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  • The Discriminating Christian Series

    Contributed by Steven Buhr on Mar 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Most every person in this world is looking to be accepted, to be appreciated, and to be loved for who they ARE, not who they are SEEN to be. What they’re looking for is an unconditional love, not a judgemental one.

    James 2:1-13 – the Discriminating Christian Most every person in this world is looking to be accepted, to be appreciated, and to be loved for who they ARE, not who they are SEEN to be. What they’re looking for is an unconditional love, not a judgemental one. Is that not the way WE feel? When we more

  • Carnal Christian

    Contributed by J. B. Hall on Mar 30, 2008
    based on 26 ratings

    I believe there are 2 major problems in the local church: lost church members, and carnal Christians; this sermon discusses the latter.

    “Carnal Christian” 1 Corinthians 3:1 – 3 By: Pastor J. B. Hall Introduction: I believe there are 2 major problems in the local church: lost church members, and carnal Christians. Today I’d like to discuss the latter. The title of the message is Carnal Christian. If we’re going to discuss more

  • Contagious Christianity

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Apr 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It is genuine Christianity which turned the world upside down and it is genuine Christ-like love which transforms lives.

    Contagious Christianity, Acts 2:42-47 Introduction A number of years ago a Johns Hopkins University professor asked his graduate students to locate 200 boys, ages 12-16, and then to research their family backgrounds. The assignment was then to predict their future. The students were sent to the more

  • What Is A Christian?

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Christianity is more than going to church or even declaring yourself to be one. Christianity is not about lip service, Christianity is about life service.

    Begin with brief video illustration with Brittany. In this video, Brittany talks about what she wants to be and expects to become that by going to the right places or by saying the right things. Her last statement says, “At least I know I can go to church and become a Christian”, with the more

  • Christian Readiness

    Contributed by Richard Reid on Feb 26, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Preparing yourself for the return of Christ

    Christian Readiness Luke 12:40 2/24/08 You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect. Just when you don’t expect him, the Son of Man will show up. - Message The need for readiness or preparedness is taught in every area of life. Children are taught to be ready more

  • Zombie Christianity

    Contributed by Charles Newman on Mar 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A church that is spiritually dead can still hold services, sing hymns, offer prayers, deliver sermons, and do works of ministry – they can go through the motions of “doing church” but they will never be the church without being alive in God’s Holy Spirit!

    INTRODUCTION Modern Day Scene: A paramedic arrives on an accident scene with what seems like a lifeless body; no pulse, no breath – CPR begins and instead of taking the body to the morgue, they go to the ER. Jesus has pronounced the church at Sardis as dead. Yet there is hope. A church that is more

  • The Christian Citizen Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Paul teaches that we have responsibilities as Christians to the State.

    Scripture Today we continue our study in Romans. Let’s read Romans 13:1-14: 1Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has more

  • The Definition Of Christianity

    Contributed by Andrew Gamblin on Sep 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians have given themselves a bad name, this sermon challenges us to bring the definition of Christianity back to its original meaning.

    In 1996, The Barna Group did a poll on young adults and teens asking whether or not they had a positive image of and respect for Christianity’s role in society. The report showed that 85% of were favorable towards Christians and the part they played in the American society. The Group did the same more

  • Growing As Christians

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 3, 2009

    Are you a Christian? Have you received his salvation Will you persevere And are you convinced that you need the word of God in your life

    The secret club • Little Raskels “He man women haters club • Adult Clubs – Masons • These clubs just wont let you in on what is happening inside It seems like in life churches tend to do this also • We don’t let the outside world know the secrets of Christianity • Members of our churches act in more

  • The Christian Marathon

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Oct 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Let the Bible help you learn about Jesus whose own example can encourage you to continue on with perseverance!

    The Christian Marathon 08/29/04 AM Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Reading: Hebrews 11: 32-12:3 INTRODUCTION The Summer Olympic Games are currently being played out in Athens and many of you may be following the outcome of the various events. I have to admit I haven’t seen much of the televised coverage of more

  • Christian Love

    Contributed by Dwight L. Moody on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A classic sermon by D. L. Moody on the importance, power, and indispensibility of Christian love.

    It speaks in Galatians about love, the fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, gentleness, long suffering, meekness and temperance. The way this writer has put it -- and I think it is very beautiful -- is that joy is love exultant, peace is love in repose, and long suffering is love enduring. more

  • Casual Christianity

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jun 9, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    A Casual Christian can be described as lukewarm. Casual Christians present a mixed worship, live a mixed lifestyle, and send a mixed message.

    CASUAL CHRISTIANITY Revelation 3:14-16 Introduction: George Barna has written a book entitled “The Seven Faith Tribes: Who They Are, What They Believe, and Why They Matter.” In that book Barna describes the seven tribes as Casual Christians, Captive Christians, Mormons, Jews, Pantheists, Muslims more

  • The Christian Marriage

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Oct 12, 2010

    Our view of marriage will affect the attention we give to keeping it healthy.

    The Christian Marriage Matthew 5:27-32 INTRODUCTION A. Like Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter, we want to put a “D” on Hester Prynne and other divorced people. 1. We tell them God can’t use them but we still love them (what kind of grace is that?). 2. Half of all marriages more

  • What Is A Christian?

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Most people call themselves Christians yet when measured and weighed by God’s biblical standards, they are badly found wanting and untrue to the definition of a genuine Christian!

    Intro: The word “Christian” is used only 3X in the King James Bible (text; Acts 11:26c; 26:28). Most people call themselves Christians yet when measured and weighed by God’s biblical standards, they are badly found wanting and untrue to the definition of a genuine Christian! The Bible gives us more

  • The Uniqueness Of Christianity

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 14, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    People are always drawn by the unusual and unique. The most unique "religion" in the world is Christianity. Its origin, teaching, and influence worldwide are all unmatched!

    Intro: People are always drawn by the unusual and unique. The most unique book in the world is the Bible. Its origin, teaching, and influence worldwide are all unmatched. In our passage we shall study seven unique aspects of Christianity. I. A Unique Exhibition (v.11). This is an exhibition of more

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