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  • God's Church

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Nov 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The longer a church has been in existence, the more its resources go toward its own preservation rather than toward outreach and evangelism.

    God’s Church Luke 4:18 KJV Many Christians can suffer from a lack of identity An older sister was sitting next to her younger brother in Church one Sunday morning unsuccessfully trying to keep him still and quiet. Finally she said, I wish you would calm down. I can’t, he said, it’s just so more

  • The Church At Philadelphia Series

    Contributed by John Mccurry on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Series of messages about the Seven Churches in Revelation of Jesus Christ

    Friday, April 07, 2006 Church of Philadelphia The Open Door Church Rev 3. 7 – 13 We know that the word Philadelphia means brotherly love. This can also be the state of Church when the gentile time comes to the full and God once again sees the Jew coming to Christ in great numbers. This was the more

  • The Church At Sardis Series

    Contributed by John Mccurry on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The Church at Sardis, a name that said it was alive but Christ said you are dead

    Wednesday, March 29, 2006 The Church of Sardis The Church with a Name that is Alive, but was Dead Rev 3: 1- 6 Dates for those interested in Church Age, 1520 – 1790 Many believe that as this Church pictures the Church of Reformation that began in 1520 believe that it continues until this day, the more

  • The Church At Smyrna Series

    Contributed by John Mccurry on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating


    Friday, February 24, 2006 The Seven Churches Smyrna Rev 2. 8 – 11 The Church of Smyrna; This as reference to the Church age of 100 A.D. to a little over 300 A.D., which was also the time of great persecution in the Church. 1000’s if not millions were killed for there faith in Christ. The City more

  • The Laodicean Church Series

    Contributed by John Mccurry on Nov 28, 2007

    The Laodicean Church

    Thursday, April 13, 2000 The Laodicea Church Rev 3: 14-22 Re 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. :16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Let’s notice first of all Jesus more

  • The Church At Ephesus Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Nov 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Bible study series on Revelation

    REVELATION Ephesus 2:1-7 Pastor Brian Matherlee September 12, 2007 Remember the letter of Revelation would have been read in every church in its entirety. The people of Ephesus would have heard what God was saying to Philadelphia and vice-versa. Lest we feel too badly or too good about our more

  • What Is The Church? Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    When churches forget who they are and what is their purpose they quickly sink into a sea a of insignificance with no effectiveness and no power.

    Series: Being the Body WHAT IS THE CHURCH? Matthew 16:13 18 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I have discovered through the years that one of the most important aspects, if not the more

  • The Purpose Of The Church

    Contributed by Joseph Neil Adams on Jan 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The 2 priority purposes of the Church are to bring glory to God & to bring people to know God. Anything that gets in the way of that is just window dressing.

    Matthew 28:16-20 Romans 15:1-13 Question: What is the purpose of Church? What does it do for us / for the community? Answers: Shouted out answers during the service included to share our faith, to bring glory to God, to be Jesus hands and feet. The problem is what would God say should be more

  • The Content Church Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 7, 2008
    based on 84 ratings

    Churches can refuse to face the reality of their spiritual condition before God. Forms & traditions can replace God’s presence and power. God here show the way out & the way back.

    Revelation 3:1-6 The CONTENT CHURCH [Matthew 22:1-14] Churches can refuse to face the reality of their spiritual condition before God. Forms and traditions can become so ingrained that they continue on and become void of Holy Spirit power. Good actions and more

  • The Church Place

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Jan 7, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    This is a message that gives insight to the way the local church opperates...

    “THE CHURCH PLACE” TEXT: Ephesians 3:1-21 W. Max Alderman INTRODUCTION: The church is the Lord’s. All that we enjoy in regards to the church is because of the way Christ built the church. I wish to view that church in regards to its place as a called out assembly of more

  • A Jesus Church

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jan 8, 2008

    In her biography about her husband, Dr. Adrian Rogers, Joyce Rogers refers to Belleview Baptist in Memphis as a Jesus Church. This message suggests calls the church to display characteristics that will allow her to be called a "Jesus Church." The name J

    A Jesus Church Matthew 16:13-19 * I don’t know whether this morning was difficult for you or not, but I assure you, it was difficult for me. What always amazes me is that after a particularly hard message like that, people say, “That’s what we need” or “I enjoyed that.” Actually, I do believe more

  • Shepherding The Church

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Christian leaders should do their work faithfully and accordingly.

    SHEPHERDING THE CHURCH 1 Peter 5:1-5 November 26, 2006 INTRODUCTION There appears to be a hymn for virtually every profession: Dentists: Crown Him with Many Crowns Contractors: The Church’s One Foundation Obstetricians: Come, Labor On Golfers: There Is a Green Hill Far more

  • A Dead Church Series

    Contributed by Mark Perryman on Jan 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking at the 5th church in Revelation

    INTRO: Clayton Carpenter, one of the first casualties of Dessert Storm, was a helicopter pilot shot down was listed as KIA (killed in action). After the war, prisoners were released and Clayton Carpenter was one of them. As soon as he was freed, he called his mom back home in Kansas. Called, more

  • The Significance Of The Church

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jan 13, 2008

    Paul talks about a mystery, the creation of a new man, people from all tribes and nations, including Jews and Gentiles...the Church of Jesus Church. There is something very significant about the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Introduction Last week- talked about Jesus being out front in 2008. Referring to a song called Breathe Today by Flyleaf- You can only move as fast as Who’s in front of you We can … follow the wisdom of men, live in the shadow of how life has always been never believing it can be different, more

  • The Faithful Church Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 55 ratings

    There are specific reasons Christ opened the door of opportunity for the church at Philadelphia. Christ also gives promises to churches, though they be of a little strength, who respond in faith by going through the door of opportunity.

    Revelation 3:7-13 THE FAITHFUL CHURCH [1 Corinthians 16:9 ] The church at Philadelphia was a church that was worthy of praise. Christ hands out their praise liberally. Jesus did not wait for their work to be perfect or for their character to be more

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