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  • Christian Education Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 28, 2021

    Wisdom is the ability to make right choices in life. Folly is the making of wrong choices. The goal of education in both the secular and sacred realm is to give to people the knowledge and awareness they need to make wise choices.

    The Jews loved to tell stories about the importance of choices. Nathan Ausubel tells one of the wealthy Jewish merchant who took his slave on a long journey leaving his only son behind. On the journey the merchant became very ill, and at the point of death he made a will leaving all this more

  • Christian Education Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 5, 2021

    Severe suffering will cause most Christians to go through some sort of conflict like this, and that is why Christians need to be taught to have sound endurance. This is the ability to not give up, but to hang in there and do the will of God even when it does not seem to pay off.

    One of the most remarkable stories in the history of horse training is that of the horse named Snow Man. There is an old verse that jockeys supposedly whisper into the horses ear before a race: Roses are red, Violets are blue. Horses that lose Are made into glue. Snow Man apparently heard this more

  • Christian Education Of Women Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 5, 2021

    love is not how you feel or dream, but it is what you do. Love chooses, and love acts, and the loving choices in acts can be learned. The trained Christian is one who can ask in any situation in life, "What is the loving thing to do in this situation?"

    Janette George played the role of Corrie Ten Boom in the movie The Hiding Place. She wrote an interesting book called Travel Tips For The Reluctant Traveler. In it she tells of her 35th birthday. That was the year she finally accepted the fact that she would never play Peter Pan. But she expected more

  • Apologist Or Advocate…christian Education

    Contributed by Ernest Corty on Aug 30, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Establishing advocacy for Christian Education is not only needed in Post-Modern Christianity but required by the Word of God. To be an apologist for Christian Education falls short of God’s mandate.

    Apologist or Advocate…Christian Education Written by Ernest W. Corty Inspired by Dr. Alan Pure, President of “The Barnabas Group” We have a powerful story that we don’t tell today. The story could be rooted in the truth that our Christian Colleges and Seminaries offer courses in Systematic more

  • “let My Children Go, For It Is The Year Of Jubilee”

    Contributed by John Teem Jr. on Jun 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God expects us as parents to first make Christian disciples of the Children he has given us, instead we have sold them into slavery so that we can chase the American Dream. God is calling us out. This is the year of Jubilee.

    “LET MY CHILDREN GO, FOR IT IS THE YEAR OF JUBILEE” EXODUS 3:1-10 & LEVITICUS 25:8-18 JOHN TEEM JR. JUNE 18, 2013 CHAPEL OF REDEMPTION LEXINGTON SC INTRODUCTION: Discipleship Defined: Embracing and Assisting in Spreading the Teachings of another. Actively Adhering to Such Teachings more

  • A Case For Christian Schools

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 6, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Christian Education determines the future of a young mind. A child’s up bringing and Christian education will shape a Biblical world view and mind set. The Bible makes it clear that training in the ways of the Lord is essential so that children don’t grow

    A Case for Supporting Christian Schools Thesis: Christian Education determines the future of a young mind. A child’s up bringing and Christian education will shape a Biblical world view and mind set. The Bible makes it clear that training in the ways of the Lord is essential so that children don’t more

  • Keep God's Word Close At Hand

    Contributed by Christopher Raiford on Aug 1, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Sermon on the importance of Christian education

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, How many of you have a cell phone that you usually take with you wherever you go? Let’s see a show of hands. How many of you know someone who hardly ever goes anywhere without their cell phone? Especially now that cell phones have become smaller, cheaper, and more

  • Christian Education Is Basic. Listen, And Speak, About Jesus

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Sep 23, 2022

    A sermon on the Shema, urging us to listen, love, and teach.

    09.25.22 Deuteronomy 6:4–9 4 Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God. The LORD is one! 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 These words that I am commanding you today are to be on your heart. 7 Teach them diligently to your children, and more

  • An Ounce Of Prevention

    Contributed by Thomas Bartee on Jan 30, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message makes a passionate plea to ministers to consider the importance of christian education in their program of evangelism.

    It is a tremendous honor to speak to this great Assembly this morning. I can think of no greater honor than to be chosen to preach the Word of God at the Assembly of the Churches of God of the Mountain Assembly. Nehemiah 2: 18-20, "Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me. As more

  • We Are Clay In The Hands Of God

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Aug 17, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    God shapes us. Applying it to Christian education.

    WE ARE CLAY IN THE HANDS OF GOD. Isaiah 64:8-9: Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter. We are all the work of your hand. Do not be angry beyond measure, O Lord. Do not remember our sins forever. I think it’s safe to say that we’re not always aware more

  • Spend Time With The Teacher You Cannot See

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jun 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Pentecost and Christian Education have something in common - God the Holy Spirit is the teacher.

    Spend Time with the Teacher you Cannot See Acts 2:1-21 Today is Christian Education Sunday. Today is also Pentecost Sunday. Doesn’t that seem like an odd combination? Do Pentecost and Christian Education have anything in common? On Pentecost Sunday we remember what happened many years more

  • Educated Love Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 1, 2021

    Paul is not knocking the love of the Philippians. Kindergarten love is not bad, but it is no place to level off and be content. A child who does not progress beyond kindergarten is greatly handicapped, and so is the Christian whose love does not abound more and more in knowledge.

    The best of Christians make their share of mistakes, but John Turner was apparently trying to get a large portion of his quota of mistakes out of the way all in one day. John was a conscientious pastor who got to his church early one Sunday morning, and he discovered that he had left his sermon more

  • The Christian And Holiness Series

    Contributed by Rudolf E. Y. Mensah on Jun 6, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Holiness is compulsory to the Christian walk of faith. Holiness is a must a must have grade mark for every child of God. Holiness is synonymous to righteousness.

    Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7:1 | KJV But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye more

  • Educating The Child

    Contributed by William Baeta on Mar 6, 2013

    “My son, be attentive to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding, that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge” Proverbs 5:1, 2.

    Theme: Educating the Child Text: Pr. 5:1, 2, 12-14; 2 Tim. 3:10-17; Lk. 2:41-52 Our theme for today’s sermon is ‘educating the child’. Educating a child begins even before the birth of the child. The right nourishment and the thought life of the parents affect the unborn child in more

  • Education Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 10, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    As we consider politics according to the Bible, in this sermon we examine what the Bible says about education.

    Scripture We are approaching the end of summer. Soon, students will go back to school, and some will tell about their summer. In the classroom setting of one Peanuts comic strip, on the first day of the new school year, the students were told to write an essay about returning to school. In her more

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