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  • The Commands Of Worship

    Contributed by Jeff Kautz on Jan 5, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Second sermon What are we commanded to do in our worship

    The Commands Of Worship-96 1-12.docx Psalm 96:1-13 Read Verses so that We can Know Him and Make Him Known I’ve always liked hearing oxymorons, or self-contradicting phrases. The word itself comes from “oxus” which means sharp and “moros” which means dull. Here are some of my favorites. Jumbo more

  • The Ten Commandments

    Contributed by Gary Huckaby on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    A Message that proves that we have all sinned and broken God’s commandments in some way, and that we all need Christ for salvation

    Today’s Sermon The Ten Commandments By-Evangelist Gary Huckaby D.D. We take our text today from the book of Exodus 20:1-18. Before we read this passage, please bow with me in prayer. Prayer: Heavenly Father, speak to us today. Let us know our plight and our sins that we may seek your more

  • The Ten Commandments

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 12, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    In the LORD's schoolroom, the pass-mark is 100% - so contemplating the Law of God, summarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments, should drive us to Christ as our only hope!

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Exodus 20:1-17. The first thing that we notice about the Ten Commandments is that they are the words of God (Exodus 20:1). Secondly we notice that the LORD is the God who has redeemed us (Exodus 20:2). It is not the keeping of the Ten Commandments which saves us: salvation more

  • Relaxation Commanded Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    The guy who says the devil never takes a vacation and so why should I, is not being super spiritual, for that is the angelic fallacy. Satan doesn't need a vacation, but we do, for we have the limitations of flesh.

    A young boy was visiting his uncle on a Sunday when a new neighbor knocked at the door. When he answered it, and learned that he wanted to borrow the lawn mower, he conveyed the message to his uncle. The uncle said, "If he mows his lawn on the Sabbath he'll be breaking the more

  • Thanksgiving Commands

    Contributed by Chris Beam on Nov 14, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    Psalm 100 very clearly gives us a list of commands to follow if we are to be truly thankful not just on Thanksgiving, but everyday of our lives.

    Thanksgiving Commands Psalms 100:1-5 Two men were walking through a field one day when all the sudden they look up and see a bull off in the distance. Instantly they began to run towards the nearest fence and sure enough the bull ran after them in hot pursuit, and it soon became obvious that they more

  • The Hidden Commandment

    Contributed by Andy Barnard on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Hidden in the middle of the Golden Rule is a commandment which needs to be obeyed.

    THE HIDDEN COMMANDMENT - Telling yourself the truth. I want to talk to you this morning about the hidden commandment. Mk 12:28-31. Did you hear it? Love your neighbour as you love yourself ... we need to love ourselves! But do we? Woody Allen: “my one regret is that I am not someone else” If we are more

  • The First Commandment

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015

    The First Commandment

    Exodus 20 v. 1 - 3 Intro:- The First Commandment 1. Declares God's Power - v. 2 "I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." based on:- (a) Creation - Psalm 19 v. 1 " The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his more

  • Ten Commandments

    Contributed by Ricardo Rodriguez on Jul 15, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The Ten Commandments relevant for TODAY!

    “The Ten Commandments…Today” 10/22/2006 - Marsing, ID Ricardo Rodriguez Joshua 4:1-11 (v. 6) “That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?” “Para que esto sea señal entre vosotros; y more

  • 613 Commandments Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 16, 2021

    How should a Christian approach the Hebrew scriptures? The number of commandments in the Old Testament is usually given as 613. That’s near enough for our discussion. Let’s look at some of them in light of Paul's instructions about the spirit of the law.

    How should a Christian approach the Hebrew scriptures? The number of commandments in the Old Testament is usually given as 613. That’s near enough for our discussion. Let’s look at some of them in light of Paul's instructions about the spirit of the law. Such is the confidence that we have more

  • The Command Is Love

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 8, 2013

    To show where the command of love originates.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have the command of love? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show where the command of love originates. IV. TEXT: 1 Timothy 1:5 (Amplified Bible) Whereas the object and purpose of our instruction and charge is love, which springs from a pure heart and a more

  • Commanded To Praise

    Contributed by Don Baggett on Feb 7, 2008
    based on 57 ratings

    There is a time for reverent silence, a time to meditate on the goodness of God. But silent meditation, as good as it is, and even though it definitely has a Scriptural place in our relationship and communication with God, is not praise. Praise is an ac

    While watching the fourth quarter of the 2008 Super Bowl, I was sitting in my chair, and I witnessed Eli Manning break loose from what looked like was surely going to be “sack the quarterback” situation and a loss of yards in a crucial time of the game. Instead, he broke loose, ran a few steps, more

  • The First Commandment Series

    Contributed by Abiodun Adeniyi on Dec 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    people often give the glory that belongs to God to the gods

    FIRST COMMANDMENT NO ROOM FOR OTHER GODS “Thou shalt have no other goods before me.”Exo.20:3. This is the first commandment that God gave to Moses to be passed on to his people. This implies that God hates idolatry – the belief and worship of other goods. In Africa and the Greek world, there are so more

  • The Ten Commandments Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 15, 2022

    The commandments are listed in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. There are two tablets of the ten commandments. The first are the God and Man relationship and the second are the man-to-man relationship.

    The epic movie The Ten Commandments was one of the most popular movies of all times. The actual ten commandments, well they are not as popular. Even if they are not as popular as the movie, the ten commandments are epic just the same. The setting is back at Mount Sinai where Moses received his more

  • Commandment 10 Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The problem is our attitude not our actions

    Thou shalt not covet Exodus 20:1-17 I heard a story about one elderly couple who were having dinner at another couple’s house, and when they finished, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two men were talking and one said, "Last night we went out more

  • "Command And Teach"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Oct 15, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Paul gives Timothy, and us, several commands for living the Christian life, and several things to teach others about the Christian life.

    “Command And Teach” 1 Timothy 4:6-11 INTRODUCTION: Read Scripture. Paul is writing to Timothy, the young “preacher-boy” – 4:6. I used to be a young “preacher-boy” many years ago … I know a little of what he was going through. NOW … this doesn’t mean that just because you’re NOT a young more

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