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  • The Chair Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Apr 2, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Titus 2:11-14. Self-control, established as essential to the spiritual life in the first half of Titus 2, is shown to be essential not to make God capable of forgiving and leading us, but to make us capable of receiving His forgiveness and leadership.

    The Chair The Productive Life, part 4 Wildwind Community Church April 2, 2006 The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. The scholar, pastor, poet, and writer Eugene Peterson translates that passage: Titus 2:11 (MSG) 11 God’s readiness to give and forgive is now public. more

  • 3 Chairs

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on May 19, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Which Chair are you in?

    3 chairs 2 Timothy 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 2 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of more

  • The High Chair Vs The Electric Chair?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We think about the role of Parent’s in raising Godly children. A poll recently stated: 80% of unchurched parents want their children to have a spiritual education.

    THE HIGH CHAIR VS THE ELECTRIC CHAIR By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. INTRODUCTION! A. Did you hear about the little boy that went to Sunday School? His Mom and Dad stayed home. They started asking the lad all about Sunday School class? The Mom said: WHO WAS YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL more

  • First Chair Series

    Contributed by Robert Fox on May 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Uses the illustration of three chairs to force students to consider their lifestyle, and where they are in their spiritual journey. Student Ministry PowerPoint format.

    This presentation was designed to be presented to a senior high audience using Microsoft PowerPoint If you would like the actual PowerPoint presentation, just send me an email. Click on the “View all sermons by Robert Fox” link at the top of this page, then click on the “contact” link in the more

  • Elijah's Chair

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Oct 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate believers to look back on their Old Life and share with others that TRUE Christianity involves RECEIVING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ (as their Lord and Savior) rather than outward ATTEMPTS and CHANGES to look relig

    5 October 2008 U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (BfSB) West Fort Hood Chapel Killeen, TX BIG IDEA: TRUE Christianity involves RECEIVING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ (as Lord and Savior) rather than outward ATTEMPTS and CHANGES to look religious. more

  • Where Are The Chairs?

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Oct 25, 2007

    The Lords Supper - As the church - a time of unity. Who is worthy? A priviledge and not a gift.

    Where are the chairs? 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 This morning I expanded to include a few more lines of scripture than I gave to Dorothy. I am guessing that having more scripture instead of less is not a problem. That doesn’t make the reading of scripture to be too long or anything does it? I more

  • The Prayer Chair

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Mercy Seat or Atonement Cover represented the throne of God and the source of mercy. Here is where prayers were answered. The Prayer Chair is an interactive adaptation of this idea.

    The Prayer Chair From Exodus 25:16-18 Atonement Cover as Mercy Seat A. Throne of God B. Power of Prayer Ill. Bob the insurance saleman. 1. New Christian 2. The Bet 3. The Dinner 4. The Kenyan Orphanage 5. Medical Supplies 6. The Celebration 7. The more

  • Choosing Chairs

    Contributed by Tom Burkholder on Sep 26, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    As faith is passed down from generation to generation entropy takes place.

    Choosing Chairs Text: Joshua 24:14-15 Introduction: We are going to look at 3 generations and 3 chairs. As faith is passed down from generation to generation entropy takes place. Entropy says “Everything is naturally deteriorating.” Everything is becoming “sameness.” “For example, a warm mug of more

  • The Empty Chair

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Nov 23, 2020

    Every thanksgiving there is an tradition of leaving an empty chair for an unexpected guessed. Jesus expects us to do that to the hungry, thirsty, to the prisoned one. We are to help the least, lonely, lost, leper, and the other.

    Matthew 25:31-46 The Empty Chair " -- for the least, the lost, the lonely, the leper, the "other"? 1. This week we will celebrate Thanksgiving • Thanksgiving is the day we set aside nationally to remind us to say "thanks" for the bounties God has heaped upon our more

  • Sitting In The Thanksgiving Chair Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 20, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    We need to spend more time in the Thanksgiving Chair

    INTRODUCTION • CLICK TO PC VIDEO • SLIDE #1 • As you live your life each moment, is it not easy to forget that we are to be thankful for so much? • I like the way the video clip brings an awareness of how we are to be in a constant state of thankfulness. • Today we are going to spend some time in more

  • Easy Chair Faith

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Nov 10, 2002
    based on 197 ratings

    John emphasizes the personal experience of salvation

    Arm Chair Faith Text: 1 John 1:1-7 Introduction ILLUSTRATION (Have two people play catch with a football--when the ball is thrown to you let it fall to the ground). There’s a difference between observation and participation. I remember as I was growing up hearing my parents say to me on more more

  • Thanksgiving's Empty Chair

    Contributed by Mark Otero on Jan 13, 2003
    based on 647 ratings

    The irony of thanksgiving is sometimes those closest to the Father’s blessings can become the least thankful. The Prodigal’s brother demonstrates this reality by his words and actions.

    Thanksgiving’s Empty Chair Luke 15: 25 - 32 INTRODUCE A woman was visiting some people who lived on a farm, and she noticed a pig limping in the backyard with a wooden leg. She asked the farmer, "What happened to the pig?" The farmer said, "Oh, Betsy is a wonderful pig. One night the house more

  • "Unfolding Deck Chairs" Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Discerning what God’s will and direction is for our lives.

    Iliff and Saltillo United Methodist June 30, 2002 “Unfolding Deck Chairs” Acts 17:22-34 INTRODUCTION: In a “Peanuts” strip, Charlie Brown and Lucy were discussing theology. Lucy said, “On the great cruise ship of life, some people take their deck chairs to the bow. And some people take their more

  • The Three-Legged Chair Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Apr 21, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Part 3 in series Kingdom Stories. This message looks at the parable of the unmerciful servant for what can be learned about grace and forgiveness.

    The Three-Legged Chair Kingdom Stories, part 3 Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers March 25, 2007 When was the last time you were the recipient of grace? Grace is a great thing to talk about in church, because grace is the cure for what ails us the most deeply. Grace is the cure for more

  • Get Beyond The Chair

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Oct 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We as believers must live our lives every moment on the basis of faith in what God will do solely because He has said it.

    Get Beyond the Chair Griffith Baptist Church – 10/12/08 A.M. Service Text: Hebrews 11:1-3 Key verse: Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Premise: We as believers must live our lives every moment on the basis of faith in what God will do more

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