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Sermons on church at antioch:

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  • Build The Church By Being The Church

    Contributed by Paul Woodhouse on Aug 16, 2022

    Nehemiah has notable character strengths which enabled the Jews to deal with conflict and injustice among them.

    There exists a direct correlation between the effectiveness of our mission and how we treat one another as God’s people. We must be the church before we can build the church. We must care for one another before we can hope to reach our neighborhood, this city, the world. *No one is going to more

  • Church Anniversary. Birthday Of Church

    Contributed by John Oquinn on Oct 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A look at Pentecost

    120 YR Anniversary Acts 2 How many here enjoy having birthdays and growing another year older? I'm not even going to ask who the oldest person is. Just think about all of the changes that have taken place in our lifetime. Do you realize NASA had less computing power when they landed man on more

  • The Church At Smyrna: A Crushed Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    A look at the Church of Smyrna

    The Church at Smyrna: A Crushed Church -- Revelation 2 -- 1/17/10 Turn with me this morning to the book of Revelation. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we find the disciple John, living on an island more

  • The Church At Pergamum: A Compromising Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Pergamum

    The Church at Pergamum: A Compromising Church - Revelation 2 - 1/24/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 2. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we more

  • The Church At Thyatira: A Corrupt Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Thyatira

    The Church at Thyatira: A Corrupt Church - Revelation 2:18-29 - 1/31/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 2. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we more

  • The Church At Sardis: A Crippled Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Sardis

    The Church at Sardis: A Crippled Church - Revelation 2:18-29 - 1/31/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 2. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, we more

  • The Church At Philadelphia: A Committed Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The church at Philadelphia

    The Church at Philadelphia: A Committed Church - Revelation 3:7-13 - 2/14/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 3. We want to continue on today, looking at the question, “What does God think of His church?” Here in Revelation 1, more

  • The Church At Laodicea: A Complacent Church Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    The church at Laodicean

    The Church at Laodicea: A Complacent Church - Revelation 3:14-22 - 2/21/10 Turn with me this morning to the last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, chapter 3. As you’re turning, think about getting ready for church this morning. If you are female, you probably thought through your more

  • The Danger Of Being At Church And Not In Church

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Aug 1, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Knowing that God can make a way!!!!!!!

    As I was scanning through the scriptural neighborhood I stopped in the neighborhood of Acts 3 and looked at the scenes that were there and I quickly moved to chapter 4 because I said that I have preached this text before, as I was turning God said no go back because I want to show you something more

  • Bury The Church Or Better The Church

    Contributed by Sajayan Chacko on Jan 29, 2024


    Illustration: Years ago in a small quiet community, it was the tradition that when someone died that the pastor would go to the church and ring the church bell three times. This was how the little town would know when someone passed away. So one Sunday afternoon, the pastor of the little more

  • A Working Church Is A Healthy Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 20, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages embracing the power, honor, and health of the church through active participation and spiritual nourishment from God's Word.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this beautiful gathering of believers. Isn't it wonderful to be here, in the house of our Lord, surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ, ready to receive His Word? I am so glad you have chosen to be here today, to share in this time of fellowship and learning. It is a more

  • You Are Free Indeed Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This sermon is about the response that came from the Jerusalem Council.

    The Christian brothers and sisters at Antioch had good reason to rejoice. They had been at the center of a great controversy concerning what they need to do to be saved. There were some who had set high requirements for these Gentile converts to Christ. However after much debate and prayer the more

  • Church Happenings

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 63 ratings

    In the first church, let’s take a look at what happened and how it relates to the church today. 1- the proclamation of the gospel 2- the persecution of the apostles 3- the proliferation of the church

    INTRO.- Church happenings. What is happening in our churches? ILL.- A group of women were talking. One lady said, “Our congregation is sometimes down to thirty and forty on Sunday night.” Another said, “That’s nothing, sometimes our group is down to six or seven.” An old maid added her bit, more

  • The Seven Churches

    Contributed by Glenn Dale Pease on Aug 29, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When John in verse 4 addresses the 7 churches in Asia, he is addressing the total church, or all churches for all time. These 7 actual churches of his day are representative of all the local churches that will exist through all of history.

    THE SEVEN CHURCHES Based on Rev. 1:4 By Pastor Glenn Pease A math teacher asked one of her less enthusiastic students, "If I take 23 away from 30, what is the difference?" He responded, "That's what I say, what's the difference?" In other words, it made no difference to him. Not everybody more

  • The Seven Churches Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    The idea of 7 being symbolic of perfection and completion is almost universal, and, therefore, it is the easiest of all symbolic numbers to understand. It usually means all of the category being dwelt with in the context.

    A math teacher asked one of her less enthusiastic students, "If I take 23 away from 30, what is the difference?" He responded, "That's what I say, what's the difference?" In other words, it made no difference to him. Not everybody enjoys math and working with numbers, more

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