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  • Asking God Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 2, 2013

    God has allowed us the privilege to approach Him and make requests of Him.

    Asking God June 30, 2013 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: God has allowed us the privilege to approach Him and make requests of Him. Focus Passage: Matthew 7:7-11 Supplemental Passage: pray without ceasing; (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NASB) Introduction: more

  • Asking God

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Nov 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We need to learn how to ask God for the things that we need. Not for the things that we want. I want us to notice the order in which God blessed Solomon.

    ASKING GOD 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 Intro: We need to learn how to ask God for the things that we need. Not for the things that we want. I want us to notice the order in which God blessed Solomon. I. GOD GAVE SOLOMON WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE – V.12 A. TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES 1. He prayed with the more

  • Asking God Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 31, 2021

    Effective praying is simply the result of effective Christian living. A good prayer life is the practical result of a life of commitment to Christ.

    Two brothers came to the U.S. from Europe in 1845 to make their fortune. The older brother had a trade for he knew how to make sauerkraut, and so he took a wagon train west to California to raise cabbages. The younger brother went to school to study metallurgy. Several years passed, and the younger more

  • Asking God Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 19, 2021

    The reason we pray is because we have a need. James says that if you feel you lack wisdom, ask God. Prayer is first of all a confession of our own inadequacy.

    Two brothers came to the U.S. from Europe in 1845 to make their fortune. The older brother had a trade for he knew how to make sauerkraut, and so he took a wagon train west to California to raise cabbages. The younger brother went to school to study metallurgy. Several years passed, and the more

  • Ask! Ask! Ask!

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 14, 2023

    A New Year's day message about asking God for blessings.

    New Year! New You! Ephesians 3:20-21 January 1, 2023 One of my favorite Christians authors is C.S. Lewis. In part, because he wrote so many deep and profound books which are challenging, and also because he was able to write Christian fantasy books. One of them is a series of books, called The more

  • Asking God For The Mountain

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Just like Caleb trusted God, by faith, for victory in his mountain, we too can trust God to help us overcome the battles we face in life.

    Intro. We all face things in our lives that seem insurmountable. Sometimes we face a mountain with Giants! As we face this text, it would do us well to remember that Canaan is the land of Victory, not salvation. The children of Israel belonged to God, even in the wilderness! God was not more

  • Afraid To Ask

    Contributed by Jody Vansickle on Sep 20, 2024

    Why would be ever afraid to ask our loving Father?

    Afraid to Ask! Mark 9:30-32 (NLT) 30 Leaving that region, they traveled through Galilee. Jesus didn’t want anyone to know he was there, 31 for he wanted to spend more time with his disciples and teach them. He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of his enemies. He more

  • If God Gave You A Wish.

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 2, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    oday if God asked you this question how would you respond? • Family get saved • More Money • A better Job • Someone that you know could be healed • “"What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you" (I Ki 3:5)

    If God gave you a wish, what would it be? This morning we’re gonna be looking at . 1 Kings 2:1-4 3:1-15 • And what we need to understand is that In the Old Testament, • God rarely appeared to people. • However, King Solomon had a number of direct encounters with God and more

  • "Asking God To Continue To Be God.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Jan 11, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Psalm Forty Year A. 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, January 20th, 2002 Title: “Asking God to continue to be God.”

    Psalm Forty Year A. 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, January 20th, 2002 Title: “Asking God to continue to be God.” During the period between the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 587 BC and its reconstruction in 520-515 BC Israel realized first-hand what was a cardinal tenet of prophetic more

  • Asking For More

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jul 14, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    To find out how to ask God for more than we can ever imagine please read this sermon!

    Immeasurably More! Ephesians 3:20-21 Online Sermon: When we kneel before the Father with unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5) and nothing more than filthy rags to offer (Isaiah 64:6), one can’t help but wonder why a holy God would ever listen to our more

  • Ask, Seek, Knock

    Contributed by Dr. David Wesner on May 19, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    What if this verse read, “if you don’t ask you will get only what you can get on your own, if you don’t seek God you will never really find him and if you don’t knock the important doors will ever be opened to you.”

    Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. What if this verse read, “if you don’t ask you will get only what you more

  • Asking For The Best Things

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jan 29, 2015

    God was never a gift-dispenser in the sky. But He wants to give good gifts, gifts that last in this life and that last into eternity.

    The Feast Devotion - January 27, 2015 – Matthew 7:7-11 [This message was given at an inner-city mission, after a feast.] During a Superbowl a number of years back, FedEx ran a that spoofed the movie Castaway, in which Tom Hanks played a FedEx worker whose company plane went down, stranding more

  • How To Ask God For Help

    Contributed by John Tung on Feb 7, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    When we need God, don’t be afraid to ask!

    I. Introduction - the Benefits of Reading Psalms One of the benefits of reading the Psalms is that they present us with pictures of what godly people in the past have experienced and how they got through them. And when we read those stories it gives us encouragement to keep on living for God even more

  • How To Ask God For Help

    Contributed by John Tung on Feb 7, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    When we need God, don’t be afraid to ask!

    I. Introduction - the Benefits of Reading Psalms One of the benefits of reading the Psalms is that they present us with pictures of what godly people in the past have experienced and how they got through them. And when we read those stories it gives us encouragement to keep on living for God even more

  • Ask God For The Very Best

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Pentecost 9(A) - Believers are encouraged to ask God for the very best in humility and confidently.

    ASK GOD FOR THE VERY BEST (Outline) July 29, 2007 - PENTECOST 9 - 1 Kings 3:5-12 * * * * * * * * * INTRO: What do need? The question is not what do you want, but what do you need? For whatever you need God is ready and willing and able to hear, listen, more

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