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  • Church Government

    Contributed by Alexander Richard on Jul 27, 2014

    Church government is a necessary element in the body of Christ which serves to establish and maintain order. A church without orderliness will be chaotic in all her activities. This teaching is going to teach about church Government.

    I. The Origin Of Church Government. A. Government itself started by God and was a direct commandment to Noah after the flood. In theology it is called, (The Dispensation of human Government) (Gen.9:5-6) B.Church Government started with Christ, the head of the church (Col. 1:8;Matt. more

  • “three Ways To Run The Church” Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Feb 16, 2015

    A look at the three primary church government structures.

    - There are a number of ways that we could handle the passage this evening. We could talk about qualifications for pastors or for deacons (this would be especially helpful for a church entering into a pastor search process). We could talk about whether it’s necessary to be “called more

  • Appointed, Not Hired Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 20, 2015

    Elders (Overseers) are appointed by God. They are not hired to do a job; they are appointed to serve the One who appoints and to serve His holy people.

    “I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher.” [1] His face was red and his eyes were narrow slits as he raged, “We hired you, and we can fire you.” I was equally determined as I asserted with a firm, steady voice, “No one hired me; God appointed me.” more

  • What To Do After November 4

    Contributed by David Nuhfer on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 53 ratings

    In light of the cultural changes that could take place in our nation as a result of the November 4, 2008 elections, what should the church be doing?

    This past week, course of our nation took a turn. After a long and often bitter campaign, we went to the polls and, after over 100 million votes were counted, a new President was selected. The vote reflected a lot of interest, a lost of discussion and the realization that we are a nation of people more

  • The Necessity Of Bishops In The Church

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Aug 2, 2024

    This sermon explores an important aspect of the church governance and leadership: the role of Bishops in the Church.

    Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, let us explore an important aspect of church governance and leadership: the role of bishops in the Church. The position of a bishop has been a subject of much discussion and debate within various Christian denominations. However, more

  • What Does Our Church Government Look Like? Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Aug 4, 2015

    Are we patterned on Rome, on America, or on the Bible in our church? Who is in charge?

    CHURCH GOVERNMENT If Paul were to visit other American congregations, he might be just as appalled at the male leadership as at the female. He would see that, in the main, congregations are built around one man. And with sorrow he would note that the size of the congregation is in direct more

  • Christian Governance-&-Government-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 8, 2016

    1 of 4. Peter confirmed the importance of Christian submission to secular governance. Christian submission is indissolubly linked/tied to secular governance. But how or in what way? Christian governance & Government addresses...

    ‘For The LORD’S SAKE’—1Peter 2:13—3:12 A. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-GOVERNMENT--I—1Peter 2:13-17 So far in our study of 1Peter we have examined the fact that Christians are...CONSIDERED ALIEN(1:1-2)... We’ve examined...WHAT’s So GREAT About GOD—(1:3-12) Discovered God’s means of...UNLEASHING Your more

  • What Is The Church?

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What is the church? Why the church? How is the church governed? What are the most important rituals of the church? What does the church do?

    What is the church? Why the church? How is the church governed? What are the most important rituals of the church? What does the church do? What is the church? The Greek Term The early church borrowed a Greek term, meaning a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into a public place. more

  • Biblical Eldership: The Government Of God

    Contributed by Ed Warfield on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    A properly functioning eldership provides plurality in leadership, unity of purpose and a system of checks & balances. Biblical eldership is kingdom government & ultimately it’s about understanding & becoming the person God wants each of us to be.

    Biblical Eldership: The Government of God Intro.: It’s not always easy to be objective about the structure and government of the New Testament Church. We are influenced by the teaching we’ve had. So it’s often difficult to approach the subject with an open mind. But, we need to seriously examine more

  • Appointing Elders Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Aug 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    What is entailed in appointing elders? What rights and authority is conferred in the appointment process?

    “When they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” [1] The New Testament model for a church of the Lord Jesus differs significantly from what has been commonly accepted among the churches of our more

  • The First Deacons Are Appointed

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Oct 20, 2022

    The purposes of church government are to organize the ministries of the church, maintain doctrinal purity, and to promote the mission of the Church

    The First Deacons are Appointed Acts 6:1-7 Before we look into how we should understand this text, it is helpful to review the challenges to the unity of the church we have already uncovered. The unity of the Church is an important theme. When we go back to Acts 2:1, we see that they were all in more

  • Christian Governance-&-Church-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 22, 2018

    1 of ? Peter pressed the importance of Christian submission as it related to the Church or Body of Christ. But How is that governance addressed thru the Church? Christian governance regarding the CHURCH(Body of Christ) addresses...

    ‘For The LORD’S SAKE’—1Peter 2:13—3:12 A. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Government—1Peter 2:13-17 B. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Work—1Peter 2:18-25 C. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Marriage—1Peter 3:1-7 D. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Church--I—1Peter 3:8-12 Peter is offering lessons to the church in the overall scheme more

  • Christian Governance-&-Church-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 19, 2018

    2 of ? Peter pressed the importance of Christian submission as it related to the Church or Body of Christ. But How is that governance addressed thru the Church? Christian governance regarding the CHURCH(Body of Christ) addresses...

    ‘For The LORD’S SAKE’—1Peter 2:13—3:12 A. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Government—1Peter 2:13-17 B. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Work—1Peter 2:18-25 C. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Marriage—1Peter 3:1-7 D. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Church--II—1Peter 3:8-12 So far in our study of 1Peter we have examined the fact that more

  • Christian Governance-&-Church-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    3 of ? Peter pressed the importance of Christian submission as it related to the Church or Body of Christ. But How is that governance addressed thru the Church? Christian governance regarding the CHURCH(Body of Christ) addresses...

    ‘For The LORD’S SAKE’—1Peter 2:13—3:12 A. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Government—1Peter 2:13-17 B. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Work—1Peter 2:18-25 C. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Marriage—1Peter 3:1-7 Today we will continue our look at the role of CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE within the Body of Christ or the CHURCH— D. more

  • Christian Governance-&-Church-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 31, 2018

    4 of 4. Peter pressed the importance of Christian submission as it related to the Church or Body of Christ. But How is that governance addressed thru the Church? Christian governance regarding the CHURCH(Body of Christ) addresses...

    ‘For The LORD’S SAKE’—1Peter 2:13—3:12 A. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Government—1Peter 2:13-17 B. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Work—1Peter 2:18-25 C. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Marriage—1Peter 3:1-7 D. CHRISTIAN GOVERNANCE-&-Church--IV—1Peter 3:8-12 So far in our study of 1Peter we have examined the fact that more

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