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  • Caution - Church Under Construction

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Oct 2, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Based on 1 Corinthians 3. A message about building a healthy church - using the extended metaphor of construction.

    Title: Build The Church – Be The Church Text: 1 Cor 3:5-17 Homiletical subject: What does it take to build a healthy and growing church? Homiletical complement: it takes all of us, using all of our gifts, with all of our heart, in the power and partnership of Jesus Christ, who is Lord of the more

  • Caution! God's Favor ... Handle With Care Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Feb 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s gifts are ultimately for God’s glory. Use them well.

    This week I’ve begun reading a new book by one of my favorite authors, Malcolm Gladwell, titled Outliers: The Story of Success. The premise of the book is simple: no successful person is a self-made man; everyone who gets to the top had a lot advantages, help, and luck. He devotes two chapters to more

  • The Warning Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 31, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible makes it clear that men are responsible for how they respond to warnings. If they choose to ignore them and are unprepared, their blood will be on their own head.

    On a Friday afternoon, May 31, 1889 a man by the name of Daniel Peyton came galloping down the road in Johnstown, Penn. Sparks were flying from the hoofs of his big bay horse. He was shouting for all he was worth that the damn had broken. Some believed his warning and fled to the hills. Others more

  • Warning Signs

    Contributed by Kenneth R. Jenkins on Dec 26, 2023


    INTRODUCTION This morning, we are going to take from our text this subject, “WARNING SIGNS” . Did you know that God is forever warning us each and everyday until the day of Jesus' coming? Did you know that these warnings are all around us and are real? The Weather Bureau gives out warnings more

  • "Use Caution": Manage Your Mouths Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 13, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Our words are important not only so that we don’t hurt others but that we do not close the door on God’s blessing in our life.

    Iliff and Saltillo United Methodist Churches March 16, 2003 Second Sunday of Lent “Use Caution”: Watch Your Mouths I Peter 3:8-15 Introduction: Today’s scripture was written to Christians living in a pagan society where Christianity was being attacked and Christians were persecuted and even put more

  • Cautions When Studying The End Times

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Apr 20, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    An introductory message meant to help people look at the study of end-times prophecy with caution rather than going into it without thought and prayer.

    Cautions When Studying the End Times Various Scriptures February 22, 2009 NOTE: THE ME/WE/GOD/YOU/WE FORMAT IS FROM ANDY STANLEY’S BOOK, "COMMUNICATING FOR A CHANGE." Me: I’ve mentioned before that I love a good mystery. I like reading them and I like watching them. A few nights ago I watched more

  • Caution: Restoring New Testament Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 15, 2014

    This lesson examines what the Bible means when it talks about evangelism and then compares this to what we see being called "evangelism" today. Have we redefined evangelism to ease our consciences?

    Introduction Our first lesson was a reminder of our mission. We have been given the green light to evangelize by the Lord, and this mission was given to each and every Christian, not just a select few. Each one of us are called by God to “love our neighbor as ourselves” and to have an more

  • It's About Time:beware!caution! Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on May 27, 2013

    Rather than just telling us what we should not do, the Lord here tells us why we should not do the things He forbids.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church May 26th, 2013 Ephesians 5:3-7 It’s about time Beware! Caution! Intro: In our last study, we considered verses 1-2. • We were told to be “followers of God, as dear children • We are/imitate God---child imitates/parent. more

  • Guarding Your Thoughts

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Jan 25, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Our thoughts shape our attitudes, decisions, and ultimately, our lives.. A mind filled with godly thoughts produces a life that honours God, while an unguarded mind is vulnerable to sin and defeat.

    Title: GUARDING YOUR THOUGHTS By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there more

  • Looking For Mr. Right

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Sep 6, 2023

    Jesus wants to be loved for the right reasons.

    I expect most of you know that fear of commitment is endemic in today’s society. It's not surprising. I expect many if not most of us have experienced - or at least witnessed - bad relationships or are the children of divorce ourselves. If you've gotten burnt, you're more than a little more

  • Caution: Watching Out For Wrong Way Worship Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    The issue is not: Will you worship? We are wired for worship. The issue is: Who will we worship and how will we worship?

    You are wired. Wired for worship. Lots of people are walking around our city day-after-day and don’t know it. Wired for worship. Some of you are thinking, “Come on. A series on worship? Man, why do I need that? I’m a business person. I’m a teacher or homemaker or student or carpenter. Tell more

  • Destiny Of All Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Life on earth seems to be useless, full of vanity. There is an apparent confusion, deception in understanding the work of God. Preacher tells the uncertainties of this life and the certainty of death, so enjoy the life. Enjoyment interweaved with responsibilities.

    Theme: Destiny of All Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 Greetings: My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet you all in the name of our Lord saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord is good, and his love endures forever. We learned under the themes: the purpose of creation of human life; the purpose of the more

  • Close Side Doors

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 16, 2014

    Massive leakage through the side door leaves you a weak person. Close the side door please!

    Side doors! Ephesians 5:15 “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise..” Nestled in the midst of open fields, situated in the outskirts of the city, the simple, elegant, white colored duplex building was certainly gorgeous compared to the multi-hued houses all more

  • Reflection A.5 / Coronavirus - First Response / We Ask Why. But We’re Cautious In Forming An Opinion

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 9, 2020

    Looking at coronavirus - is there a bigger picture? We need to look, but we also need to be cautious in interpreting what we 'see'.

    There are many ways to ‘see’ things, not with our physical eyes, but with the eyes of understanding. In the previous 'Reflection' I reflected on Jesus’ sensitivity to different people he met: a leper, someone who was deaf, someone who was blind. Jesus ‘saw’ each person as an individual more

  • A Messiah Who Cautions His Disciples About Spiritual Blindness Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Nov 11, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    God cautions us about taking our eyes off of Him.

    A Messiah Who Cautions His Disciples About Spiritual Blindness Text: Matt. 16:1-12 Introduction 1. Illustrations: Most products we purchase have labels warning about improper use. I found a great list of these kinds of warnings. Believe it or not, these are all real. a. A label on a snow sled more

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