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  • The Three Suppers In The Book Of Revelation

    Contributed by Gino Cascieri on Oct 23, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    This message looks at the three suppers mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

    “The Three Suppers In The Book of Revelation” Text: Revelation 19:17-21 Intro: One of the things Baptists enjoy most is church suppers. We find it difficult to fast. We find it difficult to witness. We find it difficult to tithe. We find it difficult to pray. But how we love our belly more

  • Esther: The Book Of God's Providence Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 5, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    God’s Providence Sets the Stage for His Dramas; He places us where we need to be to accomplish His purposes.

    Esther: The Book of God’s Providence (Esther 1:1-2:20) 1. Israel’s History is Filled with Irony and Tokens of God’s Providence 2. Hitler’s attempts to exterminate the Jews resulted in the modern nation of Israel; Joseph Stalin, who was insane and hated the Jews, was on a Manic high when the UN more

  • The Haphakh Phenomeon In The Book Of Esther Series

    Contributed by George Barton on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    THE HAPHAKH PHENOMENON IN THE BOOK OF ESTHER In the Book of Esther the Hebrew term Haphakh is used to describe how God turns things around. This kind of thing happens throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

    THE HAPHAKH PHENOMENON IN THE BOOK OF ESTHER Have you ever had an experience when you thought that everything was black and against you? You thought that there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Or, if there was a light, as one of Murphy’s laws indicates, it was the light of an oncoming train. more

  • Your Bible – The Book Of Possibilities

    Contributed by James May on May 21, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The Bible contains God’s promises that all things are possible to those who will believe. How much do we miss because we don’t believe it’s possible?

    Your Bible – The Book of Possibilities By Pastor Jim May Last night I sat for a little while to watch a movie called “Last Holiday”. I was struck by the dreams of the star of the picture that had lived her entire life, as she described it, “in a box”. All of her life had been spent much like more

  • We Have A Guide Book Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 18, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that the bible will give us all we need to make it through life.

    INTRODUCTION • START OFF WITH THE VIDEO ENTITLED “THE BOOK”. • SLIDE #1 • Today we will look at the 4th of 5 things we should know. These are things that will help us to maintain our faith in the midst of adversity and they are things that will help us to appreciate the blessings we have as a more

  • When God Opens The Book Series

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 7, 2007
    based on 38 ratings

    Malachi Series - 6 of 6.

    WHEN GOD OPENS THE BOOK Malachi 3:16-4:5 INTRO: Tom Dooley, the American physician who became famous as the jungle doctor of Laos, was once asked how he overcame disappointments and setbacks caused by uncaring people. “I simply remind myself of who is really keeping score,” he said. No Christian more

  • Part I Of The Book Of James Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Jul 18, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Part one of James Study this is mainly an Intro sermon for the series

    James is a little letter tucked in the back of our New Testament. It isn’t discussed often; some of us have only read it when we were looking for something short! The book of James was a controversial addition to the Bible canon for the first 300 years of the church. Some felt that it should be more

  • Part Ii Of The Book Of James Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Jul 18, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Part Two of James Study this is the first part of the series

    James 1:5-18 A Heart that Wants to Believe (vv. 5-8)—“Let him ask of God who giveth liberally” a. “Asking” is 90% of praying, but what are we to ask for? The answer is “wisdom.” b. James has a lot to say about “wisdom” (1:5; 3:13-18). Knowledge is the ability to take things apart, while wisdom more

  • Part Iii Of The Book Of James Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Jul 18, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Part Three of James Study this is the first part of the series - James 1:22-27

    The Book of James Study (Part III) James 1:22-27 James had seen some Christians develop disappointing and even dangerous habits in regard to their “profession” and their “practice.” In our text James make a proposition, provides an illustration, and draws and application about how to practically more

  • Part Iv - The Book Of James Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Part for in the study of James - James 2:1-13

    The Book of James Study (Part IV) James 2:1-13 Many consider this second chapter of James to be the heart of his message. Because here he gives a description of the character of faith. He shows us that the expression of his kind of faith is that which pleases God in our lives. The Christian has more

  • The Book Of James In 11 Lesons Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Aug 9, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This series of teachings covers the book of James, and is adaptable to adult of teen groups. It has been used with succes for both the adult Home Fellowships of Hosanna Church and the Grades 9 & 10 Bible class of Oxford Hills Christian Academy.

    THE BOOK OF JAMES A BIBLE STUDY IN 11 LESSONS 2005: Pastor Eric J. Hanson 77 Oxford Street South Paris, ME 04281 207 890-5979 evenings 207 539-2295 daytimes THE BOOKOF JAMES A HOME FELLOWSHIP STUDY Lesson 1: Introduction By Eric J. Hanson (Please look up more

  • The Symbolism Of Numbers In The Book Of The Revelation Series

    Contributed by George Barton on Jan 22, 2006
    based on 6 ratings


    THE SYMBOLISM OF NUMBERS IN THE BOOK OF THE REVELATION Note: For a study of the symbolic meaning of numbers see W. A. Criswell, Expository Sermons on Revelation, Volume 1, pp. 56-84. Study the following materials which give Biblical illustrations of what seem to be symbolic uses of more

  • The Warp And The Woof Of The Book Of The Revelation Series

    Contributed by George Barton on Jan 22, 2006
    based on 1 rating


    THE WARP AND THE WOOF OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION One of the primary themes of the Book of Revelation is that God will judge those peoples who persecute His saints (6:10). The pattern of this theme in the Book of Revelation has a warp and a woof. The warp threads describe how God in a series of more

  • Time Factors In The Book Of The Revelation Series

    Contributed by George Barton on Jan 22, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Gives my understanding of the three-and-one half year period.

    TIME FACTORS IN THE DRAMA OF THE BOOK OF THE REVELATION I. FACTORS WHlCH MAKE UNDERSTANDlNG DIFFICULT 1. First, we are dealing with visions which are often highly symbolical Let me illustrate. Suppose l have a dream which lasts a total of seven minutes. In the dream I see one week of my life more

  • You Can Trust This Book

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Oct 17, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The Word of God can be trusted because of its source.

    October 18, 2009 Morning Worship Text: 2 Peter 1:19-21 Subject: The Word of God Title: You Can Trust This Book? One of the world’s favorite words concerning the church is “Hypocrite”. And I suppose that there has been occasion over the past twenty years and beyond that those outside the church more

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