Jeremiah Jangad
Contributing sermons since Jul 9, 2006
Newest Sermons
Sacrifice And Mystery In The Body Of Christ
Contributed on Oct 23, 2006
The believers need to understand that no one is exempted from sacrificing for the sake of the Body of Christ
I. Introduction: A. Our Submission to the Word of God 1. One of the differences between genuine Christianity and counterfeit Christianity is in the area of authority. Genuine Christianity believes that the Word of God, as contained in the 66 books of the Bible, is the final authority in ...read more
Five Truths About Death
Contributed on Jul 9, 2006
There maybe some speculations that we have inherited from our ancestors about death, but only Christ’s teaching on the matter is to be adhered by every Christian.
I. Introduction A. Many people avoid talking about death for several reasons. But such attitude tries to deny the reality of death. The Philippines is known as the only Christian country in Asia. But I have observed that many people here have presumptions about death that do not agree with ...read more