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Sermons on captivity to sin:

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  • The Steps Of Sin In A Believer's Life

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Jan 11, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    God’s word and experience tell us that Christians do sin. The Bible makes it clear that sin has consequences even for believers. God does not intend for His children to sin once they have been born again. Sadly, some believers bring shame to themselves an

    Intro: God’s word and experience tell us that Christians do sin. The Bible makes it clear that sin has consequences even for believers. God does not intend for His children to sin once they have been born again (1 John 2:1). Sadly, some believers bring shame to themselves and God by the more

  • Your Sins I Will Not Remember Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The tussle over paying for contraception has raised our awareness of sin; it should also raise our awareness of the need to repent, confess sin and receive the forgiveness of God.

    Seventh Sunday in Course 2012 “Your Sins I Will Not Remember” There’s a story told about one of the members of our extended family, a man who was a smoker until his first heart attack, and about what he did on this Sunday before Lent. As the story goes, he bought a carton of cigarettes and smoked more

  • Jesus Dies For The Sins Of The World Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon looks at the shocking action of Jesus, as he offers his life as the payment for sin

    INTRODUCTION * Current series (message 3 of 4): A Savior’s Most-Shocking Actions (things Jesus said and did that his enemies used against him) * Previous actions: (1) Jesus reaches out to sinners [Zacchaeus]; (2) Jesus forgives sinners [paralytic] * Today: the shocking moment in which Jesus more

  • Man's Sinfulness - God's Forgiveness

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 28, 2012

    Jesus reveals Himself as the Light of Life.

    In chapters 8 & 9 of John we see the revelation of Jesus as the light of life. Tonight we will see that light revealed in the first 11 verses of John 8. Here’s a general overview of these 11 verses. Jesus reveals Himself as the Light of Life. Tonight we will see man being gripped by sin more

  • Is Your Sin My Business

    Contributed by Charles J. Tomlin on Nov 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A Sermon about human accountability before God

    During our mission work in Germany, my family were making a visit to a family in the city. It was a snowy day. But since it snows a lot in eastern Germany, you go on about your business no matter the weather. On this day, the snow had already accumulated on the car, and I reached to scoop a big more

  • The Greatest Sin For A Believer - Backsliding

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Dec 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The thing that the devil uses most against the child of god-Backsliding!!

    The Greatest Sin for A believer - Backsliding Proverbsw 1:7---Hosea4:16 Proberts 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. Hosea 4:16 Hosea 4:16 likens a backslider to a heifer. The backslider is like an ox that is in a double more

  • How Sin Affects Us

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Mar 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Sin leads to death and separation from God

    how sin affects us Genesis 3:1-13 We know that life was perfect in the garden. 1 Cor. 15:21-22 “So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, Adam, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man, Christ. Everyone dies because all of us are related to Adam, more

  • Ash Wednesday: Confronting Sin

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Mar 10, 2011

    A talk given at our evening Ash Wednesday service. Jesus's death on the cross has paid the price for our sins but our bad habits, bad behaviour and the things that trip us up still need to be confronted.

    A young man once visited the great German preacher Martin Luther to ask for his advice. He said that he was constantly plagued by wrongful desires and lustful thoughts and did not know what to do. Martin Luther’s reply was typically blunt and to the point. He said, “You can’t stop more

  • Love God - Hate Sin

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Mar 26, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    In light of the recent votes to make gay marriage permissible in the state of Maryland. I was led by the Spirit to speak on the subject from the pulpit for Valentines day. Not your normal message on love. This message comes straight from scriptures.

    2011.02.13.Sermon. Love God – Hate Sin (How great is the Love of God) Days of Noah Gay Marriage in Legislation Perversion of Love in USA and World John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have more

  • Pride, Lust And More Sin

    Contributed by James Kirkland on Apr 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The decisions we make in haste brings to the fore front, our pride, and ego that can and will cause sin to over power our better judgement.

    When we give our word, we are to stand-by it. James tells us that our Yes be yes and our No to be no. But what happens when we make a decision that turns out to be wrong? Do you continue in the wrong or do you change your mind? Many of our decisions would be different if we had slept on them over more

  • God Is Greater Than Sin Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on May 20, 2011

    Addiction to sin is a spiritual bond that must be broken, therefore, God is greater than sin.

    Sunday, July 13, 2008 “God is greater than Sin” Text: John 1: 29 We move to our second step in our 12 step program to break our addiction to sin by acknowledging that God is greater than sin. You may recall that we made the subtle distinction between a sin and being a sinner. A more

  • When Do We Sin? Series

    Contributed by Bill Burress on Jan 21, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    This message answers the question, "When does it becaome a sin in out thought?"

    "I Want The Truth!” January 17, 2010 This morning I am continuing with the sermon series “I want the truth!” I got some response to my request and hope to get many more as we go along. For those who were not here last week I will explain what I am doing and I hope you will more

  • Five Facts About Sin Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Feb 26, 2010
    based on 67 ratings

    This sermon looks a five facts of sin. 1. Sin can never be HIDDEN 2. Sin is never VICTIMLESS 3. Sin is never INSIGNIFICANT 4. Sin is never FORGOTTEN 5. Sin is never beyond God’s FORGIVENESS

    Psalm 51 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David when Nathan the prophet went to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my more

  • Una Pelea Sin Tregua

    Contributed by Pastor Neftali Baez on Aug 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings


    Tema: Una pelea sin tregua Libro: 1 Timoteo 6:12 Introduccion: Caundo eramos niños nuestras iluciones o nuesras metas siempre estaban puesta en lo que admirabamos. Me acuerdo que cuando mi madre me preguntaba ¿Hijo que tu quieres ser cuando seas grande? la cual yo la miraba con una more

  • Repercussion Of Sin Pt 2

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Sep 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sin has repurcussion

    Repercussions of Sin II Sins of our parents can be very fatal. The sins of our first parents had fatal affects on the world Malice in the heart ends in murder by the hands. Cain slew Abel, his own brother, his own mother’s son, whom he ought to have loved; his younger brother, whom he ought to more

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