
Summary: Biblical Christianity can be portrayed in so many ways. One way to describe it is in the form of a call or a vocation. Christianity is a holy calling from God toward a new life with Christ.

Intro: Biblical Christianity can be portrayed in so many ways. One way to describe it is in the form of a call or a vocation. Christianity is a holy calling from God toward a new life with Christ. It is a serious call for allegiance to the cross of Christ! Today we shall study the different aspects of our calling from God. True Christianity is really a –

1. A Call to Salvation (Acts 4:12)

God’s call to salvation goes out to everyone (II Pet. 3:9). It includes the young-old, rich-poor, educated-illiterate, etc. Salvation is free. It is a gift offered by God received by repentance and faith (Acts 20:21). It is our only way of escape from hell and eternal punishment (Heb. 2:3).

2. A Call To Sanctification (I Thess. 4:3; Rom. 6:13; Eph. 5:11). Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit whereby the believer is made holy and set apart for God’s exclusive purpose and service. It is both positional and practical. When a sinner truly believes in Christ, he is sanctified and made a saint of God. As a saint, he is to live more and more like Christ – though in the world yet separate and unblemished by sin and wickedness.

3. A Call to Separation (II Cor. 6:17)

One sure proof of a person’s salvation is his hatred for evil doings and his avoidance of people who will lead him into temptation and sin. A true Christian has had a change of heart and mind resulting in a changed life. He now lives separately for the glory of the Lord (I Cor. 10:31). He has different – priority, ambition, hobby, music, & heroes!

4. A Call to Suffering (Phil. 1:29)

Many complain and murmur, and some even dare blame God for their sufferings not recognizing Christ suffered even more to bring them salvation. We need to recognize God’s purpose in suffering – that it prepares us for future glory (I Pet. 4:13; II Cor. 4:17; Rom. 8:18).

5. A Call To Service (Rom. 12:11)

Many Christians are called but few choose to heed God’s call to service. Excuses and lack of concern hinder them. It is no wonder the Gospel spreads so slow. God’s call to service reaches out to all. Everyone can do something for the Lord (than just sit and listen in church) – pray, teach, visit, encourage, counsel, comfort, pass out Gospel tracts, etc. God has equipped you and called you to serve others in His name. There is no Christian that God has not called to serve. There is no Christian to whom God has not given the spiritual gifts and abilities needed to accomplish God’s will for their lives. Our labor is never in vain (Col. 3:24).

6. A Call to Sacrifice (Rom. 12:1)

In a world where so many things are instant, convenient, easy to use, and user-friendly, the concept of sacrifice is a strange thing! In the Bible God calls all who follow Him to be willing to give out of their best to Him. This always demands sacrifice. God has given us the finest example in the sacrifice of His Son. Jesus gave His blood and His life at Calvary, what shall we give Him in return? Paul, a model Christian, was aware of God’s call to sacrifice when he declared that he would do it with joy (Phil. 2:17).

7. A Call to Soul-Winning (Acts 1:8)

Every Christian has been called by God to be a witness and a soul-winner. It is the greatest job of all! They that are engaged in it are called wise by God (Prov. 11:30). If a medical doctor feels fulfilled after curing a patient and such lives for 10 more years, how much more fulfillment can a soul-winner have if he helps a lost soul find eternal life? Across the street or around the world, our mission is still the same – proclaim and live the truth in Jesus’ name.

Conclusion: And so true Christianity is a sevenfold calling from God. It is a call to – SALVATION, SANCTIFICATION, SEPARATION, SUFFERING, SERVICE, SACRIFICE, & SOUL-WINNING. God still calls people today. He is calling you now!

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