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Sermons on blindside:

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  • Protect Your Blindside Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 12, 2013

    “Expect the unexpected!” Today we’re going to talk about PBS, protecting your blindside.

    Angels & Demons: protect your blindside 1 Kings 19:1-10 Welcome (Secret Service Escort- unexpected noice- SS go to protect me then move out to the side to stand for remainder of the service “Expect the unexpected!” I played tight end in high school and I remember one play where we more

  • The Passenger Seat

    Contributed by Gordon Douglas on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    Riding in the passenger seat can be quite an experience... our walk with God can be much the same.

    Most of the time when I am in an automobile, I am the driver. But, every now and then I am in the passenger seat and someone else is driving. This is not normally my first choice…. I like to drive…. I feel more in control… I trust myself Just this week I found myself riding as a more

  • Battle Gear Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Apr 16, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    Week three in a four week series on the essentials for conquerors.

    29, February 2004 Dakota Community Church The Essentials The Essential Characteristics of Conquerors WEEK THREE: BATTLE GEAR Introduction: We have been talking about defeating the giants in our lives this year. We looked at the necessity of courage and at the importance of competence in defeating more

  • Never Blindsided By God’s Love

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Feb 24, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    About the immensity of God’s love.

    1 Lent (C) February 21, 2010 The Rev. M. Anthony Seel, Jr. St. Andrew’s Church Psalm 91 The best stories are true stories, don’t you agree? Friday night I saw The Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw and I was blown away. I know that I’m late to the party since more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    A keyword sermon describing the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete.

    Every Monday our evangelism team goes out to call on people who have visited the church or to parents of the children who attend our school. Last Monday we finished our scheduled call with Darryl and Sharon who are very strong believers in the Lord. Before we left their home we circled for a more

  • It All Begins With Praise Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The sermon explores answers to the questions of who God would have us to be and what God is calling us to do.

    Advent is over, Christmas has come and gone, and this morning we gather here shaking off the “sleepies” from a late night of celebration as we rang in the New Year on Friday. With all the festivities over and the activities done, we are prone to look around listlessly wondering, “What now?” more

  • Beginnings - Identity Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of new beginnings and second chances in life, as illustrated by the biblical book of Genesis and the real-life story of Michael Oher from the movie "The Blindside."

    Have you seen the movie, “The Blindside?” It is a moving real-life drama of Michael Oher. He was a really big kid who grew up on the streets of Memphis. By God’s grace, he was adopted by a wonderful couple, a family very different than his. His mother was a mama-bear. She watched out for him. Well, more

  • I Never Saw That Coming

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Mar 2, 2003
    based on 53 ratings

    As a nation we are being blindsided by things that destroy us. Yet if we were to look more carefully and see Jesus at work in all things, we would learn to be wholistic, we would identify with the needy, and we would deal with both the physical and the s

    Have you ever been blindsided? Something happened, but you never even saw it coming? The snow, for instance. After several mild winters, did you think we would be hit by repeated snowstorms? Did you see that coming? I didn’t. I laid out seven super Sundays of sermons on the churches more

  • Ready To Suffer Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    If we want to be ready to suffer for Christ, we must arm ourselves with His attitude, choose to abandon our sin, expect abuse, and anticipate God's approval.

    Recently, I read about a fictitious manual for Peace Corp volunteers headed for South America. It offers advice on how to handle a chance encounter with an anaconda (a large type of boa constrictor). The advice comes under the heading, “What to Do If Attacked by an Anaconda”: #1) If more

  • Don't Get Blind Sided Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on May 31, 2022

    If you've ever said, "I didn't see that coming," you've been blind-sided. It happens to churches, too.

    Blind Sided lanny smith Seven / Pergamum / Revelation 2:12–17   Intro: • Hit from the blind side [IMAGE]. • Generally, to attack or hit from an unexpected direction or from an area that is unprepared. • Well known as a football term to describe the left tackle for a right-handed more

  • The Lampstand Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on May 12, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    This series of 6 messages looks at the design of the tabernacle as a template for drawing near to God. The thrid step in the lampstand which represents the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the light of God's presence, the light in our prayers and the light of

    TABERNACLE – THE LAMPSTAND A few years ago we moved into our new house here in Leamington. Because we were coming from Kuwait we had to buy all new appliances for the house. I purchased a big new refrigerator from Sears and had it delivered, along with all the other appliances. Imagine my more

  • Where Is God When Life Is Hard? Series

    Contributed by Gerry Cheney on Jul 22, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    When you get blindsided by life, when things get overwhelming, and you find yourself surrounded by pain or terrifying circumstances, how do you handle it? This message seeks to begin to answer those questions.

    Where is God When Life is Hard? Part I: Where is God? INTRODUCTION: When you get blindsided by life… how do you more

  • Trials Expected & Conquered

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 28, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    The worst harm that can come to us, comes when we don't expect it. Believers should never be blindsided by trials. We are going to look at why trials should be expected, that they will not destroy believers, and the secret to conquering trials.

    TRIALS EXPECTED & CONQUERED Isa. 43:1-3 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: “SOMETIMES WE REPEAT MISTAKES” 1. Two men went to Alaska elk hunting. When the small plane came to pick them up, they wanted to load the two Elks into it. 2. The pilot said, "They’re too heavy! If we put them in the more

  • Serious Sibling Rivalry! Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on May 15, 2023

    Based on Genesis 37:12-36 - Challenges hearers to deal with bitterness in their lives.

    “SERIOUS SIBLING RIVALRY!” Gen. 37:12-36 FBCF – 5/14/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – Ephesians 4:31 commands us to, “Get rid of all bitterness.” Why? - It’s poison in our relationships. - It’s more

  • The Blindness In Misinterpreting God’s Way-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 25, 2025

    1 of ? YHWH God answered the frustrations experienced by His prophet Habakkūk, when he misinterpreted God’s way. Spiritual blindness results from misinterpreting God’s way. But, ?What characterizes that blindness? Misinterpreting God’s way, blinds you to...

    The BLINDNESS In MISINTERPRETING GOD’s WAY--I —Habakkuk 1:5[part-1--:5a](:5-11) Attention: Airport Mistletoe: It was the beginning of December. The business trip had gone reasonably well, & the businessman was ready to return home.  Due to the season, the airport had been decorated more