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  • Laws For Living

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Apr 10, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The 10 commandments and their relevance to today.

    Laws for Living Exodus 20:1-17 March 19, 2006 One of the worksheets the Pastor gave Deb and I to do as we sat in his office for pre-marital counseling was to make a list of expectations that we had for each other and our upcoming life long marriage. We were to fill out a sheet of paper listing more

  • Finding The Standard In A Non-Standard World Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    When God is removed as the rule-maker, the limit-setter, then anything and everything goes.

    What If They Are Wrong Series Exodus 20:1-3 "Finding the Standard in a Nonstandard World" The "Ten Commandments" have been a topic of much discussion over the past several years. They seem to always be ending up in a court somewhere. Most of the time it’s because they are being found more

  • But It's My Day Off!! Series

    Contributed by Carl Kolb on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    Describes two type of work ethic prominent in our society today and how each of them tempts us to violate the 4th commandment.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:8-11 “But It’s My Day Off” It’s a fact of Scripture that we don’t have to observe the Sabbath. The reason we don’t have to is that we are not Hebrew. The Bible says, "The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as more

  • Greater Glory Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Mccombs on Aug 17, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Part five of the Symbols of the Covenants. The New covenant experience, from lesser to greater glory.

    Symbols of the Covenants V: Greater Glory I. Review of past topics, Hagar and Sarai, Earthly and Heavenly Sanctuaries (Law on the Stones vs. Law in the Heart). The Tutor: the law added because of transgression to bring us back into a relationship where God can work with us. Finally Children, more

  • Rest Assured Series

    Contributed by Mary Lewis on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Fourth Commandment: How the Sabbath gives us a picture of salvation

    Rest Assured Introduction – Why don’t we keep the Sabbath? One “Frank & Ernest” cartoon shows Moses bringing the 10 Commandments to the people, and one of them says, “Could you make copies? We’d like to begin a loophole search” If a Christian regularly broke the 6th commandment (Do not murder) more

  • Remember To Keep The Day Of Rest Seperate From Your Work Week Series

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Sep 19, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    The devil’s world will tell you it is honorable, respectable and godly to work 24/7. God says the penalty for doing so is death.

    Joe Bedy Central Christian Church St. Petersburg, Fl 33711 September 19, 2002 Exodus 20:8-11 Exo 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Exo 20:9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, Exo 20:10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do more

  • It Belongs To Your Neighbor Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jan 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Coveting is a dangerous thing!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Today we are concluding our series on the Ten Commandments. I hope that each of these messages has touched you in some way. • The Tenth Command is one that I wish I would have understood when I was a young person. • When I was a kid, my parents did a great job providing more

  • One God, One Name, One Day Series

    Contributed by Lori Broschat on Feb 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    First of a two-part series on the Ten Commandments and how they relate to our lives

    ONE GOD, ONE NAME, ONE DAY A young woman brought her fiancé to visit her parents. After a nice dinner, the father invited the fiancé to the library for a talk. "So what are your plans?" he asked the young man. "I am a seminary student," he replied. "A seminary student. Hmmm," said the father. more

  • Honor Guard Series

    Contributed by Mary Lewis on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    Fifth Commandment: Attitudes Toward Authority

    Honor Guard Introduction Speeder Finagles Way Out of Ticket A police officer pulled a man over for speeding and asked to see his driver’s license Calmly, the driver responded: I don’t have one. I had it suspended when I got my fifth DUI. Officer: May I see your registration? Driver: It’s not my more

  • Centuries Come And Go -- But God Remains Series

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Feb 22, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    As the new century begins to unfold, what will be the source of our values? (First in a series of the Ten Commandments)

    Ten Commandments Series First in a series -- An Introduction to the Commandments -- January 9, 2000 "Centuries Come and Go -- God’s Law Remains" By the Rev. Dr. Maynard Pittendreigh Exod 20:1-17 1 And God spoke all these words: 2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the more

  • Take Back Our Children

    Contributed by Charles Mims on Mar 9, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    Sermon on morality, and bringing children up with moral values. For Girl Scout Sunday.

    Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) 6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. We are a nation at war! Not a war of bullets and missiles, not a war of tanks and planes, but a real war nonetheless. It is a war that is fought out in the lives of our most precious more

  • Draining Desires Series

    Contributed by Mary Lewis on Jun 7, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    Tenth Commandment - Coveting

    Draining Desires Introduction I’m sure many of you were saddened by the recent death of Bob Hope. And if you’re old enough to remember Bob Hope, then you no doubt remember another legendary comic, Jack Benny. Although in real life, Benny was known as a very generous man, his comic shtick was an more

  • Don't Be A False Witness Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    There is more to the ninth commandment than court issues.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 Famous American Fibs - The check is in the mail. - I’ll start my diet tomorrow. - We service what we sell. - Give me your number and the doctor will call you right back. - Money cheerfully refunded. - One size fits all. - This offer limited to the first 100 people who call more

  • An Empty Frame

    Contributed by Donald Tabberer on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Christians must display a frame filled God if we are to prperly influence the world with God’s love.

    "An Empty Frame" – Exodus 20:1-20 Sunday, July 8, 2007 In the lobby of the courthouse in Pulaski County, Kentucky there hangs a large Empty Frame… It isn’t there as a joke…It’s not a mistake either… It’s a testimony to what used to hang on this wall… The frame used to contain the Ten more

  • "Cheating Yourself!"” Series

    Contributed by Dennis Marquardt on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 154 ratings

    #8 in 10 Commandment Series

    #8 “CHEATING YOURSELF” TEXT: Ex. 20:15; Eph. 4:28; Mal. 3:8-14 INTRO: When we think of “stealing” we usually picture a hardened criminal like a bank robber or the “cat burglar” or perhaps someone who is a kleptomaniac. Certainly this command speaks to those type of people, but there is more

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