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  • Life Begins With Jesus

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Mar 2, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Some would say that Zacchaeus was really living. But when he discovered Jesus he learned what life really meant.

    “LIFE BEGINS WITH JESUS” Luke 19:1-10 INTRO: 1.By even today’s standards, we could say that Zacchaeus was “really living”. (rich- powerful-successful) 2.But, by the end of the story Zacchaeus had found something that made him willing to lose it all to keep what he found. 3.He had discovered more

  • Let God Heal Your Eyes And Ears

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Mar 4, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    Through this LAW & GOSPEL prophecy from Isaiah we are encouraged to let God heal the eyes and ears of our soul.

    You are handed something that looks like a strange plastic spatula. “Cover your right eye and read the smallest letters you can on the chart on the wall. Now do the same with the other eye,” you are told. The person speaking to you records the results. In another office an assistant to the more

  • When We Wander Too Far Series

    Contributed by Ryan Johnson on Mar 6, 2002
    based on 105 ratings

    Message for Christians that are in sin

    Series: Creating Contagious Compassion When We Wander Too Far? ( evanglelism, salvation) Luke 15:3-7 Survivor Eva Hart remembers the night, April 15, 1912, on which the Titanic plunged 12,000 feet to the Atlantic floor, some two hours and forty minutes after an iceberg tore a 300-foot gash in the more

  • Responses To God's Grace Series

    Contributed by Doug Warren on Jan 14, 2001
    based on 219 ratings

    God’s Grace (unmerited favor) toward us demands that we respond. What should be our responses to His Grace?

    Intro: Grace has been defined in many ways, (unmerited favor, God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense, full and underserved pardon and forgiveness) but whatever the definition, the Grace God extends to us demands that we respond. What should be our responses to God’s Grace? I. RECEIVE HIS GRACE (V. more

  • I Am A Sinful Person.

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Jan 27, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    Year C Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany February 4th, 2001

    Year C Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany February 4th, 2001 Lord of the Lake Lutheran Church Web page By The Rev. Jerry Morrissey, Esq., Pastor E-mail Heavenly Father, “I am a sinful person,” thank you for more

  • God Is Merciful... Are We?

    Contributed by Sam Thomason on Feb 14, 2001
    based on 264 ratings

    We are blessed when our sins are forgiven... how much greater is the blessing when we can forgive those who wrong us.

    God Is Merciful-- Are We? MT 18:21-35 Today’s scripture reminds me of the story told about Gen. Robert E. Lee after the civil war. Lee visited a Kentucky lady who took him to the remains of a grand old tree in front of her house. There she bitterly cried that its limbs and trunk had been more

  • Repentance Will Get You Everywhere

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Mar 8, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    The prophet Hosea gives some wonderful principles on repentance

    REPENTACE WILL GET YOU EVERYWHERE HOSEA 14:1-9 INTRODUCTION I. THE PROPHET’S LIFE AND TIMES A. Hosea preached to the people of Israel about sin and about repentance. B. The entire Old Testament is filled with the cycle Israel went through. This cycle can especially be seen in the book of more

  • Confession And Repentance

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Mar 8, 2001
    based on 95 ratings

    Daniel’s prayer is a great example of how WE should pray and ask for forgiveness

    CONFESSION AND REPENTANCE DANIEL 9:1-19 INTRODUCTION Daniel was a godly man who realized that his nation had sinned greatly against God. He prayed to “make it right with God.” He prayed to confess the sins that brought curses on the Israelite people. He prayed to confess the sin that separated more

  • The Beginnings Of Revival

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Oct 22, 2001
    based on 55 ratings

    In this time of crisis our nation and our churches need revival from God

    The Beginnings of Revival 2 Chronicles 7:14 October 2001 Introduction What does America need most right now? Some would say that we need peace the most Some would say that we need security the most Some would say that we need justice the most Some would say that we need victory the most On more

  • The Hope Of Healing Is A Healing Hope

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Oct 22, 2001
    based on 33 ratings

    The outline is origional but the meat could use a some work

    The Hope of Healing is a Healing Hope, Mark 5:25-34 Eric A. Snyder, Minister Farwell Church of Christ Sept 30, 2001 A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though they were a very large more

  • God's Remedy

    Contributed by Gary Macdonald on Nov 1, 2001
    based on 80 ratings

    Sermon based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 - God’s people who are called by His name, humbling themselves, seeking His face, and turning from their wicked ways.

    God’s Remedy Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14 I. If We Are God’s People. That means that every person in this room this morning, every person in Hellesdon, every person in Norwich, every person in England, every person in Europe, every person in the world, is, is a creation of God. 1. The population more

  • "How To Fight Temptation" Part 1

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Nov 10, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Temptations will come to us but the power of Christ through the cross enables us to say no.

    Temptation: An enticement or invitation to sin with the implied promise of greater good to be derived from following the way of disobedience. Think how many temptations you and I face in an ordinary day. Staying in bed late - the temptation to laziness. Growling at the breakfast table - the more

  • Come Home Again

    Contributed by Michael Flowers on Nov 10, 2001
    based on 43 ratings

    It is never to late to come back to God. This sermon uses Luke 15:11-31 to tell the story of the prodigal son and his return home. It also presents the gospel at the end.

    Come Home Again By: God (Spoken by: Michael Flowers) - I really want a million dollars. - I can only think of all the things that I would do with all of that money. - I would buy a car, a house, and probably a few stores full of things too, while I was at it. - Everyday I wait for the voice to more

  • Forgiveness Makes Me Shudder . . . Then I Smile

    Contributed by Jason Patrick on Nov 24, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    Christians need to realize that they are forgiven to an extent beyond what they can imagine, a realization that is a bit frightening but which also overwhelms us once again with grace.

    Forgiveness Makes Me Shudder . . . Then I Smile / Luke 23:33-43 Proper 29, Year C; Downsville Baptist Church; 25 November 2001 November 25th 2001, the last day of the church year. Next Sunday we begin a new year. Once again we begin anticipating the reception of God’s promise of Immanuel, that more

  • Do You Really Believe In Forgiveness? Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Dec 15, 2001
    based on 69 ratings

    An inductive elimination of the myths many people choose to use in dealing with their feelings of guilt leading to the exposure of the only way to deal with our pasts – real forgiveness.

    Have you ever felt so guilty that you longed for FORGIVENESS or perhaps even PUNISHMENT? In a short story called, The Tell Tale Heart, Edgar Allen Poe wrote about a murderer who put his victim under the floorboards in his house. When the police arrived to question him, he started to hear a heart more

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