and some are formal a. Informal 1) We start school – a commitment to education 2) We go to work – a commitment more

  • 7. Are You Straddling The Fence?

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This message is give to help us realize if we are straddling the fence on certian issues in our life and show us that we need to make a decision for Christ, now.

    ARE YOU STRADDLING THE FENCE? Acts 5:34-41 INTRODUCTION A. This is a very interesting passage. 1. As I studied I noted that most people see it as a “God Thing” that helped get the disciples back out on the street again to preach the gospel – that Gamaliel, was a sort of good more

  • 8. Filled To The Uttermost: An Example For The Believer

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2006

    This message was developed to help Christians to relaize how much they have in Christ - specifically when filled with the Holy Spirit.

    FILLED TO THE UTTER MOST: AN EXAMPLE FOR THE BELIEVER Acts 6:8-7:60 INTRODUCTION: A. In Ephesians 5:18 Paul wrote, be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 1. This verse lets us know that it is possible to be a Christian and not be filled with the more