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  • What The Lord Wants For The Season

    Contributed by Olorunnisola Oni on Dec 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a season of giving and receiving. We share gifts amongst ourselves but what do we share with the Lord? This sermon tells us what the Lord God want from you and me as his gift for the season.

    Introduction: This is a season of thanksgiving and appreciation. Individuals and corporate organizations spend a lot of money holding end of the year/Xmas parties, exchanging gifts with one and another and generally appreciating one another for the good things did to each other in the year ending. more

  • Revelation Studies Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Dec 21, 2013

    Church at Pergamum

    Revelation 2:12-17 Church at Pergamum Revelation 2:12 Pergamum15 miles from Aegean sea, sixty miles from Smyrna, a modern town of Bergama (Turkish). Pergamum was a center of four pagan cults- Zeus, Athena, Dionysys, and esclepius and they had Blasphemous emperor worship. God calls it as Satan’s more

  • The Holy Spirit, The Spirit Of Correction And His Corrective Ministry. Series

    Contributed by Patrick Usifo on Sep 20, 2017

    I have always wondered what the prison has in common with the church. But the prison is not a church. But it can teach us how God corrects a believer. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Correction. He corrects us that we may be fit for the kingdom of God

    Text: 2 Timothy 1:7 From my observation and from others who have testified to the manner in which the Bible unravel the truth. It is possible to read a passage of scripture hundreds of time without grasping the hidden meaning. Only the Spirit of God can turn on the light in conveying truth by more

  • Calling The Sick To Serve (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jan 18, 2015

    Who do you think God can use? Those who have education? Those who have religious background? Those whose family have been raised in Church? Those who can give the most? Yes, truly he can use such people, but He thank goodness, He can use the rest of us!!

    Matthew 9:9-13-As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him. Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and more

  • Join The Resistance! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on May 1, 2017

    Many of us have not served in the U.S. military; we have never been trained for combat. But, as believers in Jesus, we are at war and need to brush up on our skills.

    Join the Resistance! (topical) 1. When a society becomes “post Christian,” all sorts of religious evil fill the void left behind. Even atheism is a religious position, for it assumes what cannot be proven. 2. Whether it is Islam, the Eastern Religion, New Age — and all sorts of occultism. 3. more

  • The Banquet Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Oct 25, 2016

    Jesus' challenge to the host in Luke 14, that he should not invite those who could serve his needs but those whose needs he could serve, challenges the worldly approach to human relationships.

    Luke 14:1-14 "The Banquet" INTRODUCTION The word "Stewardship" has gained an ugly reputation in Christian circles. It is frequently associated with congregational pleas for more money. The word has lost its wholistic dimension. Stewardship, or if you prefer, good management is no longer more

  • It Is Finished

    Contributed by Jacob Brimm on Apr 21, 2021

    Sermon over the life changing work of Jesus and the unexpected actions of people. Healing. Salvation. By His wounds we are healed!

    It is finished - Labor is finished - Need to wory is finished o This world has been conquered - Chains of slavery to sin – broken o bondage is no more - No longer a slave to fear! - This world is temporary – Your life is eternal! These words should mean something! The problem is, you and I more

  • How Could One Solitary Life Have So Much Impact - Christmas Eve

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Dec 24, 2023

    Church members and friends can support St. John's By-the-Sea by visiting our website, where a donation can be made by PayPal or credit card, if you prefer that to mailing your donations to the church.

    Good Evening, and welcome again to St. John’s Church. And, as you can tell, I love our Christmas Eve Service. The first one at St. John’s was in 1892, 130 years ago. This is only my 5th Christmas here, and I absolutely love how this service paints a picture. It really has a feel to it. As we close more

  • Ancient Of Days : Fire Everywhere Series

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jan 18, 2024

    One of the purest form of God is Ancient of Days where God appears as a consuming fire in all His Glory and Majesty. The throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; and a stream of fire flowed from His presence. There's fire everywhere.

    I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to more

  • Three Powerful Sins Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 20, 2023

    Discouragement, Jealousy and rebellion are three powerful weapons to destroy the Leaders who serve God. All of them had lost their goal on the way to attainment. Great Loss to the great leaders. How about you?

    Numbers 11:11-14, 12; 16:1-2, Dangers in the Wilderness Introduction: Today we will learn the dangers of the Wilderness journey. Three key leaders had problems according to their standards of spirituality. Sins of three Leaders: Moses, Miriam, and Korah were three powerful characters in the more

  • Dangers In The Wilderness Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 15, 2023

    Moses, Miriam, and Korah were three powerful characters in the wilderness journey. But each one has a committee sin according to their circumstances. Watch out, where you are?

    Numbers 11:11-14, 12;16:1-2, Dangers in the Wilderness Introduction: Today we will learn the dangers of the Wilderness journey. Three key leaders had problems according to their standards of spirituality. Sins of three Leaders: Moses, Miriam, and Korah were three powerful characters in the more

  • The Goal Of The Ministry

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 19 ratings


    THE GOAL OF THE MINISTRY -- FUTURE GLORY INSPIRES COURAGE AND COMMITMENT IN LIVING TO PLEASE OUR LORD 1. Present Suffering should Intensify the Longing for Future Glory (:1-5) a. The context of suffering in the ministry b. The superiority of the resurrection body c. The groaning associated with more

  • What Are You Worth?

    Contributed by Jason Winters on Jun 5, 2010

    why are we so valuable to God?

    “What are you worth? “you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:20(NIV) Why is our SOUL so valuable? Genesis 1:26 1 Corinthians 6:20 God does not love us because we are valuable; we are valuable because God more

  • The River Of Living Water

    Contributed by James May on Feb 16, 2022

    The River of Living Water flows from within only if we allow the Presence of Christ to dwell within our hearts and let his love from through us.

    The River of Living Water • What is the River of Living Water? • Where does it begin and where is it going? • What does it do and what is its purpose? • How can I be a part of it? There are numerous passages of scripture where the Living Water is spoken about and in every instance it is something more

  • How To Live Without Anxiety

    Contributed by Gerald Cornelius on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 170 ratings

    Principles for living a worry free life in Christ

    HOW TO LIVE WITHOUT ANXIETY TEXT: MARK 4:26-29 In 1978, my family and I were called to a church in Texas as Associate Pastor. We excitedly began our ministry assured by the pastor that his was to be a long pastorate. In less than a year, this pastor was called to another church. That certainly more