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  • Embracing The Day

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 2, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    There is hope in Seeking God in the Present as we look ahead to the future.

    What expectations do you have for this new year which just began? · Perhaps that’s not a question you’ve thought too much about… but every one of us has formed a sense of expectations for life…even if not specific, our souls have a general sense of what we expect in life as we enter a new year. more

  • Do We Really Want Revival?

    Contributed by Thomas Baird on Aug 17, 2004
    based on 65 ratings

    If we look at what True Revival is.. do we still want it?

    Do we really want revival? 8/14/2004 Lamentations 3:40-42 (NIV) 40 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. 41 Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say: 42 “We have sinned and rebelled and you have not forgiven. 2 more

  • The Road To Resurrection PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 29, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to truly know God, not just about Him, and to find joy, energy, and contentness in serving and sharing Him.

    Good morning, my dear family in Christ. It is a joy to be here with you today, sharing in the love and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We gather here not just as a congregation, but as a family, bound by the blood of Christ, united in His love, and empowered by His Spirit. Today, we are going to more

  • Blessed Broken Given - Your Life As Bread Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon introduction uses the metaphor of bread, a common and ordinary staple in every culture, to represent our ordinary lives and daily routines.

    Is there anything more ordinary than bread? Everywhere you go in the world, there is some version of bread. The French have baguettes and croissants; Latin countries have tortillas; Indians have naan; Chinese cultures have doughy buns. And Americans have sliced white bread. It is the building block more

  • Grace Transforms

    Contributed by David Swensen on Jan 9, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    As we allow ourselves to be moved and motivated by God’s amazing tranforming grace, wonderful, life-giving changes occur. Let us learn more about God’s Transforming Grace.

    Victor Hugo wrote a great novel, Les Miserables. The novel opens with a young man named John Valjean, who had been unjustly imprisoned for seven years for a small offense. He left the prison with a rage in his soul. In the musical this is portrayed in the opening scenes as Valjean tries to find more

  • Vision 2010

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Dec 16, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    In this New Year (2010) will we take the challenge to be humble, open to the Holy Spirit, have a repentant heart, a genuine hunger and thirst for God, pursue holiness, stay continually anointed and be of one mind and spirit within the Body of Christ.

    Introduction: Something’s happening ... This last week I began reading a book by James Rutz. James wrote this book to make the Christian church aware that God is moving all across the world. His observations are a wake-up call to the American Christian and churches in America. Listen to some of his more

  • "I Have Endured All For You”

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Sep 20, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    The darkness of life can overwhelm us. Jesus shatters our darkness, for he has taken our place and endured all for us. Parts: A. How willingly your Savior suffered! B. How innocent he is! C. Lean on him in the darkness.

    Text: Isaiah 50:4-10 Theme: "I Have Endured All for You" A. How willingly your Savior suffered! B. How innocent he is! C. Lean on him in the darkness Season: Pentecost 17b Date: September 20, 2009 Web page: more

  • Surviving The Setbacks And Storms Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Life is that life is filled with setbacks and storms. Life is hard sometimes. We’re all going to suffer and it hurts, it’s no fun but it’s something we will all have to go through. But the other truth for you this morning is that we can overcome. We can s

    Surviving the Setbacks and Storms Philippians 4:6-7 Any of you who have ever played a board game know that one of the most important things to remember is the rules. In fact, most family arguments occurring during a board game are over disputes about the rules. If you don’t know the rules, the more

  • Sensitive Servanthood Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Jun 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We should to deal with others with skill and grace.

    1. “The ability to avoid offense” & “sensitive perception” 2. “a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others.” • That’s how the DICTIONARY DEFINES “TACT” • The ability to deal with others with skill & grace. • The Bible declares: Prov 15.23 A man has joy by the more

  • Do You Have The Spirit? Part 1 Series

    Contributed by C Vincent on Apr 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Explore how the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit.

    Do You Have the Spirit? JCC 18.04.10 pm Read Jude Key verse: These are they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. Jude 1:19 Sensual, literally, ‘animal-souled: as opposed to the spiritual, or ‘having the Spirit’ It is translated, ‘the natural man’ more

  • Encountering God's Purpose Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 20, 2010
    based on 37 ratings

    These verses summarize the Book's strategy, subject, & purpose. The strategy was to use selected works or "signs" of His subject, Jesus, which illustrate Jesus' character, demonstrate His power, & relate Him as the answer to man's great needs.

    JOHN 20: 30-31 ENCOUNTERING GOD'S PURPOSE For many scholars these last two verses of chapter 20 constitute the conclusion of John's Gospel with chapter 21 being John's personal appendix. These verses summarize the Book's strategy, subject, and purpose. The strategy was to use selected works more

  • Prayer Keys - Unity Series

    Contributed by Mark Stepherson on Nov 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    When we pray as the first church prayed, God will empower us as he empowered the first church and our altar calls will look like Peter’s altar call.

    “They all joined together constantly in prayer...” Acts 1:14 “Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day,” Acts 2:41 When he went to the Brooklyn Tabernacle, it was a ramshackle building with only a handful attending. They were more

  • The Ultimate Melting Pot Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 25, 2011

    That crowd gathered around the throne is made up of African saints drumming and dancing, Lutherans singing Bach and Handel, medieval monks chanting plainsong, Latin American Pentecostals with shouts of triumph, messianic Jews dancing the hora, Southern Ba

    There’s been some great stuff in the news over the last couple of weeks... We’ve seen our POW’s coming home and being greeted with almost hysterical adulation... many of our troops are on the way home as well. The bloodbath that many feared didn’t happen, and much though we more

  • The Revival Of Pentecost Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jul 25, 2011
    based on 49 ratings

    The revival at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost is the greatest of all time. No revival has been so sudden, so tremendous in its immediate effects and none so lasting in its results.

    ACTS 2: 1-47 THE REVIVAL OF PENTECOST [Joel 2:28-29 / Psalm 16:8-11] The revival at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost is the greatest of all time. No revival has been so sudden, so tremendous in its immediate effects and none so lasting in its results. One hundred twenty disciples of the Lord more

  • Rut, Rot Or Revival

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Jun 2, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Sermon titled inspired by a collection of writings and sermons by AW Tozer, used in preperation for revival services this past April.

    Intro: You know, in spite of the crazy weather we have had over the last few weeks, I live this time of year. Flowers blooming, longer days, getting to play t-ball with my son and practicing softball with my daughter. Not to mention all of the great sporting events during this time of year. more

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