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Sermons on calling of the disciples:

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  • What Is A Disciple? Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Feb 16, 2015

    Jesus' Disciples are true believers. Jesus commands us to follow him and learn from him. When we do, our lives will be noticeably different.

    Sermon Notes February 1, 2015 FBCam What Is a Disciple? The Story is told of all-time great coach Vince Lombardi. Trying to motivate a struggling team, Lombardi gathered them together: "We need to get back to the basics." Holding up a football, "Gentleman, this is a football." To which team cut more

  • Be A Teacher! Series

    Contributed by Chad Garrison on Mar 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God calls each of us to the Adventure of Life He has set before us. Everyone has his or her own path, but we all have the same call. Today we examine the call to make disciples.

    Choose Your Own Adventure: “Be a Teacher!” Today we continue with the Callings God has placed on everyone, and the Choice we have to pursue them. Today we examine one of the most important choices we will ever make, that of “Being a Teacher”. Translated to the believer, more

  • Disciples Contend For Greatness

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 28, 2015

    I wonder, is there a bit of worldly ambition present in these men that He had called to be His disciples? I believe they may have been doing a bit of bragging among themselves, and now they come to Jesus to see who He thinks is the greatest disciple.

    Capernaum (53.1) Disciples Contend for Greatness Matthew 18:1-10 A LITTLE CHILD BECOMES AN OBJECT LESSON: At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (Matthew 18:1) There never was a greater pattern for humility than Jesus, and there more

  • A Deeper Calling Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 2, 2012

    Loving your neighbor as yourself is not longer the standard Jesus calls us to. Let us see what He calls us to do.

    A Trip to Hell (Preached first on 15/06/08, Sunday) Text: Rev. 20:15 Introduction Often the word “hell” is thrown around casually like it was no big deal. Many people even joke about Hell. Some have been heard saying that they didn’t mind going to Hell, because all of their favorite film more

  • Jesus Calls His Disciples Series

    Contributed by Clark Frailey on Apr 15, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    A sermon series on the Gospel of John.

    Jesus Calls His Disciples Scripture: John 1:37-51 Introduction: Last time we looked at John 1:1-9 and discovered Jesus is the Word of God. He was in the beginning, He was at Creation, He is our Light today and tomorrow. Now we move on to learn about the gathering of the disciples. As more

  • The Characteristics Of A Disciple

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 7, 2014

    We need to ask ourselves today Are we disciples? None of us are perfect, But have you given up attitude of being in charge And have you become confident in His ability to express Himself through you?

    Introduction: Have you seen the Verizon commercials? • The ones where a person is walking around with a group of people behind them • That represents the Verizon network. • Now The idea is that this team of professionals and technicians are always standing more

  • What Is A Disciple?

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Aug 5, 2014

    There are lots of experts on the topic of discipleship, so why is there so much confusion? What does the Bible say about disciples?

    What is a disciple of Christ? There are many books on the subject these days, and frankly a lot of technical confusion. That wasn’t the case in the first century. They were very clear about it and had Jesus’ words fresh in their minds. We need not be confused either, and we don’t more

  • Secured For Battle Series

    Contributed by Terry Williams on Aug 26, 2013

    Sermon deals with assurance of salvation and the call to be a true disciple of Jesus.

    Jude: A Call to Defend Secured for Battle Jude 1-2 Passage 1 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: 2 May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you. Introduction The key verse to Jude is verse 3 3 more

  • The First Disciples Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Jun 19, 2023

    As Jesus begins his ministry, he calls out several men to follow him. This sermon considers the first disciples that Jesus calls.

    We all like to follow someone at various times in our lives. We may be motivated by curiosity, fear, ambition, knowledge, information. Sometimes our following is a simple and non-committed social media follow - we might just want to be in the know. Other times our following results in a certain more

  • The Call Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 9, 2011

    In our Scripture today, Jesus is commissioning the disciples to the work of the kingdom. This is when their odyssey, their journey of faith begins and what a ride it will be! There are several things we learn about the call to the odyssey

    Odyssey: The Call Matthew 10:1-8 I am a student of history. By the mid 1700’s, the East Coast was settled and civilized. There were virtually no settlements and only a few forts west of the Allegheny Mountains because it was a very dangerous territory. People would get scalped in the more

  • True Discipleship

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Apr 11, 2012

    We are called to be real disciples of Christ, and not just to be mere converts or followers. We therefore need to meet the conditions required to be accepted accepted as His true disciples.

    TRUE DISCIPLESHIP STUDY TEXT: Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all more

  • Jesus Washed The Disciples Feet Series

    Contributed by Robert Galasso on Mar 6, 2002
    based on 70 ratings

    Jesus modeled the role of a servant for us to continue with one another.

    Introduction: How could the very Son of God stoop to wash the dirty feet of men? What would motivate him toward such an action of humility? Are there any lessons from Christ that we need to apply to the way we approach ministry? Did those present fully understand what was going on? Jesus more

  • What It Takes To Be Christ's Disciple

    Contributed by Keith Davis on May 5, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Learning how to follow Jesus.

    What It Takes To Be Christ’s Disciples John 17:6-10 INTRO: Read Text ‒ What is a “disciple?” What is involved in being a disciple of Jesus? ‒ “Disciple” in N.T from the root word for “mathematics.” Means a learner, or a pupil. more

  • Jesus Prays For His Disciples

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Jun 3, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    Jesus knew that there would be times when storms would come and cause an upheaval for these disciples that He was praying for.

    JESUS PRAYS FOR HIS DISCIPLES Text: John 17:6-19 I read an account about a storm that came as a surprise. "The storm came roaring in from the Atlantic, and it left the city of New York paralyzed. Ordinarily such a snow fall cause little inconvenience in that city. Snowplows are more

  • The Good Ship Disciple-Ship

    Contributed by Brad Rigney on Jun 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Focusing on boarding the Ship of Discipleship. What it means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ.

    The GoodShip: Disciple-Ship John 6:60-71 Intro.: A. As I mentioned last week, an Aircraft Carrier is a good ship for Offense as it has about 90 airplanes onboard. However, an aircraft carrier needs the help of other ships for support. A DESTROYER is one type of a Ship in the Task Force of a more

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