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  • The Birth Of Moses

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Three unnmed heroines in the service of God - and I wonder if they even realsied it!

    Exodus 2:1-10 Frisby on 15th March 2009 I don’t usually speak off cuff (and I have reconstructed my talk to put it on Sermoncentral) – but I feel that God wants me to do so this morning I want to say this morning clearly that we have a God who intervenes in this world, using ordinary more

  • A Shameful Birth Series

    Contributed by Michael Jones on Dec 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This series details the "messy" people and events that surrounded the birth of Christ. 1 of 3.

    Our topic will be “From a Hot Mess to a Holy Miracle” - A Scandalous Beginning - A Shameful Birth - A Startling Truth Last week we looked at the bloodline of Jesus to see that he was related to some notorious people: 1) Tamar – Played the prostitute 2) Rahab – A prostitute who helped the Lord’s more

  • The Virgin Birth Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The doctrine of the virgin birth is an essential foundation of the doctrines of the divinity of Christ and the Incarnation.

    Series: The Doctrines of Christmas THE VIRGIN BIRTH Matthew 1:18-25 I. THE CASE FOR THE VIRGIN BIRTH Was Jesus really born of a virgin? A. Testified of by Scripture Old Testament Prophecies (Gen 3:15) AAnd I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her more

  • The Virgin Birth Series

    Contributed by David Vanheuvelen on Dec 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Goal: Changing from feeling that God has forgotten us to knowing that when HE speaks things happen. Main Point: When God speaks, the impossible can happen! Application: Put your faith in the God who speaks and makes things happen.

    Title: The Virgin Birth Text: Matthew 1:18-25 December 9, 2007 New Hope Community Chapel Goal: Changed Lives. Changing from feeling that God has forgotten us to knowing that when HE speaks things happen. Main Point: What is the one thing I want my audience to know? When God speaks, the more

  • Birth Announcements Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Birth Announcement to the Shepherds, is also an announcement to you and I.

    Birth Announcements December 16, 2007 Luke 2:8-20 If you had to rate yourself in terms of how popular you are, how would you rate yourself? Would you be an 8 or 9, really popular and sought after? Or would you be a 4 or 5; people know you, but you’re not really popular, or are you in the lower more

  • The New Birth Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 8, 2007
    based on 105 ratings

    Jesus addressed the best of the best of men developed under the old covenant and told him he must be born again. Everyone must be born from above if they are going to enter the Kingdom of God.

    JOHN 3: 1-7 THE NEW BIRTH Not only was Benjamin Franklin a great statesman and inventor, but he was also a great correspondent and received letters from famous people from all over the world. One day he received what could well have been the most important more

  • The Virgin Birth

    Contributed by Kevin Burden on Nov 4, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    In many quarters, ecclesiastical as well as secular, belief in the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is considered unworthy of twentieth-century intelligence. Biologically, such a birth is impossible. Science with claims of absolute authority has pron

    Why I Believe in... THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” In many quarters, ecclesiastical as well as secular, belief in the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus more

  • The Birth Of Sin

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    All too often our definition for Good News has to do with interesting new Bible stories, or feel good inspirationals. But we may find ourselves one day in the Valley of Despair – Valley of Dry Bones, as a result of sin (birthed within us).

    THE BIRTH OF SIN Revised – 08.20.06 (Edit in text from “Elijah”, Chas. Swindoll, pages 127 – 131) Perhaps you came this morning expecting to hear some “Good News”… How do you define the term “Good News”? If I were to tell you that you are walking too close to a hanging cliff that loose more

  • The Birth Of Christ

    Contributed by Toby Powers on Dec 23, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    No event in human history has so changed the world like the incarnation of our dear Lord. One man said that the door to undertanding the history of the world rested on hinges attached to a stable in Bethlehem.

    From the desk of Pastor Toby Powers Truth Baptist Church Hwy 78 Bremen, GA THE BIRTH OF CHRIST Matthew 1:18-25 Intro: I want to preach this morning on the Birth of Christ. Verse 18 says, “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise.” Then the Scripture goes on to tell us how he was born. That more

  • Birth Pangs

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What does God’s Word actually say about the approach of the end times?

    BIRTH PANGS Pastor Eric J. Hanson September 4, 2005 & February 24, 2008 BACKGROUND The Bible has a lot to say about the conditions that will be prevailing on planet Earth as the end of this age approaches. The Earth has been in the Church age, the current age for some 1977 years as of now. Arnold more

  • The Virgin Birth

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Dec 15, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Why was Jesus born of a Virgin and why was that so important?

    There was a sense of urgency that filled the country. A general expectancy was in the air concerning the long expected Messiah. Many Jews looked back to Old Testament Prophecy and in particular the book of Daniel concerning up coming events, and many of those people felt that the 70 weeks that more

  • The Birth Of Jesus

    Contributed by Paul George on Dec 26, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Matthew opens his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus. From Abraham to Joseph the births of those in the genealogy were natural births, except one.

    The Birth of Jesus Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew opens his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus. From Abraham to Joseph the births of those in the genealogy were natural births, except one. In verse 16 it is written, “Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, by which Jesus was born, who is more

  • A Special Birth Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    The story of the birth of John the Baptist teaches us about faith and the message we have for the world.

    A Special Birth Luke 1:5-25, 57-80 Introduction: God often used families that were unable to have children when he wanted to bring a special child into the world. In the Old Testament, we have the examples of Isaac, Samson and Samuel. In the New Testament we have John. 1. Summarizing the more

  • Birth Of A King

    Contributed by Terry Cavanaugh on Feb 16, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    The message contrast King Herod and King Jesus

    The Birth of a King Matthew 2:1-12 This morning I want to ask you what is your favorite T.V. Christmas Special? Ginny has her favorite and I have mine. Ginny loves, “White Christmas,” and my all time favorite is, “Miracle on 34th Street.” But running a close second for me in, “How the more

  • The New Birth

    Contributed by Fred Mueller on Feb 20, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A sermon looking into the visit of Nicodemus to Jesus under the cloak of darkness.

    Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone February 20, 2005 Genesis 12:1-4a, John 3:1-17 ¡§The New Birth¡¨ Surreptitious, sneaky, scared, apprehensive, unsure, clandestine. All these words apply to Nicodemus who approached Jesus late one night under the cover of darkness. Not many crimes more

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