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  • 16th Sunday After Pentecost. September 8th, 2024. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 29, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Year B, Proper 18.

    Proverbs 22:1-2, Proverbs 22:8-9, Proverbs 22:22-23, Psalm 125, Isaiah 35:4-7, Psalm 146, James 2:1-17, Mark 7:24-37. A). THE CORRECT TREATMENT OF THE POOR. Proverbs 22:1-2, Proverbs 22:8-9, Proverbs 22:22-23. We have here three pairs of poetic couplets about attitudes to the poor. It is more

  • An Holistic Salvation; Or, "Where Are All The Christian Tree-Huggers?”

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 11, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    God has left us in charge of creation. Taken on a global scale, we are not being very good caretakers. It is more like we have moved in, and trashed God’s house.

    An Holistic Salvation; or, “Where Are All The Christian Tree-Huggers?” Col 1:15-22 July 24, 2005 Intro: It is nine days ago, 4:30 – am. I wake up, hearing the rain falling outside my window, and I remember where I am – out on a floating fishing lodge on the Pacific Ocean, the west side of more

  • Small Potatoes, So What? Try Again.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 19, 2016

    Hear the call to the ministry of encouragement and lifting up the hands that hang down. We need no more "HEAD-SHRINKERS" in the church!

    SMALL POTATOES, SO WHAT? TRY AGAIN! ... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. What is a head shinker? Are you a head shrinker? Hebrews 12:12 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; 13 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out more

  • Call Of A Leader - Moses Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 14, 2018

    Message 1 in Israel's faith Journey recorded in Exodus. This message deals with the calling of Moses.

    The Journey to Faith Series Introduction There's much to learn through life experiences. The majority of scripture is not a rulebook. God has communicated great true this in the context of relationship swiftness people. One of the greatest lessons on worship was communicated to an encounter with more

  • Empty Cisterns

    Contributed by Keith Andrews on Oct 5, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    You may be sitting here fully understanding that you could be going down the wrong road. You have seen warning signs that your life may not be pleasing to God. And you want this to change.

    Three Warnings of Empty Cisterns Jeremiah 2:4-13 All Scripture Marked NLT: Tyndale House Publishers. (2004). Holy Bible : New Living Translation. "Text edition"--Spine. (2nd ed.). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers. All Scripture Marked “The Message”: Peterson, E. H. (2002). The Message : The more

  • From Pearl Harbor To Post

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Feb 18, 2020

    Gods redemption

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, preemptive military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States (a neutral country at the time) against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, just before 08:00, on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. Ninety minutes more

  • Thank You Lord

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    As we all know in just a few days this country will be celebrating Thanksgiving.

    As we all know in just a few days this country will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Americans as well as Hispanics will celebrate this day in the same fashion. This is a day when everyone will clear their agenda, and everyone will find the time to come together and enjoy an opulent dinner. This is more

  • Family Finances Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Sep 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Does your family know where their money comes from? Does your family know where their material resources come from? Just like everything you are, and everything you have—it all belongs to the one who created it in the first place. The responsibility of

    Well, we have reached the last message in this Faith and Family series. Over the past six weeks, we’ve talked about some sticky subjects. We’ve talked about submission. We’ve talked about sacrifice. We’ve talked about the covenant nature of marriage. We’ve talked about sex. We’ve talked about more

  • The Table Of Shewbread Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on May 25, 2011

    This series of 6 messages looks at the design of the tabernacle as a template for drawing near to God. The fourth step is the table of shewbread which represents God's word. It is the mystery of God revealed, the love of God mad known and the power of Go

    TABLE OF SHEWBREAD Where is your bible right now? Do you have it with you or is it sitting on a shelf somewhere? During the early days of World War II, when the German armies invaded France, French citizens took down all signposts. As the German armies advanced, they didn't know which way to more

  • The Transforming Power Of The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Dec 12, 2005
    based on 340 ratings

    #8 in a series on Hebrews. This sermon gives four reasons that we should not disregard the word of God.

    A Study of the Book of Hebrews Jesus is Better Sermon # 8 “The Transforming Power of the Word of God.” Hebrews 4:12-13 I was thirteen years old when I first became aware of being under the scalpel of God’s word. It was then that more

  • Christ And World Revolution

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 9, 2016

    Jesus Christ is the greatest revolutionary who ever lived. Jesus demands, not only personal revolution -- of our hearts, priorities, behavior, and words -- but also for us to bring revolution to the world around us!

    CHRIST & WORLD REVOLUTION 2 Cor. 5:17 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Fish and Chips 1. Lost on a rainy night in the north of England, a lady stumbled across a monastery and requested shelter there. Fortunately, she's just in time for dinner and was treated to the best fish and chips she’d ever more

  • Refuse You Chose PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 14, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores knowing God through Scripture, bearing each other's burdens, and transforming through faith, even amidst life's complexities and challenges.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is a joy to gather together in this sanctuary, to bask in the warmth of God's love and to share in the fellowship of believers. We are here to open our hearts, to open our minds, to the wisdom that is found in the Holy Scriptures. We are here more

  • I Thank God For You

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Oct 11, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The love of Jesus growing in you as a Christian is becoming a harvest of praise for our Heavenly Father. A big Thanksgiving to God. Maybe you have people in your life who are demonstrating similar fruit of the spirit in their walk with Jesus.

    I Thank God For You Thanksgiving (Canada) 2016 Thanksgiving is pretty nearly as good as Christmas in my book. You get to visit with family and friends, share a huge dinner, catch up with who has had a new baby, who has a new job, who is engaged and all the personal information that gets glossed more

  • Sermon On The Widow's Mite

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 2, 2024

    The Widow’s Mite is regarded as a small contribution that is willingly given and is all one can afford.

    Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, a female British-American novelist and play-write once remarked: “If nature has made you for a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart; and though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of more

  • Sowing Seeds PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To emphasize the importance of being like the good soil, open and ready to receive God's Word and produce a fruitful spiritual harvest.

    Good morning, family. Today, we're going to dig deep into one of Jesus’ well-known parables – The Parable of the Sower. We're going to explore how different types of soil receive seeds and the results that follow. As we delve into this, let me share a quote from Christian professor, Peter Kreeft, more

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