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  • A "U" Turn

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The "U" turn for Nineveh ❶ Warned - v.4 ❷ Believed - v.5a ❸ Remorse — v.5b-7 ❹ Repented - v.8a ❺ Converted - v.8b-11

    - Ramp unto interstate has signs that warn wrong way - If you do not stop you find yourself in a heap of trouble - Only escape is to go back Examples this month - 3:00 am Arkansas I-30 - Sleepy man traveling wrong way crashes into grove of trees - 12:00 am Idaho I-84 17 yr. Girl - 2 more

  • Freedom From The Pain Of Regret

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jul 28, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever done anything you’ve regretted? I believe there’s no pain like the pain of regret. However, we can actually gain freedom from our regrets and move on.

    FREEDOM FROM THE PAIN OF REGRET INTRODUCTION: Have you ever done anything you’ve regretted? If you’ve ever said, “if only…” or if you’ve spent time in the land of, “woulda, coulda, shoulda” then you probably have regrets. I believe there’s no more

  • Repentance

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Dec 27, 2020

    Repentance isn’t a one-time change of heart, but it should be an integral part of our spiritual growth. It’s been said that the essential quality of a saint is to have a repentant heart. That requires a sensitive conscience and a teachable spirit.

    “Repentance” Matthew 3:1-12 [Read Mt. 3:1-12] I was once asked to preach a revival at a neighboring church, and when I accepted the host pastor told me, “Don’t hold back. The harder the preaching, the more they like it.” That statement took me by surprise. I’m still not sure if that was true more

  • The Gift Of Repentance Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Feb 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Repentance is a powerful and necessary step in our spiritual journey, leading to a deeper sense of grace, mercy, and redemption.

    Repentance is a transformative act that involves turning away from sin and embracing a new path. It requires genuine remorse for past wrongdoing and a commitment to change. Repentance is a hallmark of salvation, demonstrating a true embrace of a new lifestyle. As the core message of the kingdom of more

  • Temptation

    Contributed by Clay Ledford on Aug 24, 2018

    We all face temptations. We need to know how to deal with them and Jesus shows ys.

    Temptations. Luke 4:1 – 13. Temptation + Opportunity = Trouble. Example: Krispy Kreme’s Hot and Now sign. I love Krispy Kreme Donuts. My town doesn’t have one but a neighboring one does. When I want a donut I have the temptation, but if I am at home I do not have the opportunity. When I go to more

  • Other People's Money - Pt. 3 - Disconent Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 13, 2014

    Your neighbor attends church wanting instruction and supernatural response in every important area of life . . . relationships, direction and success, but we they don't want anyone to talk about money.

    Other People's Money Pt. 3 - Discontent I. Introduction I have learned there are certain things that just don't go well together. Some of this I learned in school and others just by observation. Meat mentioned in the name of a pie. Big dogs and paper routes. A swimming pool and regular diapers. more

  • The Tragedy Of Unrepentance-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 3, 2011

    4 of 4. Cain’s lack of repentance & subsequent grudge, ended in his brother’s murder. Willful unrepentance opens the door to tragedy. But What exactly is the tragedy? A tragedy of unrepentance is a Lost...

    THE TRAGEDY OF UNREPENTANCE-IV—Genesis 4:1-24 Attention: Repentance is vital to a true Christian. Repentance is necessary to anyone really seeking God. Need: Why do I feel guilty when I’ve done certain things? Is there really a right & wrong? How can I know? Why don’t I have more

  • Repentance Of Saints... Series

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jan 30, 2012

    I now intend to focus on the second and concluding part of the series on "REPENTANCE" which is repentance of Saints

    CLARION CALL FOR REPENTANCE – SERIES-PART II REPENTANCE OF SAINTS My congregation would recall that in the first part of the series on the topic of repentance, the “U-turn” of ‘Sinners’ was dealt at length with the more

  • Have You Signed On The Dotted Line?

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jun 28, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    We sign our name to thousands of documents in our lifetime to secure anything from homes to cell phone agreements and do it without even reading the contracts most of the time. When it comes to “belonging” to a people of God however, we turn into a conspiracy theorists and feel threatened

    TITLE: HAVE YOU SIGNED ON THE DOTTED LINE? SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 9:57-62 When was the last time you signed a contract? Any kind of contract – A Mortgage - A Car Loan - A New Job - A Marriage License - A School Admissions Agreement. Now consider this - How many pages was the contract? More more

  • Sermon On Contrition

    Contributed by William Meakin on Sep 27, 2021

    Contrition is defined as a state of feeling remorseful and penitent.

    Washington Irving, an American short story writer, once remarked: "There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable more

  • What Are You Doing In Sodom? Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Feb 19, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Sodom represents the allurment of the world. It proved deadly for Lot, and it will just as surely destroy our lives if we venture close to the world.

    Our passage gives us a powerful lesson concerning worldliness. The key question from Genesis 14, “how close can you get to sin before it corrupts you?” The key verse, is Genesis 14:12. There we learn that while Lot first “pitched his tents near Sodom, now we read that Lot was more

  • Grappling With Guilt Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on May 26, 2013

    Joseph teaches an important lesson on overcoming guilt. This message will examine the Source, the Symptoms and the Solution for guilt.

    It was Ninth Grade English Literature class. We were reading American short stories, and our assignment was to read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart.” Following are some highlights from the chilling tale... “The officers were satisfied. My MANNER had convinced more

  • The Guilt Game

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Feb 12, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    Contrary to popular opinion, for the most part, guilt can be good!

    In the Bible, the primary use of the word "guilt" is a legal term that defines humanity's standing before God. Adam's relationship with the Lord dramatically changed after he sinned in the Garden of Eden. For the first time in eternity, the created became afraid of the more

  • The Many Dimensions Of Sin

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Sep 16, 2019

    We as Christians, tend to underrate sin. We give sin lip service and we talk about forgiveness like it is automatic and that forgiveness is owed to us. We tend to ignore the consequences of sin by saying we have been forgiven and it is all forgotten.

    We as Christians, tend to underrate sin. We give sin lip service and we talk about forgiveness like it is automatic and that forgiveness is owed to us. We tend to ignore the consequences of sin by saying we have been forgiven and it is all forgotten. But, there is so much more. Listen, as we more

  • Rev.#23~6:12-17~ The 6th Seal~ God’s Universal Disruption Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Sep 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Under this 6 th seal we have a Minnie picture of the Great Tribulation.

    REV.#23~6:12-17~ THE 6TH SEAL~ GOD’S UNIVERSAL DISRUPTION ~ 9-19-09 Under this 6 th seal we have a Minnie picture of the Great Tribulation. The 1st 5 seals that we’ve read and talked about in this chapter were brought about at the hand of man; we saw the Antichrist bringing a false peace for 3 more