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  • God Is Powerful Series

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Mar 31, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    God is sovereign over all things, from the fates of nations to the details of our own lives. Therefore, He is worthy of our trust and confidence.

    For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been looking at some of the attributes of God; trying to better understand what God is like. So far, we’ve considered God’s goodness and His wisdom. This morning we’re going to look at what the Bible has to say about His power. After all, what good would it do us more

  • Children Of God Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jul 11, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This passage centers around one basic truth for people that believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. People that believe in God and in Jesus Christ are considered to be “children of God.” Focus on purity as God's children.

    CHILDREN OF GOD 1 JOHN 3:1-17 #childrenofGod RESPONSIVE READING [READ 1 John 3:1-17] LEADER: How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. 2 Dear friends, more

  • The Testimony Of God Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 17, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    WE have testimony from which one can base their faith.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Our faith should change our life. Our faith should change who we are, what we do, what we think, and how we think. • Faith is no small issue. Biblical faith is LIFE changing! • When we look at verse 5 we see how special faith more

  • God Is Faithful

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 12, 2025

    I am thankful that God's faithfulness lasts day after day. Jeremiah wrote, “Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

    Alba 1-12-2025 GOD IS FAITHFUL I Corinthians 1:1-9 The New Year is a time for making resolutions. Have any of you made some this year? Jonathan Edwards, the Puritan preacher and theologian who lived in the 1700's took pen in hand and wrote out his resolutions. He wisely started his list more

  • "Why Am I Here" Series

    Contributed by Steven Platt on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    "What is my Purpose in Life?" is a question of the ages. We all ask it at some time or another. We will look at 2 passages in Genesis and one in Luke to find what GOD purposes for our lives.

    The Search of a Lifetime Text: Gen 1:1 Last week – Where do I come from? This week – Why am I here? What is the purpose of Life? Many people try to answer the question Purpose of life is to get more money? Go to school so they can get a good job so they can sent their kids to school so they more

  • Giving Our Children Back To God

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on May 18, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon for a Child Dedication Sunday

    Giving Our Children Back to God Child Dedication sermon Chuck Sligh May 18, 2014 (Basic outline adapted from a sermon by Jerry Shirley.) (A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon is available upon request at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Genesis more

  • The God-Glorified Gospel Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Mar 17, 2014

    God's Glory is revealed in Christ, in the Cross, and in us.

    “The GOD-GLORIFIED GOSPEL” John 13:31-35 Jesus spends his last hours before His suffering, giving His disciples masterful last minute instructions. As they are celebrating the Passover in the Upper Room, Jesus identifies His betrayer in John 13:25: “Leaning back against Jesus, more

  • When Your Plans And God’s Plans Don’t Match

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Oct 14, 2022

    There are so many things that we do not know about each other, but then we learn.

    For instance: • I have known for sometime that Keith played sports and he was very good at playing baseball. • I found out that Jenney was a cheer leader in junior high and high school. • I found out that Clyde was a pilot. • I found out that Carlos was a finish carpenter. • I found out that more

  • God's Mighty Men Poured Out Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jul 31, 2007

    It is going to take courage to believe and live the Gospel of the Kingdom in the days ahead. We need to become like David’s Mighty Men.

    Introduction Last Week- the rise of David’s Mighty Men. Valiant men- gathered- make David King- form army. God- raising up an army today- mighty men of COTR 1Chr 11:1-3 God established David as shepherd/prince over Israel, likewise Jesus Christ is our shepherd/prince. David made a covenant w/the more

  • A Child Of The King Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    We are adopted Children of God, we need to start acting like it. There are many benefits of belonging to Jesus

    INTRODUCTION • One of the great things that happens to us when we give our lives to Jesus is that we become a part of the family of God. We become an adopted child of God. • In the Romans world from which the letter to the Romans comes from, adoption totally changed a person’s life. • Many more

  • Hold On To The Old Stuff

    Contributed by Bryan Beverly on Sep 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This text reminds us that God still uses old stuff to lift us up where we belong.

    7Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, a eunuch in the king’s house, heard that they had put Jeremiah into the cistern. The king happened to be sitting at the Benjamin Gate, 8So Ebed-melech left the king’s house and spoke to the king, 9“My lord king, these men have acted wickedly in all they more

  • Giving Your Children Back To God Series

    Contributed by Jim Mooney on Jan 6, 2001
    based on 346 ratings

    Learn how to give your children to God.

    Home Improvement Series GIVING YOUR CHILDREN BACK TO GOD GEN. 22:1-13 Question: Have you ever given your children back to God? (Some of you are thinking, "I’d like to give them back—but I didn’t think God would take them back. I thought He had a ’no return’ policy on kids! Besides, I lost the more

  • Rendering To God What Is His

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Dec 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar, and to God the things that are God’s." A great text for teaching about paying your taxes, but an even better passage to remind us of our commitment to Jesus Christ.

    Matt 22:15-22 (parallels in Mark 12:13–17 and Luke 20:20–26) The Jews were desperately seeking to discredit Jesus, because within the context, He was speaking parables against them. They would stop at nothing to do so. Within the context of this verse, various groups ask Him questions more

  • Thank God.

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on Jul 11, 2013

    The Bible isn’t a list of rules. The Bible is a relationship waiting to happen. You need Jesus. And Jesus isn’t going to leave you because you mess up

    The Bible tells us how to live. Not necessarily as a list of rules, but, more like guidelines. Sometimes we confuse the Bible with a list of rules and then we really worry about whether we’re keeping them all or not. I know I used to live that way. The problem with trying really, really, more

  • "God’s The Owner; I’m The Manager” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jan 14, 2019

    Beelievers are called to manage what God has entrusted to us in such as way as to bring Him glory, benefit His household, and expand His kingdom.

    In Matthew 24 and 25 Jesus teaches about the end times. The disciples asked some questions and so Jesus answered them; and focused on what His followers need to be doing to be found faithful on His return. In the story of the ten virgins (vs. 1-13), He says we must be vigilant. Then in this more

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