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  • The Claims Of Christ

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on May 24, 2014

    How do you respond to the claims of Christ? Do you question His right to your life? Do you assert your own rights over him? Or do you humbly surrender to Him and submit to His will? We must all see the importance of being responsive to Christ and the danger of being unresponsive.

    The Claims of Christ Mark 11:27-33; 12:1-12 Jesus’ Authority Questioned 27. They came again to Jerusalem. And as He was walking in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes and the elders came to Him, 28. and began saying to Him, “By what authority are You doing these things, or more

  • "Consider The Claims Of Christ"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Aug 27, 2010

    Consider carefully the things Jesus said about Himself

    (Various texts) Over the years I have heard many opinions about Jesus expressed by people who, at least in my presence and to my knowledge, have demonstrated no desire to put forth any effort to find out what is said or known – or can be known – about Him in any context outside of that more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Person Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we will spend the next several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we will see different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He

    If you were with us last week, you’ll notice that we’re in part of the same passage we were then. Last week we started in verse 16 and looked at how and why the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus and wanted to kill Him. At the same time, we looked at how we reject Jesus for the same reasons. We found more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Works Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we will spend the next several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we will see different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He

    This morning, we’re looking at Jesus’ second claim to being equal with God. Back in verses 17-18, we have already seen that Jesus claimed to be God in person. In our passage this morning we’re going to see that Jesus claims to be God in works. In other words, Jesus claims to be equal with God more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Power Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we are spending several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we are seeing different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He is Go

    Do you ever get frustrated? Do you ever look around at the things that go on at work and get frustrated? Or maybe things at school? I know that we all look at things going on in government and get frustrated. And inevitably, when we get frustrated like that, what is one of the first things we more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Honor Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we are spending several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we are seeing different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He is Go

    I think I was as shocked as everybody on Friday. I was studying in my office at home when I got an email about our president winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I thought it was a joke until I checked several news sources and found out it’s true. Now, you know how I feel about politics. As more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Salvation Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we are spending several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we are seeing different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He is Go

    How would you feel if you were clothes shopping at the mall one day and somebody came up to you and said that your shopping trip was on them? You could have anything you wanted in the store and they would pay for it. What would you do? That happened the other day in a Burlington Coat Factory in more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Judgment Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we have spent several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of those messages we have seen different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will finish this mini-series as we look

    “It’s just not fair!” You’ve heard that before, haven’t you? I can guarantee you that if you’re a parent, you’ve heard that. “All the other kids get to go. Why can’t I go?” And then, being the reasonable person that you are, you give them a logical, well-reasoned defense of your position. You more

  • How Have You Responded To The Claims Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Todd Pearson on Nov 14, 2000
    based on 31 ratings

    Have you accepted the Jesus of the Bible?

    How Have You Responded To The Claims Of Jesus? John 10:1-28 To fully understand who Jesus was and why He came we have to go back to the very beginning. In Genesis Chapter 3 the human race is plunged into depravity because of Adam’s sin. Romans 5:18 says, “ through one man's offense more

  • The Claims Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jan 30, 2007
    based on 36 ratings

    #16 in series. Jesus defends himself against charges of violating the Sabbath by making three extraordinary claims about who He is.

    A Study of the Book of John “That You May Believe” Sermon # 16 “The Claims of Jesus” John 5:16-30 In his book, “Loving God,” Charles Colson tells about a Russian Jewish doctor by the name of Boris Nicholayevich more

  • Who Is Jesus

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 5, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Who is Jesus

    Who is Jesus? If you are anything like me – at first blush the only part of our passage that is vaguely comprehensible is the end of the reading where Jesus says: 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am more

  • The Controversial Christ

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 14, 2019

    John chapter 5 verses 16-45 - Father & Son - sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    Father & Son SERMON OUTLINE: • Claim #1: "I am equal with God" (vs 19-20). • Claim #2: "I am the giver of life" (vs 21 & 26). • Claim #3: "I am the final judge" (vs 22-23). • Claim #4: "I determine man's destiny" (vs 24). • Claim #5: "I more

  • Claiming The Promise Series

    Contributed by Gerald Van Horn on Mar 9, 2006
    based on 41 ratings

    It has been forty years since we last heard about Caleb.

    The Victory Side of Life #12 Claiming the Promise by Gerald Van Horn Joshua 14:6-15 Text v.12 It has been forty years since we last heard about Caleb. He has served silently under Joshua. There is every indication that they fought the enemy side by side. They had spied out the land more

  • Claiming The Blessing Series

    Contributed by Gerald Van Horn on Jan 18, 2006
    based on 31 ratings

    In our text today the children of Israel are confronted with the river Jordan

    The Victory Side of Life # 4 Claiming The Blessing by Gerald Van Horn Joshua 3:1-17 In our text today the Children of more

  • Just Who Is This Jesus?

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 13, 2003
    based on 10 ratings

    A look at the unique claims of Christ

    Pax Romana, Roman peace, held the empire together for centuries. Among it’s dictates was one concerning religion. It seems that if Rome took over a nation or people with their own religion they never made them switch to the Roman gods. Their thinking was sound…why give them a reason to rebel. more

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