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  • A Healthy Body = A Healthy Team Series

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on May 25, 2015

    Having a body that functions effectively is an indication that you are healthy, you have a healthy body. Having a team that functions the way God has designed the body of Christ is an indication of a healthy team.

    In scripture God often uses natural things to help us understand spiritual things. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 to help us better understand how God wants the church to operate, He likens the body of Christ; the church to the human body. Understanding the makeup or the composition of the human body, more

  • Christ, His Body And You Series

    Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Aug 25, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    2nd in a series on Romans 12; this message deals with the connection believers have to Christ and the Church, and the unique capacities each is given in order to serve the Church.

    Trinity Baptist Church August 17, 2008 Combating Complacency Christ, His Body and You Romans 12:3-8 There was a Danish philosopher named Kierkegaard whose writings are weighty and tough to read. But that deep thinker one time told a simple parable that more

  • Knee Bowed And Body Bent Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 19, 2000
    based on 97 ratings

    Since body language communicates our real feelings, we must pay attention to how we present our bodies to God -- in the words of James Weldon Johnson, "knee-bowed", ready to submit our wills to His; and "body-bent", ready to work for things that matter.

    You may not speak a great many foreign languages, but there is one language other than English at which most of us are proficient. That is body language. Whether our mouths can pronounce strange sounds or whether our eyes can make any sense out of different alphabets, we can see body language. more

  • Sacrifice And Mystery In The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by Jeremiah Jangad on Oct 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The believers need to understand that no one is exempted from sacrificing for the sake of the Body of Christ

    I. Introduction: A. Our Submission to the Word of God 1. One of the differences between genuine Christianity and counterfeit Christianity is in the area of authority. Genuine Christianity believes that the Word of God, as contained in the 66 books of the Bible, is the final authority in more

  • United With Christ As His Body! Series

    Contributed by Stephen Elmer on Jul 31, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    A Christians’ Union With Christ Is Like The Union Of A Body!

    “United We Stand!” United With Christ As His Body! Part 4 Introduction: 1. Continue To Explore A Christian’s Union With Christ! - Answer: “What Is It Like To Be United With Christ?” 2. First Figure: According To Ephesians 2:19-22: - Your Union With Christ Is Like A Building! - You Are more

  • Equipping The Body Of Christ For Service

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Oct 31, 2022

    This message is about the purpose of leadership in the church, which is to equip the body of Christ for service in the church.

    Equipping for Service - Sermon for October 30, 2022 If you have been following along for the last little while, you know that we have been talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the church. Part of the reason that we have been doing this series is so that we can be encouraged that each of more

  • What The Body Of Christ Needs

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 11, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Using the metaphor of a body, I believe that for this church to function properly as Christ would have it function, as well as each us individually, there are certain body parts that ALL of us must possess.

    WHAT THE BODY OF CHRIST NEEDS I CORINTHIANS 12:12-18 INTRODUCTION: Throughout the New Testament the church is likened to a physical body made up of many members each functioning in a different capacity but all being part of the same unity and working together for the proper functioning and benefit more

  • 3: The Church Is A Living Body Series

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Oct 24, 2019

    We need to rise above seeing the church as an institution and see the warm heart of love that really makes us the church

    We are continuing in one of the Bible’s most comprehensive pictures of the church, a picture of a church that will meet many of the deepest longings in our hearts for rich and deep relationships, but a joyful and effective church. And there is so much in it to build that it takes a while to do more

  • Healthy Bodies Pt 6 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 15, 2018

    This is the last message in the series of messages exploring the nature and function of the church.

    “HEALTHY BODY Part 6” “Critically Connected” We have been exploring the three essential principles of how God designed the body of Christ to function. The principle of diversity The principle of unity The principle of mutuality We have so far considered specific relational commands associated more

  • The Responsibility Of The Body Toward The Elders Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The body is responsible to respect, compensate, protect, rebuke, submit to and pray for the elders.

    This morning we’ll be looking at the third of four messages that deal with the Biblical model for church leadership that we are attempting to implement the very best we know how here at TFC. Since each of these messages builds on the previous ones, let’s take a moment to review what we’ve learned more

  • Jesus' Support—part Iii

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 20, 2002
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus’ ministry received practical/physical support. Our support of the Gospel of Christ promotes certain attitudes. Part 3 of a 3-part sermon.

    JESUS’ SUPPORT—Part III—Luke 8:1-3 Jesus’ ministry received practical/physical support. The ministry of the gospel receives practical/physical support. What is the promoted thru a support of the gospel of Christ? Some attitudes promoted by the practical/physical support of the Gospel of more

  • A Picture Of Real Ministry

    Contributed by Keith Crouch on Oct 18, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    We see in this passage what real ministry is all about as Paul encourages this new church in Thessalonica.

    A Picture of Real Ministry I Thes. 2:1-12 I. The Boldness of Paul’s Ministry (v. 1-2) A. Paul was confident of his ministry to the Thessalonians for several reasons. (v. 1) 1. It was a fruitful ministry because people had been saved. (1:5b-6) 2. They were a vibrant church that influenced other more

  • A God Blessed Ministry

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Oct 24, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    A message delivered to other pastors, noting the key ingredients necessary for a God-Blessed ministry.

    - Read Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. In 1st Timothy 1:15 the apostle Paul says Jesus Christ came into more

  • "The Ministry Of Availability"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Nov 2, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    God will use what we make available to Him. In the passage in Luke 5:1-11, we see that, even with a smelly, old fishing boat and a broken net, Jesus used what Peter made available for Him to use.

    “The Ministry Of Availability” INTRODUCTION: God has a ministry for every one of His children … NOT JUST the Pastor. EVERY Christian has a ministry … every one of YOU! Not all will be great soul-winners … BUT … we all have a part in leading others to Christ. We are ALL a link in the chain … more

  • Compelled Towards Ministry Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Oct 5, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    This message explores the importance of taking our ministry for Christ seriously.

    COMPELLED TOWARDS MINISTRY 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16-27 INTRODUCTION: As Paul opens up this section of Scripture, what we see here is Paul’s seriousness about serving Jesus. From the very beginning we see such powerful words as “compelled”, “belonging to Jesus”, “by all possible means”, “strict more

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