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Sermons on ascension to heaven:

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  • The Ascension Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 1:9-11 shows us that the mission that Jesus gave his apostles included his ascension into heaven.

    Introduction Edward Lorenz worked as a meteorology professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1948 until his retirement in 1987. Lorenz was one of the early pioneers figuring out weather patterns using computers. He worked on computer programs that simulated weather more

  • The Ascension

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus’ ascension into heaven is something that doesn’t get enough attention. We make a pretty big deal over Christmas and Easter but what about the ascension? We shouldn't overlook it because without the ascension the work of Jesus would not be complete.

    THE ASCENSION INTRODUCTION: Jesus’ ascension into heaven is something that probably doesn’t get enough attention. With Christmas and Easter we make a pretty big deal over his birth and his death and resurrection, but what about the ascension? We might think the ascension is not all more

  • "Hear Jesus Say ‘goodbye'”

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on May 22, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Luke’s account of Jesus’ ascension into heaven gives us a "goodbye" unlike any we have ever heard.

    “Good-bye! It was great visiting with you. Let’s keep in touch! See you in a few months!” Without bringing tears to the eyes of those of you who hate to say goodbye I want all of you to bring to mind a time when you were saying goodbye to family or friends. What were some of the things that you more

  • Hands At The Ascension

    Contributed by Rodrigo Miranda on Nov 12, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Sermon about when Jesus went to heaven, after appearing to the disciples.

    The Attitude of Our Lord in the Ascension. Lc 24:50 Introduction I am a person that observes everything around me. I observe the way people speak, the way they walk, the way they gesticulate and the way they behave in different situations. I also observe people’s faces. What they look like. more

  • He Ascended Into Heaven Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 14, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon explores the ascension, session, and judgment of Jesus Christ.

    Introduction As we continue our series in The Apostles’ Creed I would like to examine today what it means to believe that Jesus ascended into heaven. Please listen as I recite the Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his more

  • Christ In Heaven

    Contributed by Frank Szatmari on Jun 11, 2019

    Jesus Christ is preparing us a place in Heaven

    Today I would like to explain a sentence of the Apostol Creed: “He ascended into heaven, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father”. Let us see all the blessings of this wondrous confession. Everything that is happening here today, communion as a visible message and the sermon’s message as more

  • Jesus Ascended To Heaven – He Who Promised Is Faithful

    Contributed by Imelda Mesa on Sep 27, 2022

    Jesus came as a baby in a manger to demonstrate his humanness. But His ascension to heaven is another proof to the world of His divinity.

    The ascension is Jesus’ last moment on earth as a Man. Jesus came as a baby in a manger to demonstrate his humanness. But His ascension to heaven is another proof to the world of His divinity. As a human being, He suffered and died a horrible death. As Divine, He conquered the grave and the power more

  • A Psalm For The Ascension

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 25, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    The same God who "chose an inheritance for Jacob" (Psalm 47:4) is also "King over the nations" (Psalm 47:8).

    A PSALM FOR THE ASCENSION. Psalm 47:1-9. This is a Psalm of exuberant rejoicing, in which “all peoples” are exhorted to clap their hands and shout (Psalm 47:1). Worship is not an optional extra, but God’s due, and embraces the whole of life. “God” is identified as “the LORD most high” (Psalm more

  • Ascension Day

    Contributed by David De Kock on May 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A view of the Ascension of our Lord from Heaven's perspective

    On June 2nd we will celebrate the Diamond (60th) anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Already the year has been filled with celebrations right across the Commonwealth … and there will still be much celebrating. What is it about a Sovereign that we want to celebrate their more

  • Jesus, Our Man In Heaven Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Apr 5, 2002
    based on 19 ratings

    Meaning and blessings of the ascension of Jesus.

    Jesus Our Man In Heaven Mk. 16:19, 20 INTRO.: The Christian knows we have a representative in Heaven. He speaks to the Father in our defense and the Father hears Him because of His righteousness. I John 2:1. He intercedes for us at the right hand of the Father. Rom. 8:34. He entered Heaven itself more

  • The Ascension

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jun 3, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    This message covers four reasons why the Ascension of Jesus into heaven was necessary.

    Acts 1:9-11 INTRO: ¥ This past week the liturgical world celebrated the ascension of Jesus into heaven. ¥ Paint the Picture… ¥ Context: The ascension is the last, individual, earthly event of the Ministry of Jesus. It is the completion of the resurrection. He was raised, not only to renewed more

  • Ascension And Pentecost 2020

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jun 16, 2020

    In this sermon the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven and Pentecost are intertwined in an attempt to reveal the full working of the Holy Trinity in the plan of salvation. Next Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, will be a follow up from the perspective of the birth of the Church.

    Ascension And Pentecost 2020 - Acts 1:1-14 (This sermon is a shorter sermon due to being delivered via Facebook/Live during the Covid-19 shutdown) Today we will be reading from Acts 1:1-14 This Thursday was a holiday. Well, actually NOT a holiday but the remembrance of a Holy Day. The more

  • The Ascension Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 17, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    Like many of the other important events in Jesus’ life, the ascension is also important for a number of reasons. In this sermon we look at four reasons why the ascension was an absolute necessity.

    Introduction: A. Goodbyes aren’t easy. Especially if we or they will be gone for a long time. 1. There are some very memorable goodbyes in history. 2. On June 13, 1948, Babe Ruth stood in Yankee Stadium, eaten up with cancer and with tears in his eyes, said goodbye. He died two months more

  • The Ascension Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jun 16, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The ascension of Jesus in Luke 24:50-53 shows us the remarkable manner in which Jesus left his disciples.

    Scripture The Gospel of Luke opens with these words in Luke 1:1-4: 1 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, 2 just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, 3 it more

  • The Ascension Of Jesus

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 26, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    The exhortation to Watch must be balanced with the command to Occupy (do business) until I come.

    THE ASCENSION OF JESUS Acts 1:1-11 The Acts of the Apostles is a continuation of the account of The Gospel According to Luke. There is a definite continuity between the two books. Both books are addressed to someone called Theophilus, and in the beginning of Acts the evangelist again explains more

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