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  • The Bumps

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Feb 28, 2019

    A little boy was leading his sister up a mountain path and the way was not too easy. “Why, this isn’t a path at all,” the little girl complained. “It’s all rocky and bumpy.” And her brother replied, “Sure, the bumps are what you climb on.”

    THE BUMPS Introduction: A little boy was leading his sister up a mountain path and the way was not too easy. “Why, this isn’t a path at all,” the little girl complained. “It’s all rocky and bumpy.” And her brother replied, “Sure, the bumps are what you climb on.” What do you do with the more

  • "God-Bumps"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 7, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    God bumps are God moments when the Lord comes and reveals His presence and we recognize His awesomeness.

    Psalm 66:1-12 GOD BUMPS 1. Awesome have you encountered it? You have experienced goosebumps • We were leaving WVU stadium after a comeback victory • we left the stadium "country roads" played loudly your heart thumped tears trickled like this is awesome Place! Goose Bump more

  • Bumping Into Jesus Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Apr 7, 2015

    The experience that the women have at the tomb--their encounter with Jesus-- turns their mourning into dancing and transforms their lives forever.

    Matthew 28:1-10 “Bumping into Jesus” INTRODUCTION Have you ever had the experience of bumping into an old acquaintance who you never thought you’d ever bump into? That happened to Faye and me one time when our family went to a Twins game in Minneapolis with my more

  • God's Speed Bumps

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The final sermon in the summer 2006 Series, “Being God’s People by Serving, Obeying, and Giving.”

    The summer before my senior year in high school I had one of those spiritual experiences that is hard to explain because it was only God and me in my bedroom one warm August evening. It is the kind of experience that made at least one of my parents, when all was said and done, scratch their head more

  • A Bump In The Road Or A Blessing Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 11th sermon in the series, "Pot Holes". What type of friend are you and what type of friends are you looking for?

    Sunday Morning September 13, 2009 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: Pot Holes [#11] A BUMP IN THE ROAD OR A BLESSING? 1 Samuel 19:1-20:42 Introduction: The older I get, the more that I realize what an impact our friends have on our lives. Our friends can either be a bump in more

  • Things That Go Bump Series

    Contributed by J.d. Tutell on Oct 25, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    The difference between miracles and magic is revealed to the seven sons of Sceva and all of Ephesus.

    I’ve been asking a question, leading up to this sermon for the past few months, it’s simply this, do you believe in the supernatural. It seems like a strange question to ask of Christians after all we pray to a God we can’t see, we believe in life after death, we believe in more

  • Divine Speed Bumps

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Oct 16, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    A sermon to explain how God attempts to slow us down when He wants to get our attention.

    Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:1 – 11 Title: “Divine Speed-Bumps” Introduction: David and his men were trying to handle the Holy Presence and glory of God with “Human Hands.”  God will only let you do things your way just so far.  It appears that David’s caravan “hit a bump” in the road at more

  • The Bumps Are What You Climb On

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 28, 2018

    The bumps/trials of life seem like things that hinder us and stunt us, but in reality, the bumps are spiritually the only way we can advance the inner life upward. Jacob's frequent troubles enhanced the overcoming nature latent within him.

    THE BUMPS ARE WHAT YOU CLIMB ON INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Doug Scattergood told how he was deployed with the Navy in the Red Sea for several months. Finally he got the chance to go ashore in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. 2. He went to a pay-phone on the pier, produced all the change more

  • When Your Theology Bumps Into The Facts Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Feb 16, 2021

    A lengthy story about a man born blind provides a clear picture of what happens when your theology bumps into inconvenient facts. Will you reach for God or cling to your predetermined ideas?

    SEEING THE LIGHT: The man was blind but saw by believing and obeying Jesus. - John 9:1-7. a. We’ll get more into the confusion in a moment, but the disciples echo the prevailing theology of the time and presume that someone must have sinned for him to be blind. - vv. 1-2. - It was a theology more

  • The Big Bounce - Pt. 2 - Bump Basics! Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 16, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    We prefer the easy road. We try to avoid any obstacles. We must learn to handle “The Big Bounce!”

    “The Big Bounce” Pt. 2 - Bump Basics Text: 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 David consulted with all of his leaders, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds. Then David addressed the entire assembly of Israel, "If it seems right to you, and it is God's will, let's invite all our relatives more

  • Abraham: A Journey Of Faith - Mind The Speed Bumps Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Sep 18, 2016

    Don't rely on yourself to get through the speed bumps in life. Turn to the Lord and determine what is best for you to do spiritually speaking.

    Do you like to drive? Some people love it. Just give them a bag of sunflower seeds and they can drive forever—much to the chagrin of their family. I like driving except through parking lots. My stress level rises there because there are so many potential hazards like runaway shopping carts, more

  • The Life Of Abraham, Part 2: The Egyptian Detour Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 6, 2014

    Abraham hits a speed bump on the road to God's blessing.

    The Life of Abraham, Part 2: The Egyptian Detour Genesis 12:10-20 Introduction In the last episode we saw Abram and Sarai on the backside of the wilderness trying to scratch out a meager living and I think wondering about they had understood God correctly. When Moses wrote down this account of more

  • The Pharisee & The Tax-Collector (Luke 18:9-14 )

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 12, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    A Pharisee and a tax-collector bump into eachother at the temple. This looks like a sitcom! ...

    “Jesus told them another joke”, we are told, “and He told this one to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and looked down on others.’ Now, I suspect that your translation probably says ‘parable’ rather than ‘joke’, but I think ‘joke’ is actually a very good translation. We more

  • The Threatened King (Pastor Glenys) Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    When ‘bumped’ or jolted or walloped, the content of who we are is laid bare.

    Introduction Every story has its bad ‘guy’ it seems. Whether its Cinderella’s evil stepmother, Snow White’s jealous queen or 101 Dalmatians ‘Cruella De Vil’, the evil one plays a part that amplifies the drama. However, as we have discovered, the trend in these classics seem to be a bad ‘gal’! more

  • Promise To Provision

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Jan 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God takes us on a journey that sometimes has a few bumps in the road.

    For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, the Messiah, Who has been preached among you by us, by myself, Slvanus and Timothy, was not Yes and No; but in Him it is (always the divine) Yes. For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes (answer) in Him (Christ). For this reason we also more

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